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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Ulan yabancıların hepsi 5 yıldız analist olmayı calışiyorlar. Bu olayı yüz sene sonra bile analamiyacaklar. Türk milletinin çoğu zaten bu Fetö grubu daha yeni yeni anlamış oldu, yabancılar Nasıl anlıyacak?
Whole World knows who arrange civil wars and put puppet leaders to rule over their allies and serve their interests .......

Turkish kicked American butt real hard ......

Turkey didn't kick anyone's butt, it's Turkey who is kicking itself(that's if there is any kicking to begin with. Lol ). If some Turk's feel it's NATO/West who is behind everything in Turkey, then they should leave NATO and cut off all relations with the WEST/E.U/U.S. and focus in the East with Russia/China. That will be better for Turkey. simple. :D. Turkey will prosper better that way. :partay:

Anyway,this coup attempt has only one winner ERDOGAN himself :agree:. He will only strengthen his power , authority and rule even more than he has already. This might be a good or bad thing for Turkey depending on who you ask or how we look at it. Only time will tell :). All I can say is ERDOGAN won't have much opposition(the little he had let) after this, as anyone who will be against him will be label a rebel/potential coup sympathiser. However, it might be good for our relations, since he will be able to make decisions uncontested, which will mean decisions will be taken faster. :)
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I think your failing to see the situation in Turkey with sufficient clarity. It all depends on how you interpret "secularism" and "Islamism". The Turkish version of Islamism is closer to UK version of secularism. The Turkish version of secularism is equivalent to totalitarianism.

Therefore what you see in Turkey as Islamist forces are in fact similar to Christian Conservatives in UK. A form of liberalism informed by private religious beliefs but no dogma or imposing of religion on others. This is exactly what we have in UK. On the same street you will have drunk woman with miniskirt and another covered head to toe in burqa. This is where the Turkish version of Islamism will lead to and already has after over decade of AKP being in power.

This is entirely at variance to the Mullah driven dogmatic Islamists that want to force sharia on everybody.
Good explanation bro.

Whilst Erdogan was urging his supporters to come out onto the streets and stand in front of tanks, it is clear which side had morals and which side was looking for a bloodbath.
You and @flamer84 are flipping this thing the wrong way around? Funny juxtaposition of morals here. If a person broke into your house you guy's would be judging the bloody victim and holding him to account. Bloodbath? How about those who instigated this action? They knew the consequences of this illegal act would be people killed or even civil war yet they went ahead. They are accountable for everything. Not the reaction that followed their action.

In short if you punch me and I react with punches your not going to be in any position to lecture me on my reaction.
Loving the comments on various social media in support of Erdogan.

A reddit thread claiming it might have been a false flag,

While I don't buy into that, I do think they the plotter were huge idiots. I guess the worst part was starting the coup at 9pm on a Friday? As people on that thread said, usually coups happen early weekday morning, so everyone is caught off-guard.

LOL didn't know that military coup's had a specific time and day. Of course, the plotters were idiots thinking they could overthrow such a popular leader like Erdogan. They are being beaten up and humiliated now on the streets of Turkey by the very people they tried to harm and kill. It must serve as a stark reminder to those that seek to transgress and harm a genuinely elected government.

So you and @flamer84 are tipping this thing the other way around? Funny juxtaposition of morals here. If a person broke into your house you guy's would be judging the bloody victim and holding him to account. Bloodbath? How about those who instigated this action? They knew the consequences of this illegal act would be people killed or even civil war yet they went ahead. They are accountable for everything. Not the reaction that followed their action.

In short if you punch me and I react with punches your not going to be in any position to lecture me on my reaction.

It is sour grapes. You will hear and read many lengthy absurd conspiracies and justifications in the coming days and months about how it is the fault of Erdogan bla bla bla We know where the real pain stems from.
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Yes, it must be a sad day for the enemies of the indepandant and progressive state of Turkey.

Members before posting should read the Turkish history.The Turkish people have proved that by their actions that after Ata Turk ,Mr.Erdagon is their new hero.His policy may differ.But even the opposition stood by him in his attempt to block the passage of a military dictatorship.
This coup attempt would have never been a failure had the Turkish military took a unanimous decision against the current governament. It's not like that Turkish people have not seen coups before. During the last 24 hours, the Turkish people have won their country back from terrorists and handed it over to President Erdogan and the Turkish parliament.
Whilst Erdogan was urging his supporters to come out onto the streets and stand in front of tanks, it is clear which side had morals and which side was looking for a bloodbath.

The interesting thing about Indians on PDF was last night they were jumping in ecstasy just on the news of a coup in Turkey just because it was a Muslim country and bloodbath in any Muslim place let it be Kashmir or Turkey gives Hindus a joy and its evident from the last night's post of our Indian friend despite the fact that they have no link with Turkey whatsoever.

Our worried Turk friends were more concerned and so were Pakistani and other Arab nationals but the joy of Indians and certain EU and US members was very disappointing and inhumane at the site of blood shed in Turkey.

I guess Turks should check out past 100 pages to see who is their real friend and who just enjoys the chaos and misery in that beautiful country.

After what you guys are doing in kashmir Indians should be the last guys on earth to talk about morals and humanity.
It's a Allah's given once in a life time opportunity for Islamist Turks to get rid of their nation the secular and liberal scumbags within who are basically the extension of western civilization and their tentacles inside Turkish society. Hit the iron when it's hot. No one will question now, no one will dare to speak, go for it mercilessly. Turkish nation has spoken, they want to be ruled under Islamists. Eat your heart out the secular filth and your western sponsors.

I agree :enjoy:
Ulan yabancıların hepsi 5 yıldız analist olmayı calışiyorlar. Bu olayı yüz sene sonra bile analamiyacaklar. Türk milletinin çoğu zaten bu Fetö grubu daha yeni yeni anlamış oldu, yabancılar Nasıl anlıyacak?
Yeah you are right. Even Erdogan himself couldn't understand what the hack is he and his agenda.

Wait a second. Maybe He knew that but he used him for his own benefits.
Looks like it was the Turkish mullah hiding in USA who was behind this not secularists. USA has a lot to answer, a fanatic Mullah running a cult is safe in USA while planning coups in another country. Maybe Turkey should do strikes in USA to kill that mullah. :lol:
Respect to Turkish people , salute how they reacted
I have a question did President really flee or tried to flee as many posters claimed , my understanding is he stayed in the country ( from dunya news )
Dunya News also reporting Naval chief abducted by Rebels and a war ship also taken over
I heard there was a rogue navy frigate still at large. Any confirmation of this?
I don't quite understand how the coup worked.Straffing the Parliament building at night ,while members weren't there ? For what ? Closing bridges instead of going directly for Erdogan and the PM ? Than soldiers just giving up.......I think this was a false flag by Erdogan.He knew some officers were unhappy and baited them.
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