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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Good. Justice being served. You attack your own people, your own country and parliament. These maniacs deserve the wrath of the people. Humiliate them. Beat them up and make an example out of them. I want their backers to be red faced. I want them to feel what the Turkish people felt yesterday. An eye for an eye. Nothing more nothing less.
Lol you Islamists/Muslim in the middle East blame the U.S/NATO for EVERYTHING. Lol
I'm sure if your girlfriend or wife broke up with you , you will blame the U.S/NATO :lol:
Whole World knows who arrange civil wars and put puppet leaders to rule over their allies and serve their interests .......

Turkish kicked American butt real hard ......
In is in both in the top 10 import and export trade partner of Turkey. Notice Pakistan in the top ten list? Me neither

import exports will not stop by mere change of regime, nor tourists will stop going to Turkey.. if trade tell the nature of relationship then China and India are best friends so does China and Japan :pleasantry:

most desperate are Mullah lover with sectarian aims who want removal of Erdogan..

We subcontinent Muslim helped Turks when u were no where, we are with them through thick and thin..

and for trade part, we are poor, but their was a time no too long ago when ur beggar ancestors used to raid subcontinent like dacoits for food and other livelihood.. and we were owner of Quarter of world wealth back then...
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I didn't have an internet access, a TV or any other media around for two days and when I opened the news sites I was blown away... Unfortunately a civil war is coming for Turkey if things don't get stable fast and by stable I mean UNITY between us all- no matter of our political views!

No matter how much I don't approve what Erdo is doing as I am a strongly secular guy I will always stay behind Turkey, the Turkish nation and stability in Republic of Turkey, especially after seeing all those turkophobes around the world being so happy of all that happening last night (I won't even mention how happy they are when terrorists attack us, when we lose lifes and etc.). Don't believe them when they tell you "We don't hate Turkey, we hate Erdogan because he is a tyrant/islamist blah, blah, blah"... they hate us just because WE ARE TURKS- they hated us when Turkey was an absolute western puppet, now they hate us even more. Let's support each other TURKS- we are the only friends we have in this world so don't believe anyone else- especially those who will always hit you when they can!

They don't care about our freedom, about democracy, they only want us to be destroyed, to live in chaos, to be their puppets! This is not Our Military, those are the rats that fired against their own brothers and sisters so punish them hard!

You have understood it well my friend. It is all about interests. If today Erdogan towed the Western line and nodded yes he would become their best friend in a blink of an eye. This is how it works in the real world that we live in. Turks need to unite and condemn this transgression for the sake of peace and stability.
Flash news...

One skorsky s70 helicopter and its crew fled to Greece. I think some army chiefs are fled by s70.
According to latest news, there are 8 people have already requested political asylum from Greece.(They landed)
7 terrorists have fled to Greece and they asked for asylum!
Coup commanders taken into custody

Iran loses more by Turkey instability than your people.

Look at this,

In is in both in the top 10 import and export trade partner of Turkey. Notice Pakistan in the top ten list? Me neither.

Or look at tourism. I generated a report at,

I didn't see a separate listing for Pakistan, but there was an entry for South Asian countries. The data for 2015 has Iranian visitors at 1,581,644 while the whole South Asian countries as total are 218,223.

So, let's understand this. The population of South Asian countries is 1.7 BILLION, and yet they only had 218,223 visits to Turkey. While we have a population of 80 million (4% of S.E. population) yet we had 1.5 million visits.

So, sure, while you Pakistanis and Bengalese and Saudis can see who can pretend to be Turkey's best buddy, on the ground, on a day to day actual shit that is happening, we Iranians have an invested interest in Turkey stability. Our situation isn't just a cartoon of a Pakistan man hugging a Turkish man, for us, it affects our business, our global travel, and our vacation plans.

Our relationship with Turkey isn't an ummah circlejerk. It is based on cultural, economical, and political realities. It's an ADULT relationship, not some online blog crap.
nigga you need to think before posting long post,Iran shares actual borders with turkey for heaven sake that is why the 1.6 million visits,look at us and india we hate each other to guts still we visit each other,to some extent trade exist,because why?yes we share border,if we didn't the number would have been quite low.
Turkey respects Pakistan,mostly because we are the most powerfull muslim nation since late 90's because of nukes and the unlimited support they will get from us on the international forum at any given point.
you and your poor comments if you dont believe me than ask the other Turk members that question WHO SUPPORTED COUPS in Latin america Egypt and Turkey beside fettulah gulen is in pennsylvania USA lol

Yes U.S/NATO formulated the coup.:lol:
every action in Turkey is being formulated by U.S/NATO. The west is omni potent/omni present in everything everywhere like GOD :chilli:lol
Using your logic, you Turks must be VERY dumb then, since the West/NATO is able to use and manipulate your people at will zero isn't it? Lool Good logic you got there. :enjoy:

Huh...... some delusional Islamists here even claim NATO formulated this coup against erdogan because Erdogan didnt me against ISIS in Syria, normalised relations with Russia/Israel etc . Lool. People will use any excuse to justify their agenda. :lol:
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