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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Can we please have some Turkish posters post here more, special about what they think happened?

The whole thing seems very weird to me, from a distant perspective.

Usually when military coups, they succeed, or if they don't, it happens after a prolonged conflict. Something like this is rare because it means the military elements miscalculated badly, and the last governmental department you expect to estimate conflicts so badly is the military. I mean, if these guys didn't expect to lose so badly, how could they ever have been trusted with military matters?

I think it seems realistic that Erdogan is right that Gulen's fans were behind this. From what I understood (but Turkish members could be more accurate on this than me), Gulen's followers are a bit cultish. Such people usually are disillusioned. They might be 10% of the population, but in their mind, they might think they are 90% of the population.

The other thing I was thinking of was that this coupe might have been planned for months now, and had lots of support. Erdogan might have heard about this and his foreign policy changes (resetting relationship with Israel & Russia) might have satisfied a lot of officers who were leaning towards the coupe. The plotters might have thought if they wait more, they will lose more and more officers and Erdogan distances himself away from some of his Islamist foreign policies. If this assumption makes sense, then it could mean that if the plotters acted a more or so before, maybe they would have been more successful.

Finally, what about a little conspiracy theory to finish of this post. What if Erdogan sort of secretly encouraged this, and maybe asked some of his top officers to pretend they are willing to help with the coupe, and then maneuvered his enemies to fall into the trap, giving him the best mantle to now strike heavily among the militarily ranks and make it more inline with his own aspirations. If this is true, Erdogan would be much smarter than we would have assumed.

you and your poor comments if you dont believe me than ask the other Turk members that question WHO SUPPORTED COUPS in Latin america Egypt and Turkey beside fettulah gulen is in pennsylvania USA lol

It will be very interesting to see how the US responds in the coming days if Turkey were to demand an extradition of Gulen.
Lol you Islamists/Muslim in the middle East blame the U.S/NATO for EVERYTHING. Lol
I'm sure if your girlfriend or wife broke up with you , you will blame the U.S/NATO :lol:

May be you are right to some extent but when we see the indications they very vividly explains US/Europe double standards .
US Sec of state first statement said" We want peace and stability etc" when he should have said we strongly condemn this coup attempt and we stand with democratic forces which clearly proves whether US was actively involved or not they wanted this coup to be successful( same way they welcomed coup in egypt) but on the other hand they want democracy in Syria .

Regarding your Islamist comment well you are blinded/brainwashed by your media and are not willing to let any rational thoughts cross your mind . ISIS is killing muslims in Turkey, Iraq , Syria , Jordan and Saudia despite claiming to be a muslim movement and ISIS has not carried out a single attack in Israel even though they are right next to them. Why ?

What kind of Islamist / Muslim movement is this?

Jews are brainwashing Christians and will use you people as tools like they did in world wars in last century and finally got the land they only call" Holy of holies" on the pretext of self created Holocaust.

Its high time Europe see that all these attacks in Paris , Nice , Belgium etc are done by people who on the surface may be labelled as ISIS soldiers but they have no Islamic values they drink whisky , dont offer their prayers and are not the type of Islamic fanatics your media tries to paint them its just an eye wash to create fear of So called Islamists in you people so that another war can be initiated.
The foreign ministry has requested extradition from Greece!
And another terrorist arrested!
nigga you need to think before posting long post,Iran shares actual borders with turkey for heaven sake that is why the 1.6 million visits,look at us and india we hate each other to guts still we visit each other,to some extent trade exist,because why?yes we share border,if we didn't the number would have been quite low.
Turkey respects Pakistan,mostly because we are the most powerfull muslim nation since late 90's because of nukes and the unlimited support they will get from us on the international forum at any given point.

Yeah, but "unlimited support" doesn't translate into visits to Turkey or economic trade, so I don't think this "unlimited support" does much.

We have "limited support", but our "limited support" means day to day actual, on the reality, business & trade.
Just now:
Turkish military helicopter lands at Greek Airport
May be you are right to some extent but when we see the indications they very vividly explains US/Europe double standards .
US Sec of state first statement said" We want peace and stability etc" when he should have said we strongly condemn this coup attempt and we stand with democratic forces which clearly proves whether US was actively involved or not they wanted this coup to be successful( same way they welcomed coup in egypt) but on the other hand they want democracy in Syria .

Regarding your Islamist comment well you are blinded/brainwashed by your media and are not willing to let any rational thoughts cross your mind . ISIS is killing muslims in Turkey, Iraq , Syria , Jordan and Saudia despite claiming to be a muslim movement and ISIS has not carried out a single attack in Israel even though they are right next to them. Why ?

What kind of Islamist / Muslim movement is this?

Jews are brainwashing Christians and will use you people as tools like they did in world wars in last century and finally got the land they only call" Holy of holies" on the pretext of self created Holocaust.

Its high time Europe see that all these attacks in Paris , Nice , Belgium etc are done by people who on the surface may be labelled as ISIS soldiers but they have no Islamic values they drink whisky , dont offer their prayers and are not the type of Islamic fanatics your media tries to paint them its just an eye wash to create fear of So called Islamists in you people so that another war can be initiated.

It is useless to argue with people who don't even have the courage to call a wrong a wrong. These people don't have the courage to say that the military coup was illegal under any circumstance. It is because they wholeheartedly support the coup in the first place. There is nothing to debate and nothing to reason.

When we break it all down, it comes down to one thing. We are all at war one way or the other. There is no other way of putting it.
import exports will not stop by mere change of regime, nor tourists will stop going to Turkey.. if trade tell the nature of relationship then China and India are best friends so does China and Japan :pleasantry:

most desperate are Mullah lover with sectarian aims who want removal of Erdogan..

Not regime change, but instability. If coupe happened in Turkey without any death, and population supported coupe, and there is zero instability, and no negative effects, then yes, nothing would change between our two countries.

But if there is civil war, and terrorist actions, and different groups fighting against each other for months, and Jihadists become more powerful, and Kurds take more actions, and Russians & Americans get more involved, then yes, it will be bad for trade & tourism.
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I hope Greece extradited them. Or it will be obvious that they are two faced when it comes to Turkey. Furthermore they will create an even bigger grudge not on,y between the governments but the military as well.
Yes U.S/NATO formulated the coup.:lol:
every action in Turkey is being formulated by U.S/NATO. The west is omni potent/omni present in everything everywhere like GOD :chilli:lol
Using your logic, you Turks must be VERY dumb then, since the West/NATO is able to use and manipulate your people at will zero isn't it? Lool Good logic you got there. :enjoy:

Huh...... some delusional Islamists here even claim NATO formulated this coup against erdogan because Erdogan didnt me against ISIS in Syria, normalised relations with Russia/Israel etc . Lool. People will use any excuse to justify their agenda. :lol:
mikey please go to the church to confess :D whole world sees the realities
You have understood it well my friend. It is all about interests. If today Erdogan towed the Western line and nodded yes he would become their best friend in a blink of an eye. This is how it works in the real world that we live in. Turks need to unite and condemn this transgression for the sake of peace and stability.

Bro I live in Europe, I am born here, I know a lot of Europeans, I mostly follow a lot of European medias and I know what westerners think of us, I know what our enemies think. They are always happy when something bad happens to us yet they like to talk how much they care about democracy in Turkey... but that's all as long as it suits their interests. They just want to see us in flames, they don't really care who rules us as long as we are their puppets... Just politics mixed with a lot of propaganda- the best weapon to control the masses.
8 request asylum

Yesterday, the Western world was mocking and ejaculating at the prospect of Erdogan taking asylum in Germany and France. Twitter and Facebook awash with such taunts.

Today, the terrorists are on a run and seeking asylum abroad... The irony!

Bro I live in Europe, I am born here, I know a lot of Europeans, I mostly follow a lot of European medias and I know what westerners think of us, I know what our enemies think. They are always happy when something bad happens to us yet they like to talk how much they care about democracy in Turkey... but that's all as long as it suits their interests. They just want to see us in flames, they don't really care who rules us as long as we are their puppets... Just politics mixed with a lot of propaganda- the best weapon to control the masses.

Couldn't have said it any better. The writing is on the wall.
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