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Somali Pirates Say They Are At " War With India "


this was last photo when Indian navy captured those guys... 61 of them.....





Effect of this. They may want IN stops anti piracy operations.
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Apart from sending in special force to rescue the hostages what else can idia do? paying up?

Allright troll, just to humour you...what would CHINA do? If the scenario had chinese hostages and pirates declaring war on china?
Apart from sending in special force to rescue the hostages what else can idia do? paying up?

India unnecessarily involved herself in this pirate hunting- the royal navy has let go of the pirates once they were arrested- the Pakistani navy made them escape their waters- but India has to arrest them- take photos of them with their hand tied- had to take them home- put them on trial for SHOW OFF- this is what happens when you try to become machos and are ill prepared to deal with nachos--

Now the pirates have declared war on mighty Indian navy only- what a shame for IN to be ridiculed by the pirates like this-
India unnecessarily involved herself in this pirate hunting- the royal navy has let go of the pirates once they were arrested- the Pakistani navy made them escape their waters- but India has to arrest them- take photos of them with their hand tied- put them on trial for SHOW OFF- this is what happens when you try to become machos and are ill prepared to deal with nachos--

Now the pirates have declared war on mighty Indian navy only- what a shame for IN to be ridiculed by pirates like this-
india didn't got involved in the crisis unnecessarily. we responded to a common need. the issue will be dealt with in the way it has to be.
india didn't got involved in the crisis unnecessarily. we responded to a common need. the issue will be dealt with in the way it has to be.

What i meant was India went overboard- The situation was bound to get worse- when you started to take the somalians as war trophies back to India-

and it was obvious- it will result in a hostages swap situation- which you have yet failed to deal with-
India unnecessarily involved herself in this pirate hunting- the royal navy has let go of the pirates once they were arrested- the Pakistani navy made them escape their waters- but India has to arrest them- take photos of them with their hand tied- had to take them home- put them on trial for SHOW OFF- this is what happens when you try to become machos and are ill prepared to deal with nachos--

Now the pirates have declared war on mighty Indian navy only- what a shame for IN to be ridiculed by the pirates like this-

ur Pakistani navy made them escape as they might have forgot their duty or may be afraid to take undue risk... when a crime is happening our armed forces cannot leet it go as u did and u are proud of that ????????????
What i meant was India went overboard- The situation was bound to get worse- when you started to take the somalians as war trophies back to India-

and it was obvious- it will result in a hostages swap situation- which you have yet failed to deal with-
we acted in the way we had to.what would have been done.please tell.
was it a mistake the we caught these pirates?should we have released them after capturing them?
India unnecessarily involved herself in this pirate hunting- the royal navy has let go of the pirates once they were arrested- the Pakistani navy made them escape their waters- but India has to arrest them- take photos of them with their hand tied- had to take them home- put them on trial for SHOW OFF- this is what happens when you try to become machos and are ill prepared to deal with nachos--

Now the pirates have declared war on mighty Indian navy only- what a shame for IN to be ridiculed by the pirates like this-

Exactly taking prisoners of these pirates is like handling a red hot potato with yours bare hands and is a ticking time bomb.Apart from going to the UN crying like a baby and renegoiate with these pirates, there is nothing much the goi can do, another humilation for india.
What i meant was India went overboard- The situation was bound to get worse- when you started to take the somalians as war trophies back to India-

and it was obvious- it will result in a hostages swap situation- which you have yet failed to deal with-

what do u expect the IN to do after capturing them? kill them in cold blood?

putting criminals on trial is not SHOW OFF. its how the civilized world works
India rules out military intervention in sailors hostage crisis

New Delhi, April 19 (IANS) With pirates still holding seven Indian sailors despite ransom being paid for their release, the government Tuesday ruled out any military intervention to rescue the hostages.

Earlier in the day, the government's crisis management group met here to discuss the situation. The government has also rushed a warship to the Somali coast to monitor the situation.

The government has entrusted the task of coordinating the efforts to obtain release of the seven Indian sailors of cargo ship MV Asphalt Venture with Cabinet Secretary K.M. Chandrasekhar.

The pirates, who were holding the crew hostage since September last year, released eight of the 15 Indian crew of the merchant vessel Saturday after paying of an undisclosed ransom by the ship owners. But they refused to free seven others reportedly seeking to use them as a lever to seek release of over 120 of their comrades held in prisons in India after they were captured by the navy in the Indian Ocean in the last six months.

'Let's await the outcome of the efforts of the cabinet secretary. It has been consciously decided that the cabinet secretary will coordinate the inter-governmental coordination and efforts that are needed to get the Indians released by the pirates,' External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna told reporters on the sidelines of a book release event when asked about the crisis management group meeting and its decisions.

Refusing to disclose the means the government would adopt to get the sailors released, Krishna ruled out use of India's special forces in an offensive operation.

'We cannot spell out the modus operandi. These are things done on the quiet and let's keep pursuing it. Let's hope that whatever we expect in terms of outcome will be achieved,' he said

'No. Let us not speculate on this and thereby give the pirates an additional hand to hold on to the hostages,' he said, when asked about possibility of the commandos from the navy storming the cargo ship to rescue the sailors.

The navy had on Sunday diverted its Talwar-class frigate from the Gulf of Aden, where it was on an anti-piracy patrol, to the Somali coast and has been tasked to keep an eye on the sailors hostage crisis that is developing there.

The eight Indian sailors already released from captivity by Somali pirates have refused to return to India until their seven colleagues are freed.


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