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Somali Pirates Say They Are At " War With India "

I think Indian & Chinese Navy should cooperate on this issue, as both countries rely heavily on this particular area for shipping, otherwise both countries imports & exports would become vulnerable having disastrous effects. I know both are strategic rivals, but this is an issue where both have common interests and resolving this would be in the best interest of both the countries. Other countries around this region doesn't have much resources, nor man powers to tackle this issue, except China & India. Indian authorities have to make a move and ask for joint action & patrolling with the Chinese authorities. It will send the correct signal to other countries that, when interests converge india & china are enemies at odd, but countries that are matured enough to cooperate and tackle the issues.
Well if India is at war with them, India should respond accordingly..
The pirates might be using other countries as supply points, something should be sone before piracy got exported to other poor neibouring countries.
I think China would have reacted better than India...Damn our Politicians...

China doesn't ARREST the pirates in the first place. They just let them go.

International laws and obligation's does not allow it,we cannot enter Somalian waters,local support is also not possible because the local support(costal somalia)is completely involved in it,and if u r not aware Somalian govt does not control Somalia,it is such a lawless area that even Somalian govt operates from Nairobi,anyway because of all this people even declaring war against them is not a possibility,against whom we r going on war with,a group of desperate people living in destitution attacking from small fishing boats.

It is possible under the UN Laws of High seas in case of hot pursuit and if it is proved that armed pirates from Somalia attacked a vessel of Indian Flag.
Also if the Somali Govt in exile can give their go-ahead it is perfectly legal.

AND btw why care about laws when lives of our country men are at stake. Surely no nation is going to move a Security council resolution against India for this --- infact you can see others welcoming this move.
Pirates will loose credibility if they do not respect their agreement of ransom with the shipping companies, the negotiations will stop.
^^ Credibility??? Are you serious? ... when did anyone start trusting pirates for gods sake. These scum bags should be dealt with force... if everyone starts believing that paying money is the easy way out... it is not.

Mumbai underworld is powerful today because everyone was willing to pay a small hafta just to prevent from getting involved. The pirates are also in a similar boat.... the longer the shipping companies are willing to pay, the more powerful and dangerous the nexus will become. Time to pass a resolution in the UN and go after them.
So India is now at the forefront in dealing with pirates.

WHere are the task forces? Why only India has come under the lens and doing all the hard work?
So India is now at the forefront in dealing with pirates.

WHere are the task forces? Why only India has come under the lens and doing all the hard work?

It could be because of the percentage of Indians working in the merchant navy fleet all over the world. Almost every family in India knows someone or the other working in merchant navy... speaks of the number of indian nationals in the industry.
Even if we don't take a lead on the fighting front, we could possibly take a lead in getting other countries into confidence. The issue is that most of the companies are evaluating it from a cost-benefit angle considering billions of dollars vs few million ransom money. But something needs to be done sooner or later.
Again and again I've said this Piracy is a God given opportunity for the Indian Navy and the GoI to stamp their position as the pre-eminent power in the IOR. But while the Navy has held its side of the bargain its the GoI which is found desperately wanting in its will power to take the fight to the pirates.

These politicians never learn :hitwall:
International laws and obligation's does not allow it,we cannot enter Somalian waters,local support is also not possible because the local support(costal somalia)is completely involved in it,and if u r not aware Somalian govt does not control Somalia,it is such a lawless area that even Somalian govt operates from Nairobi,anyway because of all this people even declaring war against them is not a possibility,against whom we r going on war with,a group of desperate people living in destitution attacking from small fishing boats.

Somalia Has Permitted India along with U.S. and France, to enter its territorial waters, extending up to 12 nautical miles (22 km; 14 mi) from the coastline, in an effort to check piracy.

This is Our Chance , we Need to send a Full fledged fleet at Somali coast.
Air fleet should assist in Reconassiance.
MoD need to review Its 'anti -piracy' operations.

Will be a Great Excercise for Our Navy.
Fund the pirates to attack your ships and then offer help(a way of getting involved as global policeman). Sounds very familiar.
We should not Involve Other Navies in the operation to save Our Sailors...Indian Ocean is our Backyard lets show the world what India can do If we are Threatened...& good opportunity for Indian navy to have some Target practice...
Guys, I tell you it is exactly opposite than it looks.
Looks like, India is in a process of winding up.

Care to explain Mr. Batman? I'm sure it will be very amusing to a lot of posters here.
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