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Soldier Refuses Eid Leave, Killed In Pak Shelling Day Before Festival

Islam does not have a patent on the word Martyr.

Here are some definitions of the word :

1. a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion.
2. a person who is put to death or suffers on behalf of a cause.
3. a person who undergoes severe or constant suffering.

Shaheed is an Arabic Word referred to those who during their services to Islam or Islamic Country die in the duty.

and Shaheed is translated in English as Martyr. I was referring to this.
This thread is about the martyrdom of a son of India on the borders of his nation.

Can we keep political opinions & fantasies out of this thread out of respect to a soldier who fell in his line of duty ?

If India do not occupy other people's lands, this would not have happen. So the fault is on India. Until India withdraw from kashmir, all the death should be counted on the imperialistic policy of India and India should be responsible for all these deaths.
Sorry Dude yr Soldiers can not be Martyred they dont serve Islam nor r Muslims.

So Martyred term cant be used with them.

LOl Kid, there is no version of our religion, Its not Hinduism we r talking about.

We follow Quran, Prophet Muhammad and his companions and their companions.

This is the Simple explaining of what is to be being a Muslim.

With old age the body stops replacing brain cells ,i read some where medical science has improved a lot better get some treatment Oldman.
Shaheed is an Arabic Word referred to those who during their services to Islam or Islamic Country die in the duty.

and Shaheed is translated in English as Martyr. I was referring to this.

While using a language, it would be better to refer to its dictionary rather than seek the etymology of its words.

Meaning can change with usage.

If India do not occupy other people's lands, this would not have happen. So the fault is on India. Until India withdraw from kashmir, all the death should be counted on the imperialistic policy of India and India should be responsible for all these deaths.

This is a Defence forum.

The first thing taught to a soldier is to Respect a fallen enemy and care for the wounded.

Once again, can keep our diatribe for another thread.

You could open one where I would be glad to respond.

Leave this thread alone.
If India do not occupy other people's lands, this would not have happen. So the fault is on India. Until India withdraw from kashmir, all the death should be counted on the imperialistic policy of India and India should be responsible for all these deaths.

Why do you poke into matters which you know nothing about the soldier is from the same place you say India occupied he was defending India at the border....stop being a jerk.
Why do you poke into matters which you know nothing about the soldier is from the same place you say India occupied he was defending India at the border....stop being a jerk.

India is occupying a dispute land that is mostly Muslim. And in this case, how can we be sure that India is not using Muslim soldiers as Cannon fodders. In this case, literally.
My salute to the memory of this brave son of India and for the mother who bore him for the nation.
India is proud of its soldiers.

@Icewolf spitting on our flag is not going to make you a man. The chance passed you by quite some time back.
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India is occupying a dispute land that is mostly Muslim. And in this case, how can we be sure that India is not using Muslim soldiers as Cannon fodders. In this case, literally.

You don't know a jack stop being so weak hearted, Kashmir is India's part..and Pakistan will NEVER EVER take it from us
India is occupying a dispute land that is mostly Muslim. And in this case, how can we be sure that India is not using Muslim soldiers as Cannon fodders. In this case, literally.

Looking at the moral value situation and poverty ,India could collapse a lot faster. Lack of moral values ,combined with poverty is sure shot way of causing an internal collapse.
*spits on Indian flag*

Thoo thooo thoooo

Thats how much i despise ur kind

Did you forget to take your medicines ?? :lol:

Religious Retards a galore in Pakistan anyway keep at it since it's your only identity. :laugh:

See, should have taken the leave for Eid.

I'm pretty sure that indian army instigated that whole event by firing at Pakistani soldiers before Eid..and just for fun..hindu indian officers sent Muslim soldier in the path of danger, knowing that Pakistanis will respond soon, which they did and the soldier died.

india should make peace with Pakistan instead of keeping this bullsh!ttery going on

Cool story!! :rofl: but unfortunately would sell only in Pakistan. :lol:
The Muslims in India have many choices for a homeland in India. There is the state of hyderabad that should be returned to the Nizam. Mysore should be a Muslim country as well.
please don't open your mouth on matters which you can't understand!i wonder how you obtained the U.S. citizenship considering your I.Q. level:hitwall:.India belongs to every Indian and we don't differentiate people on the basis of their religion.Period!!
My repect to the martyr .

Rest in Peace .

Your sacrifice will not be forgotten .
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