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'Soldier beheaded' in terror attack oustide barracks in Woolwich

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Have some shame. It is this kind of low level thinking that makes you people look like savages. That in addition to slaughtering people with meat cleavers.

Some people have none.. :).. stop wasting your breath

murderer with Anjem chowdhary .
O for Christ sake babri mnasjid was broken some 20 odd years ago.. since then 10`s adn 10`s of `babri` masjid attacks have happened on Hindu and Buddhist temple U fool. How many Hindu / Buddhist temples have U spoken in favour of when ever theres a Hindu `babri`in Pakistan , ort Banglades?...Give it a rest already. dont show ur sorry ar$e Victim mentality here on PDF too..

the rest of ur little `pointers`are not even worth commenting.

This obsession with that symbol of bigotry is pretty amazing.

Especially given that the "but shikan par execllence" is a national and Islamic hero for them.

They should expect no less in return. ;)
yes that is a solution...Legislation can be changed and all immigration and naturalization rights can be based on religion.
Worth a try,and see how much love this attracts from Muslim world :lol:
the first British industry to go down after any such legislation is London high end property market and 7 star hotels as most buyers there are Arabs who happen to be Muslims.

Second industry to go will be fast food which also serve as affordable prepared meal for the masses.Most owners of fast food takeaways here are Pakistanis...again who happen to be Muslims..

Then Butchery market as Halal meat is big business here and helps farmers to remain afloat...Again Muslims happen to be meat eaters big time.

Then small and medium sized shops..again mostly immigrants run them,and most are Muslims..

Last but not least,the export of British scrap metal and used cars.. mainly Muslim countries are the buyers...
Nigeria probably the biggest Buyer of British Junk (which also happens to be the country of origin of the terrorists in this incident)

Forgot to mention the big money muslims spend in buying British Franchises and taking them to their home countries..
All major British chain stores and Brands have branches in Pakistan and all arab countries...

But like i said..worth a try..Governments should change their regulation..Any business or immigration should first ask the Religion of the other party and stop if the other party is Muslim.

That is the fun part with you Islamists.

Tolerance hazam nahi hoti tumhe.

You equate it to weakness or mazboori.

You can't even imagine that the freedom that you enjoy in kaffir countries is not about any weakness on their part. You feel they are forced to do it because the Islamic Ummah happens to be so strong, your faith is Islam and Islam itself happens to be so strong.

If they don't attack Muslims and mosques after Islamic terrorist attacks, it is because they have "no balls" (as per you).

If they do, they are being racists.

Difficult to please the Islamist. You are a mystery more than the woman. ;)
Unmarked graves is the only solution to this trans-national show of brotherhood.
Muslims should not have done this..

UK is very tolerant towards Muslims even though having hundreds of terrorists attacks...
Muslims should not spread their extremist Islam to any European or White country...
Keep that **** in Egypt or Yemen.....

And keep the extremists and ungrateful Islamic refugees back there as well.
The proper context of 'natives' here is political, not anthropological. So stop grasping at any straws.

As for what I think of Muslims, it is no different than the rest of the natives, as in my fellow Americans, as in that the US is an immigrant country and far more tolerant than foreign people would give credit to. However, that does not mean we will not push back or even retaliate if there are those among whom we have welcomed and whose ideas we tolerated decided to plot for our demise. The liberalism that is openly celebrated on the coasts do not represent the entire US and that is the caution ignored by the Muslims in America.
As I have been saying since the very beginning 'you kill their people and they will kill yours' Any bunch of excuses that you excrete to justify your wrong doings will justly be discarded. Everyday, crimes are commited by people with different ethnic and religious backgrounds, but if you are going to single out Muslims only then that is just going to augment our perception that 'West indeed has declared a war on Islam'. A 'pro zionist christian' goes on a killing spree in Norway is conveniently tagged as a "mass murderer" , but when it comes to a muslim culprit then its his religion that gets to be vilified while abruptly adding the tag of a terrorist. Muslims living in west are not blind to all this and it wouldn't be wrong to say that their actions are in accordance with the treatment being meted out to them.
As I have been saying since the very beginning 'you kill their people and they will kill yours' Any bunch of excuses that you excrete to justify your wrong doings will justly be discarded. Everyday, crimes are commited by people with different ethnic and religious backgrounds, but if you are going to single out Muslims only then that is just going to augment our perception that 'West indeed has declared a war on Islam'. A 'pro zionist christian' goes on a killing spree in Norway is conveniently tagged as a "mass murderer" , but when it comes to a muslim culprit then its his religion that gets to be vilified while abruptly adding the tag of a terrorist. Muslims living in west are not blind to all this and it wouldn't be wrong to say that their actions are in accordance with the treatment being meted out to them.
Then what if Christians in the free West take on the same attitude on how Christians are treated in the oppressive Muslim countries? Why not say Afghanistan and Iraq are 'payback' for how Christians were treated there?
Then what if Christians in the free West take on the same attitude on how Christians are treated in the oppressive Muslim countries? Why not say Afghanistan and Iraq are 'payback' for how Christians were treated there?

Buddy, White Christians only care about White Christians.

Besides, even if what you say should happen, all European countries and USA should change their Constituion to "only christian"...

I expected better from you gambit... But you know you aint white and you aint christian either... :coffee:
Then what if Christians in the free West take on the same attitude on how Christians are treated in the oppressive Muslim countries? Why not say Afghanistan and Iraq are 'payback' for how Christians were treated there?

How exactly were Christians treated there, why dont you enlighten me on this was it before USA gave chemical weapons to Iraq or was it after Americans funded Taliban against Soviets? Please do tell.
If they really do, the Arabs have a lot to be afraid of.

There is a lot of revenge to be taken.


This photo in particular is of interest in that the Arab ship carrying the African slaves was intercepted by the British Navy, these salves were soon set free by the British.

Just a snapshot of what Arabs need to pay back for.

This is not african idenetity. Its about Islam..


I will suggest ppl to listen to Javed Akhtar reply in NDTV /(on 23rd May)
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