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'Soldier beheaded' in terror attack oustide barracks in Woolwich

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Sir all those areas are not full with local Muslim Sir and those who will attack us we will take the war in their countries

Do you think the west can't crush you if it really wants,they can turn whole muslim world to rubble within a day if thugs like you get in power and create madness.And there isn't much you would be able to do about it,you can do these barbarism because liberal west is allowing you to.The day they take the other arm out from behind their back and start bitchslapping radical thugs like u indiscriminately without caring about civilian casualities or innocents no escape.They will hunt down and kill savage rats like you.Just like israel does,that will happen to all terrorists.But no one wants to kill civilians for scum like you.The day britain starts acting like israel you'll get a taste of the music.
Do you think the west can't crush you if it really wants,they can turn whole muslim world to rubble within a day if thugs like you get in power and create madness.And there isn't much you would be able to do about it,you can do these barbarism because liberal west is allowing you to.The day they take the other arm out from behind their back and start bitchslapping radical thugs like u indiscriminately without caring about civilian casualities or innocents no escape.They will hunt down and kill savage rats like you.Just like israel does,that will happen to all terrorists.But no one wants to kill civilians for scum like you.The day britain starts acting like israel you'll get a taste of the music.

All they have to do is stop immigration from poorer muslim nations.
The radicalisation of the Muslim community in the UK is somthing the govt has refused to address or even acknowledge for too long and now it is coming back to bite us in the rear-end.

UK government is part of the radicalisation unfortunately by supporting salafist spreading regimes and by being their protectors and allies.
Yes this is why they refuse to address salafism/wahabism. It's a minor gang which could be wiped off the earth, only if western governments accept the fact that salafism/wahabism is a big part of terrorism.
All they have to do is stop immigration from poorer muslim nations.

british govt has not done a good job in making sure that immigrants become part of british society. Many feel they are not part of britain due to isolation.

we have cctv all around and inside our mosque now..but until last year we didn't have such arrangement and used to get similar "nuisance" attacks regularly....
On one occasion two men exiting the mosque after night prayers were attacked by a hammer wielding man...Both men were taken by surprise but still fought back despite injuries..

So these types of homophobic attacks happen across Britain,but not reported by media.
how do you know those two muslims were homosexuals... are you just making things up...
I think it was planned to spread islamophobia. I mean just look at the background, how the hell can this be recorded with people being calmed while he has knives? Also, should have zoomed or go closer, I can't see the head.

Fake people everywhere in Europe trying to cause difficulties for the Muslims. Now, there gonna be hate everywhere..

I hate crazy Muslims. This is the West, living under non Muslim rule. ffs
'Religion of peace'

Deport the Muslims back to where they belong. This is how they repay the act of kindness UK has shown them by letting them in.
at the same time UK needs to stop arming rebellions and arranging mass bloodshed in far flung lands such as Syria and Libya...
you can cry rivers on one incident...but have no idea how many lives were lost due to UK funded,SAS trained rebellions in arab countries...They too are humans and their relatives may get mentally upset and do things like this. Dont think it has much to do with religion...
So you are saying they only way to prevent this is rid yourself of Muslims?
You were maligning the whole somali diaspora .. how fair is that?

Have you been to europe. What I said was true. They come to the west under asylum and then do **** like this in the country while leeching off of welfare.
Hope more and more british soldiers get their heads chopped off, this is JUSTICE, if you dont want to lose your fukcing head then don't go overseas killing innocent people, cuz people want revenge.
The radicalisation of the Muslim community in the UK is somthing the govt has refused to address or even acknowledge for too long and now it is coming back to bite us in the rear-end.

It goes on freely, anti-west radicalization.. sectarian radicalization.. I walked out of a Mosque here in Glasgow after hearing the Imam openly preach hatred against other sects...
'Religion of peace'

Deport the Muslims back to where they belong. This is how they repay the act of kindness UK has shown them by letting them in.

Indians are having a field day :lol:
Hope more and more british soldiers get their heads chopped off, this is JUSTICE, if you dont want to lose your fukcing head then don't go overseas killing innocent people, cuz people want revenge.

I second that. I sincerely think Britishers deserve this. If they cant open their eyes already, then they deserve to be doomed. No sympathies.
So you are saying they only way to prevent this is rid yourself of Muslims?
yes that is a solution...Legislation can be changed and all immigration and naturalization rights can be based on religion.
Worth a try,and see how much love this attracts from Muslim world :lol:
the first British industry to go down after any such legislation is London high end property market and 7 star hotels as most buyers there are Arabs who happen to be Muslims.

Second industry to go will be fast food which also serve as affordable prepared meal for the masses.Most owners of fast food takeaways here are Pakistanis...again who happen to be Muslims..

Then Butchery market as Halal meat is big business here and helps farmers to remain afloat...Again Muslims happen to be meat eaters big time.

Then small and medium sized shops..again mostly immigrants run them,and most are Muslims..

Last but not least,the export of British scrap metal and used cars.. mainly Muslim countries are the buyers...
Nigeria probably the biggest Buyer of British Junk (which also happens to be the country of origin of the terrorists in this incident)

Forgot to mention the big money muslims spend in buying British Franchises and taking them to their home countries..
All major British chain stores and Brands have branches in Pakistan and all arab countries...

But like i said..worth a try..Governments should change their regulation..Any business or immigration should first ask the Religion of the other party and stop if the other party is Muslim.
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