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Solar power in Pakistan


Aug 14, 2007
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Looks like some possibilities here with the intense sun that Pakistan gets. With the right technology and some decent factories solar power cells could be built and sold within Pakistan at massive rates. In fact many houses in the west(with much less sunshine) have solar panels on their roofs to produce electricity!

Instead of subsidizing the price of petroleum based products(which is economic suicide anyway) GOP could subsidize the production of solar panels.

And I never realized Germany produced 6.4% of its electrcity from windmills?!

The option for solar power

Shahid Javed Burki​

For Pakistan, 2008 will prove to be a long and hot summer. In April, some of the major cities were being put through six hours of load shedding every day. In May, power interruptions had increased to seven hours a day. Another hour may be added in June. Some relief may come in July as the reservoirs begin to be filled up by the monsoon rains but once the dry season arrives, the duration of load shedding will begin to increase again.

The government estimates the supply-demand gap at 4000 MW. This is not likely to be cut down since no new generation capacity is in the works for at least another one to two years. In the meantime, the price of oil continues to increase. New records are being set almost every day. This will increase the cost of generating electricity since a significant amount of power is generated by oil-fired stations. How to deal with this problem?

The question has some urgency as there are serious economic and social costs for letting the energy shortage go unaddressed. For some inexplicable reasons Pakistan never treated the energy sector as deserving of serious attention by the policymakers. The sector was an area of residual concern even when the country treated economic planning and strategising on economic issues as high priorities area for the policymakers. Power houses at Mangla and Tarbela were the byproducts of the Indus Water Treaty with India. The decision to invite the private sector to invest in energy generation was taken in the early 1990s when the country was faced with a growing supply-demand gap. In other words, the policymakers have turned to the sector of energy only when opportunities have arisen as a result of other developments or when there is a serious crisis. There is a crisis at this time. How will Islamabad react?

This may be a good time to develop a comprehensive approach towards the sector, factoring in policies aimed at affecting demand, supply and environmental concerns. In looking at supply, the country should seriously examine alternative sources for generating electricity than those that have been tried in the past. In this context is solar energy a serious option for Pakistan? Have the recent technological advances achieved by the industrial world made the sun a viable source of energy for a sun-drenched country such as Pakistan? If the technology that converts solar energy into electric power still more expensive than other sources of energy could subsidies be provided to attract private investment into this sector?

Some recent developments in converting solar power into electricity have begun to provide some answers to these questions. Surprisingly the answers come from the work being done in Germany. It is useful to look at the German experience to draw some lessons for Pakistan. Although Germany is wreathed in clouds and is therefore an unlikely candidate for becoming a pioneer in this field, it has become a leader because of the design of public policy to encourage the use of the sun as a source for generating electricity.

In 2007, Q-Cells, a German company surpassed Sharp, a Japanese company, to become the world’s largest manufacturer of photovoltaic solar cells. Thanks to the work done by Q-Cells, Germany has by far the largest market for photovoltaic systems which convert sunlight into electricity. It has about one-half of the world’s total installations. It is the third-largest producer of solar cells and modules, after China and Japan. Once the United States and Japan were the rising solar stars where the private sector was taking advantage of government subsidies. But these became less enticing as the government’s interest in developing the industry waned.

According to Mark Landler writing for The New York Times, “the debate over solar subsidies is a test of how an environmentally minded country can move from nurturing a promising alternative energy sector to creating a mass-market industry that can compete with conventional energy sources on its own footing. [But] it is a tricky transition, even with a sympathetic population.” Thanks to a policy that encouraged the development of solar energy, more than 40,000 people now work in the photovoltaic industry in Germany. Investors have come in from many countries including those from Canada, Norway and the United States. Many investors have come from the places that had developed the needed technology but where the governments were less supportive than the one in Germany.

All the heart of the debate in Germany is the Renewable Energy Sources Act which requires power companies to buy all the energy produced by alternative systems, not only solar but also wind and ocean waves at a fixed, above-market price for 20 years. This has proved to be powerful incentive for investors including those working with solar panels. The Act locked in the customer base for the electricity produced by alternative systems. They can earn reliable returns on their investment. The amount of electricity generated by these systems rose 60 per cent in 2007 compared with 2006. Most of the increase has come from wind systems, which now provide 6.4 per cent for the total electricity produced in Germany.

The share of solar energy is still very small – only 0.6 percent of the total. The small share of solar is understandable. The country gets only 1,528 hours of sunshine a year, less than a third of the total daylight hours. London has about the same exposure to the sun, but it has one third fewer sunshine hours than in the cities in Europe along the Mediterranean and one-half of the cities in western United States. Most cities in Pakistan receive between 2,200 and 2,500 hours of sun, 60 to 70 per cent more than that of Germany.

Germany is a good example of how public policy can overcome natural disadvantages. The Renewable Energy Sources Act has contributed to the country’s far lower dependence on hydrocarbons for generating electricity. In 2007, it derived 14.2 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources, ahead of the 12.5 percentage adopted by the European Union as a target.

The German Act, while mandating the utilities to buy the electricity generated by alternative systems, allows them to pass on the additional cost to the consumers. There is no limit on how much electricity can (or should) be purchased by the utilities from the alternative systems. This has caused utility bills to increase but for the time being by modest amounts for an average domestic consumer. The additional cost was only $1.70 a month in 2007. This will double by 2014. By that time the solar industry will scale up to $185 billion in terms of public support. This is about the same amount being provided to the superannuated coal industry.

The debate about the cost of solar and other renewable sources of energy has created pressures on the government to make the current law less generous. There are proposals to cut down the period over which subsidies would be provided, from the current 20 to 15 years. There is also as effort to sharply reduce the above-market price allowed to the producers. Fears that such proposals would be enacted into law, are forcing some Germany companies to move to other countries. Signet is building its next factory in Chennai, India; Q-Cells is building one in Malaysia.

What are the lessons for Pakistan in the German experience and the work being done in other industrial countries? One, Pakistan needs a structure of incentives to get power generated from such renewable sources as the sun. A purchase price guaranteed for a fairly long period that ensures good returns to the private sector would help. Two, this may be a good time to encourage the development of domestic industry that would produce the needed equipment for developing generating electricity from renewable sources. The technologies are still in their infancy and there is an opportunity for newcomers in the area to create niches for themselves. Some work is going to replace silicon in photovoltaic cells with plastics.

At this time, the efficiency of plastic photovoltaic cells is only five per cent while that of conventional silicon cells is 15 to 18 per cent. Even countries such as Pakistan could invest in the industries needed to develop alternative sources for generating electric power. Three, it may be an appropriate time to fix some targets for encouraging the use of renewable sources for generating power. The EU is working on a target of 12.5 per cent. In the United States, the two candidates for the Democratic ticket want renewable energy to generate 25 per cent of electricity by 2030.

This is the time for action by the government and it should look at all possible avenues for solving the current crisis.

The option for solar power -DAWN - Business; June 02, 2008
Just an interesting fact i want to share with u guys.
Our military (inculding Paea military) are using solar energy panels in our far off posts where there is no population nor any electricity right now.
I don't understand why our journalists keep writing articles about Solar power in Pakistan. They probably do not know how many technicalities involved in such a project. They probably do not know Solar Energy is one of the most expensive alternatives around.

Come on Journalists - i am fed up of you - why not encourage Wind panels instead? its expensive but still much cheaper than Solar?

We are a poor nation. We need to concentrate on our Hydro power projects. We need dams to irrigate our land, we need dams to generate cheaper electricity. We need dams to store water and protect our cities for flooding. Solar energy should be the last option for now. We must work on Hydro, Coal, Nuclear and Wind energy for now. Solar energy we can use once our economy is back on track and our budget deficits are equal to none
Solar panels are more viable in the region than Wind based power plants.
well as per my experience i would say - Solar energy for Pakistan is good only if we use electricity equipments instead. I mean remove the gas "Geezers" and install Solar "Geezers". Remove the street lights and install Solar powered Street Lights. Remove other kind of daily equipments and use solar powered equipments. But when you say Solar energy to generate electricity - i believe its very expensive for Pakistan under current circumstances

This way we will save our electricity and will not cost us big money
well as per my experience i would say - Solar energy for Pakistan is good only if we use electricity equipments instead. I mean remove the gas "Geezers" and install Solar "Geezers". Remove the street lights and install Solar powered Street Lights. Remove other kind of daily equipments and use solar powered equipments. But when you say Solar energy to generate electricity - i believe its very expensive for Pakistan under current circumstances

This way we will save our electricity and will not cost us big money

When we consider it at the consumer level solar power is indeed costly, but we have to consider it on the producers level as we dont install wind mills in our compound.

The region has more potential for solar energy due to its geographical positioning.

Able researches and mass production of megawatt capable solar panels are research in refining and increasing the the efficiency of photo voltaic cells will gradually make the the prices dip.

The research on this filed is less in Europe as solar power is not as viable for them like us.

Its a known factor that the regions near equator gets the maximum sunlight unlike europe or northern countries.


We in the region has many arid lands where the availability of sunlight is huge.

Unlike wind power plants which is area specific ( places where there are ample winds) solar power plants or solar farms can be installed in arid/ unused/unusable lands near cities thereby decreasing the loss of electricity due to transport through grid-lines.

Also when we consider the regional politics and dependance on hydro based, coalbased, nuclearbased plants there is a surge for cleaner , greener technologies.
Clean Revolution in INDIA.

Call it business opportunity or fashion, but cleantech start-ups are suddenly in the news, approaching private equity (PE) funds, manufacturing solar panels, setting up solar plants and wind turbines, converting municipal waste into power, and recycling water.

Cut to circa 2010, and the cleantech space is brimming with start-ups jostling for space in what promises to be the next big wave. According to a just released Assocham-Deloitte Study, clean energy is one of the three sectors emerging as the most favoured ones for PE investors in India. Indian companies managed to rake in $315 million in venture capital and PE investments in 2009, down from $595 million in 2008, thanks to the meltdown which saw global investment in cleantech slump by about 6 per cent to approximately $145 billion.

There were 26 deals in 2009, three more than in the previous year. Analysts expect a flow of over $200 million in 2010. Kalpana Jain, senior director, Deloitte, sees a likely increase in capital inflows into the Indian cleantech space in 2010, primarily in clean energy, water and waste management-given the potential of the market and Government initiatives. Driving this is the potential of growth, the demand for energy in the context of 12 per cent power deficit and the imperative of cleantech to manage emission level requirements that will come up in the future.

Clearly, the rush has got government support. "We have already identified a potential of near about 1,00,000 MW from wind, biomass and small hydro sources in the country," says Farooq Abdullah, minister for new and renewable energy. India's own renewable energy investment grew 12 per cent in 2008 with an investment of $3.7 billion in a single year.

It is, however, solar power generation which is firing up entrepreneurial imagination in India and is the fastest growing cleantech sector in the country.

Cost effectiveness and easier availability of finance today is also spawning start-ups in solar cleantech.
hey ..nice to see good developments in Pakistan...
In Balouchistan people have started using wind mills to generate electricity.... the wind mills here have 2 benefits.
1)Its kinda like a pump.good to irigate crops..
2)Generates electricity.
3)No bill.....
Also in Pakistan u can buy these solar panels for 3 lacs easily generating enough electricity to power a house.
as per my knowledge, a german company installed those wind mills (4 each having capacity of 1.5MW) but due to poor attention n lack of maintenace, they are rusting now--broken n useless..
we should go for biomass fuel esp in rural areas..cheap n easy method!
@Benny: Its difficult to read text in Blue. Instead use black please.
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