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Social media is lying to you about Burma’s Muslim ‘cleansing’

If Burma is innocent why are foreign media being prevented from reporting. When the president says a people who has lived in the area are to be forcibly removed from the country then the regime is capable of anything. The rohinga refugees provide ample evidence of the pogrom currently being waged against the muslims of Burma.

In history only one other state that regularised such blatant fascist raciest policy that was the nazis. The entire Burmese nation which fully support the murder of defense less Muslims does not deserve an ounce of latitude.

Whatever it takes the Burmese must be exposed for the ugly hateful nation that they are.

In terms of social media look around the Burmese posters. They are very open about their naked hate for Muslims and prescriptions to wipe them out.

They damn themselves. I am unclear why Indians suddenly becomes the defender and apologist for the fascist Burmese regime. I guess they have found a kindred sprit of vehement islamaphobia.
The Rohings been living there for hundreds of years, the Ashkenazi Jews living in ISRAEL for about 65 years.

Go figure! !!

I wonder what the Indian trolls say to this !!

How is it even in most wettest of your dream related to this thread ?? .
The Express Tribune is the first internationally affiliated newspaper in Pakistan. Partnered with The International Herald Tribune – the global edition of The New York Times.

About – The Express Tribune

Explains all.

Don't look at the funding/affiliation of the Newspaper but read the news with the information contained in it.

Do you think what the reporter posted is all fake?
this is from BLOG, Anyone can write on blogs if i am not wrong! International herald tribune is just a platform here so irrelevant in this discussion. The fact is except some bangladeshi coast guard photos there is no photo of massacre is available.... Thats why some idiots are using fake photos!

No it is not possible for any individual to post in Tribune, Dawn, Hindu, TOI or any reputed news portals blog. The editorial board would have to approve it.
How is it even in most wettest of your dream related to this thread ?? .

To hide their incompetence after being caught red handed using fake pics and beating drums of fake pogrom and giving fake figures as the number of people killed..

This is at the same time when they turned the refugees from their border back to be killed..hypocrisy now is this not?
Don't look at the funding/affiliation of the Newspaper but read the news with the information contained in it.

Believe me i did the same, I read the news for like 6 months before finally checking who they are, When i was shocked to see their anti Pakistani news i decided to check out who they are then i found this.

Do you think what the reporter posted is all fake?

BTW this report is right they don't lie all the time.
1)Pakistanis and Bangladeshis claim over 2000 muslims dead in Gujarat riots, the actual death toll is 790 muslims, 290 hindus...
2) Fake pictures, fake setups in Israel - Palestine issue used to whip emotions against Jews..
3) Denial of exodus of 5,00,000 Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir Valley in 1989 because islamic extremism.
4) Denial of millions of christians plight in Sudan...

Anybody see a connection to these astounding claims !
I have been seeing these pictures for a long time. I even saw a picture of what was clearly the aftermath of the Rwandan civil war being posted as 'Muslims slaughtered in Burma'. I paid no mind to them as I assumed everyone was smart enough to know that clearly these were not authentic photos. There are absolutely no pictures of any genocide in Arakan. The only pictures are of the aftermath of rioting and communal violence (which has claimed Arakanese lives as well as Rohingya). Yet I hear day after day about government sponsored genocide. The media blackout has been lifted if I'm not mistaken and the army was never once deployed. Were the police biased against the Muslims? Most likely. Genocide? Nonsense.

It appears to me that Muslims, particularly right-wing ones, are crying out to be outraged. I have said again and again that opportunists are exaggerating the situation to trick gullible and naiive young men into their control. From these forums, it appears to be working quite well.

If, ofcourse, there surfaces evidence about killing fields and concentration camps as that idiot mb44 is desperate to see to validate his nazi analogy, then I will have egg on my face. But so far this has been nothing more than the proof of Godwin's Law.

Alungpaikhana, Your ego is fairly astounding if you think I for one moment I give a damn about proving you wrong. I do not post with you in mind my concern lies with the rohingas being exterminated.

Your uncivilised fascist raciest murderous nation whos only claim to relevance since independence has been to periodically seek to liquidate your minorities deserve no benifit of doubt. My god man how stupid is your president to seek UN assistance to ethnically cleanse a people. The naivety compounded by racial arrogance of your nation is preposterous.

You fundamentally lie when you claim the media is free to visit arakan or that your army and policy did not directly participate in killing unarmed and defenceless rohingas.

Your nation is fascist and racist as are you, your posts in defense of the indefensible is ample proof of that. However as I said before do carry on, you give me illuminating insight into the Burmese mind.

Little bit of information for you when the nazis were gassing the Jews the world powers refused to accept it because it was felt it was not possible. The international red cross even visited the camps. In Rwanda the powers did not claim it was a genocide because to do so would have meant action needed to be taken. Just because picture has not come out does not mean a damn thing. If the civilized face of your country is to seek UN assistance at ethnic cleansing what are you capable of in the background?
Idiocy at it's peak, I have given up trying to rectify these factual errors because those reposting them are hopelessly dependant on this fallacy to justify their existence on social networking sites.
Majority of Muslims through out the world don't know how Rohingyas look like who think that since they are from Burma they look like Burmese or Thai and started using any photo where victims look like East Asians for their own propaganda.
Social media is lying to you about Burma’s Muslim ‘cleansing’

If the Social media is lying, they're undermining the plight of the Burmese muslims.

But we do agree the refugees are not visiting Bangladesh for a relaxing vacation, no?

Secondly, how do we know these Facebook pics were not posted by anti-Rohingya groups to prove "Social Media is Lying"? ;)

By the way, next time let the Rakhines/Burmans post on such topics. I was led to believe most Indians are indifferent to this issue, unless you're a BJP guy who hates Rohingyas just because they happen to be Muslims!

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