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Snowden leaks allege China 'stole' key designs of F-35 fighter plane

When is Snowden going to post something like Aliens in Area 51? At least give us something.
The fact that there is nothing on Area 51...I mean...Area 52, means one of these two:

1- Snowden is a plant to the gullible world. Everything he 'exposed' have been vetted for release as part of long term project by the US to steer the world according to our wishes. Governments will react in expected or even predictable behaviors.

2- Snowden is an unwitting dupe. The NSA saw what he is a long time ago when they were looking for a candidate. Then see item 1.

And how about U S sabotaging the Chinese fighter aircraft engine----. The americans sabotaged the component ingredient of the compressor blade---. Americans already knew that they could not hold back the information---so the only ways to delay the projects would be sabotaging the component ingredient composition---it looks good---it looks real---but it will break down after 150 to 200 hours of service----and when that happens----that is a major major setback for the system.
Look like the pentagon drop the ball big times.

Americans serving in the military should be worry.

Might end up in the receiving end of a turkey shot.

Run while you can !!
Smarter people than you considers at least the possibility -- if not outright probability -- that Chinese hackers got their 'treasure' from a honeypot. In that case, may be it should be PLA troopers that should worry. May be Chinese designed jets have built-in features the Chinese do not know about.
Smarter people than you considers at least the possibility -- if not outright probability -- that Chinese hackers got their 'treasure' from a honeypot. In that case, may be it should be PLA troopers that should worry. May be Chinese designed jets have built-in features the Chinese do not know about.

This....the leaks tell how the NSA managed to piggyback off Chinese spying through "4th party collection." The NSA knew what the Chinese were stealing and how they were doing it. Apparently, "4th party collection" was so successful that the NSA bragged how we "drink from their milkshake." Feeding the Chinese false information through a honeypot is a real possibility.

And how about U S sabotaging the Chinese fighter aircraft engine----. The americans sabotaged the component ingredient of the compressor blade---. Americans already knew that they could not hold back the information---so the only ways to delay the projects would be sabotaging the component ingredient composition---it looks good---it looks real---but it will break down after 150 to 200 hours of service----and when that happens----that is a major major setback for the system.

Yeah, we should gone ahead and made sure the designs they were stealing were complete with instructions in Chinese. :lol:
Smarter people than you considers at least the possibility -- if not outright probability -- that Chinese hackers got their 'treasure' from a honeypot. In that case, may be it should be PLA troopers that should worry. May be Chinese designed jets have built-in features the Chinese do not know about.

If what you're saying is true, shouldn't China's HGV tests explode like yours do?

Experimental U.S. hypersonic weapon destroyed seconds after launch - Yahoo News

Experimental US hypersonic weapon explodes four seconds after test launch in Alaska - Americas - World - The Independent

Shouldn't China's 5th gen fighters catch fire like yours do?

Military's pricey F-35 fighter jet catches fire during takeoff in Florida - LA Times

After F-35 jet catches fire, military grounds entire fleet while investigation continues | Fox Business

Whats news in this? Its well known thing, Communist China always copy, steal and spy on different product... Recently I saw communists copying JLR Evoque..
May be they have. Is your government that open ? You do not trust your own people about disaster information so why should your government reveal weapons testing failures ? :lol:
Absolutely. You guys believe that we sucks, right ?
If not how did we hack and steal your F-35 data? We Chinese will shoot down F-35 like flies. :lol:

Whats news in this? Its well known thing, Communist China always copy, steal and spy on different product... Recently I saw communists copying JLR Evoque..
If not a thing for China. Every countries steal sensitive data that included India. Snowden has reveal US extensively hacking China data base too. If india don't steal, they are dumb.

May be they have. Is your government that open ? You do not trust your own people about disaster information so why should your government reveal weapons testing failures ? :lol:

there is no way to hide in crowded area like chengdu big city. Just becos your plane sucks does not mean ours will too. :P
there is no way to hide in crowded area like chengdu big city. Just becos your plane sucks does not mean ours will too. :P
Please...:rolleyes:...You guys have to copy cars and cell phones.

If what China hacked/stole came from a honeypot, what make you think what you got are the exact plans for the F-35 and other weaponry ? In that case, your future jet fighters will really sucks.
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Please...:rolleyes:...You guys have to copy cars and cell phones.

If what China hacked/stole came from a honeypot, what make you think what you got are the exact plans for the F-35 and other weaponry ? In that case, your future jet fighters will really sucks.
What makes you think copy will suck? We learn from your stupid mistake and make a better version. That is why you F-35 has so much money down the drain with little return while ours cost a faction only.
lol I don't know about you lot.

But in my home, I got 2 computers One for going online on the internet. The other one is for me to store all my sensitive information (Copy of passport, ID card and so on) or important information (like birthday party photo, wedding photo, video)

The basis was, from the amount of time i got virus infecting my computer,if my online computer got hack, or caught a virus, the information that I feel important will be untouched or undamaged.

Now, take it in a government level. If I can think of that, would the US government also knows what is a good information storage practices?

Trust me when I say this, if you can hack them, that means those data is not important. I would not put a classified document folder on a table in a café and turn my back against it and keep it out of my sight? Same goes sensitive information on the internet.

Beside, why there are always news about China, Russia, even North Korean Hack the US Government, but you never hear US Government hacks other. There is a reason for it, and no, the Americans are not that stupid
If hacking and stealing were so easy, why not steal the F119 and F135 engines? Why not steal the Ohio class SSBN and Trident II? Why not steal the B-2? Why not steal the Ford class carrier?

There are some things China cannot copy back then. After all China has yet to make a Nimitz carrier built from the 70s. Same as the Ohio and the B2s. All made decades ago. And also the designs were not posted for easy access on the internet. Had it been, well China would have 10 aircraft carriers of Nimitz class as well as B2s.
...no, the Americans are not that stupid
Now why do you say that ? We are THAT stupid.

We are smart enough to 'engineer' 9/11, but we are too stupid to install a honeypot. Do you understand now ?
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