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Snowden leaks allege China 'stole' key designs of F-35 fighter plane

i Wish China steal some Engine Tech For fighters (made with USA) stamped :P
No, the US will suddenly claim engine data is unhackable. :lol:

This is height of propaganda by US and Allies all know American tech was based on Scientist abducted after WW-2 .So one can say German`s are the true inventors and many of designs are based on German concepts of that time .
What does this have to do with the fact that the WMD definition is accepted internationally and that Iraq fitted perfectly ? Are you sure that you actually used YOUR brain and not the one the Chinese government issued to you ? :D

as usual, "the international community" such much used by usa government means allies of usa government and those common citizens they managed to brainwash.

please don't speak on behalf of all humanity.
This is getting stupider and stupider... what's the next China gonna hack? must be the design of Victoria's Secret in Obama's bedroom? or cut crap directly go for Ohio's nuclear launching codes once and for all? since obviously China can hack everything like a walk in a park :lol:


- instead of blaming China, the Pantagon can just go jumping off a decent cliff since it's useless being hyper stupid beyond redemption,

- instead of juvenile sour grapes and crying a river, why can't the hypercrite Hollywood and media behave like an adult and make a new episode of "Super 007 - the Red Spy Who Loves Ya :rofl: " in appraisal of the Chinese "Roger Moore" for a change, bowing to the true master that they try hard to paint themselves to be? :lol:

(...unless of course, that it's not been hacked, then the US is caught blantly lying and trying to manipulate world's opinion again. yeah, bad habit dies hard... :rofl:)
all is fair in love and war :)
on a more serious note

one needs to consider China hacked for military hardware, while the NSA has been listening into to everyone considering them all guilty. To try and get military secrets from adversaries is an old practice which is accepted and every army tries to do that. But to spy on innocent people and listen into day to day conversations is morally wrong and should not have gone unpunished.
ps. it is very difficult to breach and get so much sensitive data and the abilities of the Chinese hackers are outstanding :china:
Frankly when NSA decided to snoop on the so called innocent ppl, then what exactly were they expecting?? 2 ladies sharing their make up tips, 2 men loudmouthing about their cars or 2 teenagers deciding where to date??
I still think stealing technology is a bigger crime than listening to the small talks of random ppl.
Btw this is old news!! :)
Frankly when NSA decided to snoop on the so called innocent ppl, then what exactly were they expecting?? 2 ladies sharing their make up tips, 2 men loudmouthing about their cars or 2 teenagers deciding where to date??
I still think stealing technology is a bigger crime than listening to the small talks of random ppl.
Btw this is old news!! :)

You seriously think NSA has free time to spy on small flies about make up tips or date? Or you think Merkel can still have a romantic date with Cameron? Lol..

NEWS & COMMENT: Times says NSA revelations put Obama 'at crossroads' but élite protests mostly PR

Spying on allies top leader probably to you is not a crime becos China is not doing that. More or less show how you try to pick your stance.
Dude, it was "In Kofi Annan" eyes the Invasion of Iraq is illegal, not in UN eyes.

Everyone entitle to their own opinion, you can think the war is not legall, while other can think otherwise, the only thing is different this time is that guy is the secertary of UN, however, he is neither the chairman of UNSC, nor can he change or pass official judgement on the resolution·

The truth is Once UNSC pass an resolution, that action become UN sanction, so whether or not if the invasion of Iraq is legal depend on what kind of resolution passed by the UNSC, not just what Kofi Annan say.

UNSC passed resolution 1441, give an ultimatum to Iraq to disarm the WMD, Passed resolution 1483 to continue disarming Iraq WMD and Resolution 1500 to establish UN Assisting Mission in Iraq.

So if the war is illegal, would UNSC be passing resolution to stop the US for invading Iraq like the UN did to Iraq in 1991 war in Kuwait, instead of passing resolution supporting the war?

You tell me as China is one of the P5 voted for all these resolution. Not just the US.

actually do you even know what US is spying on Germany? lol?

Maybe its better to know it BEFORE opening your mouth?

See how desperate you try defending US stance. The problem is UN has not approved the invasion in 2003 and US and allies go ahead without the nod. It is illegal which is widely know.

actually do you even know what US is spying on Germany? lol?

Maybe its better to know it BEFORE opening your mouth?

Please do not sidetrack from the point.. The point is US is even spying on her allies. See how low some can get to desperate defend any crime committed by US government.
This is getting stupider and stupider... what's the next China gonna hack? must be the design of Victoria's Secret in Obama's bedroom? or cut crap directly go for Ohio's nuclear launching codes once and for all? since obviously China can hack everything like a walk in a park :lol:


- instead of blaming China, the Pantagon can just go jumping off a decent cliff since it's useless being hyper stupid beyond redemption,

- instead of juvenile sour grapes and crying a river, why can't the hypercrite Hollywood and media behave like an adult and make a new episode of "Super 007 - the Red Spy Who Loves Ya :rofl: " in appraisal of the Chinese "Roger Moore" for a change, bowing to the true master that they try hard to paint themselves to be? :lol:

(...unless of course, that it's not been hacked, then the US is caught blantly lying and trying to manipulate world's opinion again. yeah, bad habit dies hard... :rofl:)

why not, if you can steal the F35 design, why not go after the Ohio Class SSBN? Maybe the American will surrender seeing all mighty China hack all they can...lol

If this is what you said it is, would we hear this from Chinese Source jumping with joy defeating the american "devil" but rather we hear that from snowden? As if China do not want people to know this victory...lol
If hacking and stealing were so easy, why not steal the F119 and F135 engines? Why not steal the Ohio class SSBN and Trident II? Why not steal the B-2? Why not steal the Ford class carrier?

We should have our Taikonauts landed on the Moon some years ago and next on way to prepare landing on Mars unmanned this year.
Or we would have a commercial jet in the same size as boeing 747 in our production lines

Some idiots are blowing this news time and again out of proportions

If the Indians are so good at programming and one of their key chips in pivoting against the rise of China, why the Pentagon does not outsource the anti cyber espionage jobs to them at a comfortable cheap price when they are facing defense cuts
And I wonder why we have not hacked Rolls Royce of the UK for their engines or the German cars for their anti-crash technologies which are the lowest hanging fruits on the trees
GOood Job china keep it up ............stole more .........
dude Resolution 1444 passed in 2002, BEFORE US INVADE Iraq...

as for.the.legitimacy of the war itself,

Legitimacy of the 2003 invasion of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even the world leading expert have different opinion about this subject matter, at best they can be described as in grey area and yet for some reason you are dead set on the war js illegal, do you know something we all dont know? And in the end should we trust you?The internet WMD? Or law professional?

And lol , spying on their friend is a crime? This is the first i hear, conducting espionage on any soverign country is illegal, spying, as long as they are not invading ones soverignty is totally legal, you do know US spy on germany using internet hacks and phone tap right? That non-intrustive SIGINT, can you show me where in international law said collecting information passively is legal. Open challenge, if you can find it, i will publicly apologise to you for it

lol u are really funny , do you know that?

:disagree: Americans!
Hey @Raphael, next time could you stop posting those anti-China western tabloids?

Do you think hacking the classified military technology is funny?

We didn't even do it, while the US is also not stupid to let us doing that.

We are working our butt off, and now you are giving the US the excuses to claim all of our credits.
So the US intelligence agencies must be sucks.:coffee:
there was a security lapse but they have found out. Do not underestimate your competition friend and do not become over confident.
He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them.
Sun Tzu
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