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Snowden leaks allege China 'stole' key designs of F-35 fighter plane

Honeypot? If China use the hacked up data to build their J20, would their J20 program wouldn't progress beyond the point of taken off on the runway and all the J20 should have crashed to the ground with the program completely melt down? Either China didn't stole any F35 data to use on J20 or F35 data useless so China totally come up with their own design.

The lasting China want to carbon copy the total flaw design of F35, who in their right mind to commit to a program with over 100 billions of dollars cost overrun?
lol, how hard is it to "Engineer" 9/11...

according from those conspiracy theory, just point to some dude half way around the world and say he did it......
U.S. penetrated North Korean networks years ago - New York Times| Reuters
Citing former U.S. and foreign officials and a National Security Agency document, the Times said the spy agency was able to penetrate North Korean systems with the help of South Korea and other U.S. allies after first tapping into Chinese networks that connect North Korea to the rest of the world.
So we hacked North Korea via Chinese networks. But we are too stupid to install technical and policy mechanisms to prevent Chinese hackers into our sensitive weapons program, never mind that what you said is true, that these programs are isolated from the Internet in the first place.
Beside, why there are always news about China, Russia, even North Korean Hack the US Government, but you never hear US Government hacks other. There is a reason for it, and no, the Americans are not that stupid

Snowden spy row grows as US is accused of hacking China | US news | The Observer

Please, russia and China do not around talk about those kind of things does not mean US is some innocent kid. The whole world know US hacking. And we even know US spy on allies like merkel and Howard. We do not stood as low as US by airing those dirty things.
What's new in this? How did they make J-10 or J-11? They have made it means they have.............!
Snowden spy row grows as US is accused of hacking China | US news | The Observer

Please, russia and China do not around talk about those kind of things does not mean US is some innocent kid. The whole world know US hacking. And we even know US spy on allies like merkel and Howard. We do not stood as low as US by airing those dirty things.
You completely missed his point, which is that if we hacked these countries, two things could be:

- Either they did not know which mean they could not publicly accuse US.

- Or they did know but wanted to keep such information secret.

Snowden is the closest thing you guys have in terms of proof, and that is using the word 'proof' very generously, of US hacking anyone.
You completely missed his point, which is that if we hacked these countries, two things could be:

- Either they did not know which mean they could not publicly accuse US.

- Or they did know but wanted to keep such information secret.

Snowden is the closest thing you guys have in terms of proof, and that is using the word 'proof' very generously, of US hacking anyone.

You dismiss Snowden claim of US hacking other nation, but believe Snowden claimed China hacked US for the F35 mocked up data with a honeypot virus?
You completely missed his point, which is that if we hacked these countries, two things could be:

- Either they did not know which mean they could not publicly accuse US.

- Or they did know but wanted to keep such information secret.

Snowden is the closest thing you guys have in terms of proof, and that is using the word 'proof' very generously, of US hacking anyone.

Snowden is a CIA contractor. He know exactly inside and out of how CIA operate as he directly works for them. Shall we trust Snowden words or some Tom dick Harry forumers knowledge?
Snowden is a CIA contractor. He know exactly inside and out of how CIA operate as he directly works for them. Shall we trust Snowden words or some Tom dick Harry forumers knowledge?
Absolutely you are free to trust Snowden, even when all he has are allegations. But if you chose to denigrate someone on an anonymous Internet forum, then do the same for all, correct ? So what make you think China actually hacked US weapons program ? Just because someone on an anonymous Internet forum said so ?
If hacking and stealing were so easy, why not steal the F119 and F135 engines? Why not steal the Ohio class SSBN and Trident II? Why not steal the B-2? Why not steal the Ford class carrier?
Its just not about copying/stealing, It's about having the industrial capacity to replicate the production process and the base to support the infrastructure and innovate (R&D)
according to a report prepared for the Pentagon and to officials from government and the defense industry.

programs critical to U.S. missile defenses and combat aircraft and ships, according to a previously undisclosed section of a confidential report prepared for Pentagon leaders by the Defense Science Board.

The Defense Science Board, a senior advisory group made up of government and civilian experts, did not accuse the Chinese of stealing the designs

the advisory panel warned in the public version of its report that the Pentagon is unprepared to counter a full-scale cyber-conflict. The list of compromised weapons designs is contained in a confidential version, and it was provided to The Washington Post.
Maybe the experts from the Defense Science Board and Washington Post lied???? And the experts are not even sure who actually stole the secrets !!!! And they said Pentagon is unprepared for possible future breach !!!! Your enemy know everything !!!!!

It is not wise for American servicemen to risk their a$$ on a maybe.

Run while you can !!!!
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50 terabytes! Snowden leak reveals massive size of F-35 blueprints hack by China — RT News
Published time: January 19, 2015 07:56

Arms, China, Intelligence, USA
The reported theft by Chinese hackers of blueprints for the US’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter amounted to 50 terabytes of classified information, documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden have revealed.

The hackers are believed by many US officials to be affiliated with the Chinese government. The humiliating 2007 incident saved China “25 years of research and development,” according to a US military official cited by The Washington Post in a 2013 article covering the breach.

Previous media reports said “several terabytes” of data was stolen, but according to the new documents published by the German magazine Der Spiegel last week, the actual amount was far higher, at 50 terabytes –the equivalent of five Libraries of Congress.

The data – reportedly used by China to build their own advanced fighter jets – includes detailed engine schematics and radar design.


Document leaked by Edward Snowden

F-35 blueprints are just a fraction of what Chinese hackers have allegedly stolen from the Pentagon’s data vaults over the years. The reported haul includes some two dozen advanced weapon systems, including the AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense System, Littoral Combat Ship designs and emerging railgun technology, a classified report revealed in 2013.

Edward Snowden, a former NSA employee, leaked thousands of classified documents to various media outlets in 2013. The focus of the leaks was on massive electronic surveillance programs by the agency and its allies across the globe.

The US government wants to prosecute Snowden for espionage, but for many he is a heroic figure standing up for privacy and government transparency. He is currently living in Russia, which granted him political asylum after he was stranded in a Moscow airport when the US revoked his passport.
Idk what to say...but if it is true...then it would be our ticket to f 35 ( chinese version )
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