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Snow Leopards saent to Xinjiang

"When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff."
- Cicero

Congratulations, S10. You are now two thousand years behind.

Nah he has a point. There is far more evidence for 9-11 being an inside job than there is for the Chinese government launching false flag attacks.

Indeed, those who accuse others of launching false flag attacks are usually projecting their insecurity about these very sort of attacks onto innocent parties.
And some people make themselves feel better about their own country by constantly belittling others'. Take this thread for example, nothing to to with India, not even posted by an Indian... but here we are.

Why not pick on the American? Because I guess as arrogant as you are you're not quite at the point of belittling America eh?

My comment applies to both. Personally I wouldn't call it belittling. I also thinks it's quite an honest comment.

You don't have to take it so personal but I respect your response and your comment just like I would with most others.
My comment applies to both. Personally I wouldn't call it belittling. I also thinks it's quite an honest comment.

You don't have to take it so personal
I guess it gets on my nerves when some members do nothing apart from pass snide comments while ignoring the topic at hand.

but I respect your response and your comment just like I would with most others.
I guess it gets on my nerves when some members do nothing apart from pass snide comments while ignoring the topic at hand.

It's not the first nor will it be last. I am sure you're an experienced enough witness by now.
Some people choose to respond to particular comments, some choose to target particular threads it's the beauty of freedom of choice.
"When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff."
- Cicero

Congratulations, S10. You are now two thousand years behind.
LOL! You're a funny guy, but in a pathetic way.

You raised two completely unsubstantiated claims that the bombing in Xinjiang was an inside job by the Chinese government to undermine Pakistan in the future. There was no argument to begin with, only a conspiracy theory invented in your mind. Therefore, it is not worth the 5kb bandwidth your post used up and certainly did not deserve any serious answer.

"9/11 was an inside job. CIA killed Kennedy and moon landing was fake. Now prove me wrong."

Your style of argument in a nutshell
Also, just before some more idiots get excited over this "commandos sent to Xinjiang because of Pakistan" stuff. China has been doing that for years since the 1990's. Almost every national level special police unit had been on duty in Xinjiang, rotating every few months in order to gain operational experience. This time it got more media attention because this particular unit was unveiled to the public during the 2008 Olympics as a publicity stunt. So really, this is just business as usual for China. Indian and American media jumped on and created something out of nothing, just like some are doing on this forum.

P.S: Snow Leopards are not China's most capable and experienced special police unit. That honour belongs to Special Police College (SPC) in Beijing. In fact, Snow Leopards has been in business for less than 10 years, making it a relatively young and inexperience among Chinese special forces.
whatever they maybe, China will not take all this lying down.

They will curb all these type of activities, even if it requires a ruthless heavy hand.

That is why the highly specialised Snow Leopards have come in.

This time, the Uighurs have really gone beyond the Chinese patience.

Once again, you fail to differentiate between Uyghur and terrorist. The Uyghur population are treated the same way as the rest of the population. In fact they have the right to have more than one child, which Hans are not allowed to do.

It is the terrorists themselves that are captured. Like in any country, anyone that engages in violence will be prosecuted.
hopefully we will not see anymore human rights abuses.

We execute those terrorists at the spot. Do you call that human rights abuses???

Majority Chinese support such prompt resolute action. Do you have any problems with that???
Our regular military police are good enough to handle those terrorists. This special unit is to get rid of them faster and cleaner.

The Chinese Snow Leopards are highly specialised and commando troops.

I don't think the Uighurs have a chance.

If the Uighurs are extradited, then it is Kingdom Come for them!
You do not have to worry about that. China will annihilate those terrorists like smashing flies.

If China were the one dealing with catching OBL, we would have got him 10 years ago, led him to have a visit for our excellent anti-terrorist achievement reporting party, and then execute him with his associates altogether.

Of course not! The vaunted American CIA could NEVER. in a million years. penetrate the PRC and be "active" in fomenting Uighur terrorism. To suggest otherwise is to display an uncharitable lack of confidence in the secret services of your all-weather friend. No, whatever "success" the Uighurs have is totally their own doing, with the assistance, of course, of Pakistani jihadi training camps. Better you should ask if the ISI has any involvement with Uighur training.
It is only in you eyes that minorities are all terrorists.

Fortunately China doesn't work in Indian way.

It would be so nice if you could put together a simple sentence without looking over your shoulder at India.
Indians really do have nothing better to do than worry about Chinese problems. That's why even a hundred years from now people will still be talking about India "emerging".

It is fortunate for us that we have you to set an example of staying on topic. Exemplary.
Here is a benign example of China's indirect approach. After the 1969 Ussuri river battles between China and Russia President Nixon perceived an opportunity for improvement in Sino-U.S. relations; there was no diplomatic contact between the two countries because the U.S. recognized the Nationalists in Taiwan as the legal government of all China. In this slow-motion opening Pakistan secretly played a central role. Through them the Chinese were told that President Nixon wanted to go to China and make the improvement in relations public. But how could the Chinese be sure they weren't walking into some sort of trap where China could be blamed for anything that went wrong?

Their solution became known as Ping-Pong Diplomacy: American ping-pong players competing at a tournament in Japan were "spontaneously" invited by the Chinese team to visit China. The American team leader fell into the "trap" and accepted. The visit was trumpeted with great fanfare and friendliness. Now having welcomed the American ping-pong players so warmly, Nixon couldn't entrap China by saying he had tried to improve relations but failed due to Chinese intransigence - but of course Nixon of course had no such intention and celebrated the U.S. team's visit along with everyone else. Reassured of Nixon's intentions, the Chinese proceeded to open up relations rapidly.

Solomon, i have just one simple answer, the below link may give you an idea how strong our relationship is with China and we damn care about that relationship when it comes to the US.


I can personally tell you, that right after the Clinton era raids on Afghanistan, atleast 2 intact Tomahawks were given to China. And it happened so in the quickest of time, today the cruise missiles were found and the very next day a Chinese Y-8 came to Quetta to pick up those missiles.

So, you Americans keep yourselves happy with the notion that our relations have become bad with the Chinese, as its a good way to keep yourselves happy.
I can personally tell you, that right after the Clinton era raids on Afghanistan, atleast 2 intact Tomahawks were given to China. And it happened so in the quickest of time, today the cruise missiles were found and the very next day a Chinese Y-8 came to Quetta to pick up those missiles.
I don't doubt that the Chinese gov't gratefully accepts any gifts from Pakistan. What Pakistan can expect in return is another question.
I don't doubt that the Chinese gov't gratefully accepts any gifts from Pakistan. What Pakistan can expect in return is another question.

Whatever it gets in return from China is surely far more generous than what it gets from the US
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