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Featured Smuggling of Indian Uranium & Western Silence

Sure the article also mentions lead and mercury as heavy metals that can harm the human body but can they become the cause of transmissible disease ( mother to child ) through mutation in the genetic makeup ? Can they become the cause for genetic mutations in food crop that is then transferred to humans ( and from mother to child ) ?

Space travel is considered dangerous because it contains similar radiation that is produced by depleted uranium and other weaponized forms of uranium.
Uranium does not cause transmissible disease. You must be speaking of pregnant women exposed to Uranium dust. In that case, mother and child are the same body. Any poisoning to the mother will also poison the baby.
😂 You can fool your awam with that, not enough to fool someone with a basic understanding of what is natural Uranium.

So smuggling of Uranium is no big deal according to u? Would ur reaction have been the same had such incidents hapenned in Pakistan??? The problem with u rats is ur so stupid u dont need to be fooled.
So smuggling of Uranium is no big deal according to u? Would ur reaction have been the same had such incidents hapenned in Pakistan??? The problem with u rats is ur so stupid u dont need to be fooled.
It's been discussed in this thread all the way down since I made that particular comment. Natural Uranium is a substance that is legal to own, even in countries like the US, you don't even need a license to have Natural Uranium. Please, if you have the balls, take it to the NSG, or IAEA with this proof, we enjoy you getting humiliated like this. I don't know what will happen if someone in Pakistan was caught like that given your "international image". I'll say what will happen to us, zip-zilch-nada. Now jog on instead of wasting my time.
So smuggling of Uranium is no big deal according to u? Would ur reaction have been the same had such incidents hapenned in Pakistan??? The problem with u rats is ur so stupid u dont need to be fooled.
Natural Uranium is "natural" and hence can't be illegal! In USA people can own Uranium bullets for their AR guns. What is there to react? You are simply repeating the same thing without considering others' arguments
Uranium does not cause transmissible disease.

You must be speaking of pregnant women exposed to Uranium dust. In that case, mother and child are the same body. Any poisoning to the mother will also poison the baby.

Of course a pregnant will pass on to the child some immediate exposure to DU dust and water but I think the article is also indicating that those born supposedly normal will carry some genetic mutation and if they aren't sterile they can pass on disease in a birth chain for a long time in Iraq.
The remaining traces of DU in Iraq represent a formidable long-term environmental hazard, as they will remain radioactive for more than 4.5 billion years.

In USA people can own Uranium bullets for their AR guns.

What !
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This is why we should not care about west what it thinks and does because they have no morality left do what suits us put a sanctions we will do bussines in asia with muslim countries soon islamic block will seize power days of west r numbered
Ksa know west has left het turks are ready to re negotiate crpwn prince ready to work with iran things r moving under carpet slowly INSHALLAH we will get powerful islamic block

Oh Bhai ! Umma Chumma k khawab se bahir a ja..
LOL! Look who's foaming at mouth now. :rofl:
Got nothing to say on topic but a lot of name calling. Typical.

What do u have to say about the so many incidents, a few even involve processed uranium. All u give is petty stupid excuses. You can portray urself as supa powa but reality is u ppl are pathetic dumb morons and the covid bloodshed have omce again proved it.
What do u have to say about the so many incidents, a few even involve processed uranium. All u give is petty stupid excuses. You can portray urself as supa powa but reality is u ppl are pathetic dumb morons and the covid bloodshed have omce again proved it.
Processed Uranium? What does that mean HEU or Plutonium? I don't think that has happened
What do u have to say about the so many incidents, a few even involve processed uranium. All u give is petty stupid excuses. You can portray urself as supa powa but reality is u ppl are pathetic dumb morons and the covid bloodshed have omce again proved it.
What are you cribbing about seriously? If someone caught smuggling Uranium so what? It is not an illegal substance in most parts of the world. You cannot even make a bomb or flammable substance with Natural Uranium. But it is an expensive metal, hence the value and smuggling. The pathetic dumb morons are the one's who can't figure some simple facts and starts to sling shit like this. Bugger off.
Processed Uranium? What does that mean HEU or Plutonium? I don't think that has happened
He thinks someone is caught smuggling enriched Uranium. 😂 Keeps coming back with bla bla bla theories to embarrass himself. Ignorance really is bliss.
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What are you cribbing about seriously? If someone caught smuggling Uranium so what? It is not an illegal substance in most parts of the world. You cannot even make a bomb or flammable substance with Natural Uranium. But it is an expensive metal, hence the value and smuggling. The pathetic dumb morons are the one's who can't figure some simple facts and starts to sling shit like this. Bugger off.

He thinks someone is caught smuggling enriched Uranium. 😂 Keeps coming back with bla bla bla theories to embarrass himself. Ignorance really is bliss.

Get educated u ugly stinky cowpiss drinker. Smuggling of any such material is banned and IAEA and NSG advises strong controls. Instead of accepting that u ppl are ugly incompetent rats u keep coming up with new excuses and giving us more a reason to mention ur scumbag existence. Go pick up ur grandfather's body floating in a pile of shit ganga u stupid moron.
Get educated u ugly stinky cowpiss drinker. Smuggling of any such material is banned and IAEA and NSG advises strong controls. Instead of accepting that u ppl are ugly incompetent rats u keep coming up with new excuses and giving us more a reason to mention ur scumbag existence. Go pick up ur grandfather's body floating in a pile of shit ganga u stupid moron.
Is that so oh nooo, I'm shoo scaared. :rofl:
This website explains in great detail so that dummies and morons can understand.

Now, speaking of ugly incompetent rats, guess which rat sold Nuclear secrets to Muammar fuking Gaddhafi, no points for guessing.
Is that so oh nooo, I'm shoo scaared. :rofl:
This website explains in great detail so that dummies and morons can understand.

Now, speaking of ugly incompetent rats, guess which rat sold Nuclear secrets to Muammar fuking Gaddhafi, no points for guessing.

Get educated u small brained sanghi, incompetence is shown by india, how many of nuclear scientist and workers been killed? There was an indian investigation abt it, shows how much must be leaked, utter incompetence. We shared with Gaddafi at our will, not incompetence. Every nation under threat from hegemons should have nuclear weapons.
Get educated u small brained sanghi, incompetence is shown by india, how many of nuclear scientist and workers been killed? There was an indian investigation abt it, shows how much must be leaked, utter incompetence. We shared with Gaddafi at our will, not incompetence. Every nation under threat from hegemons should have nuclear weapons.
Wait what? Did you run out of points? 😂 Dude, stop embarrassing yourself and your countrymen. You had no clue what natural Uranium is, then you used insults to cover for your lack of common sense or intelligence, now you're saying our nuclear scientists are dying, nice try at deflection.
You're not supposed to share Nuclear secrets genius, at your own will. See, that's the reason nobody even considers you for NSG. Americans laughed out when you asked for a Nuclear deal, in their eyes, you are nothing but an Islamic North Korea in making.
"Pakistan has remained a pariah state as far as its nuclear program is concerned."
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