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Slums in South Asia

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You all were Indians first, why only mention biharis, now they are yours, and Still claim that they are Indians? lol... Now they are not biharis, they are karachis..lol

I copied and pasted that article from wikipedia. Their origin is Bihar, India and during 1947 partition and formation of Pakistan they migrated to East Pakistan because it was closer to their region than West Pakistan. We are Pakistanis, not even Bangladeshis call themselves Pakistanis and just a little over 30 years they were East Pakistanis.

This is the history of Bihari people, I'm not racist against Biharis just giving you information about their history.

BTW, you kept the name "indian" the british gave you, we threw that name down the garbage and chose our own name for our people. We are Pakistanis, we dont want to be called indian, a british created word.
I am still looking for UNDP link?? Why my dear Indian stop propaganda and give us a direct link of that "secret" UNDP report to end this debate as there must be criteria in that report on which Orangi was declared biggest slum.

So plz can i have one. from UNDP website.
Its pretty easy to tell. The percentage could be much larger than 50% primarily because of the standards of living in Orangi town versus India.


Guess is this part of Dharavi ? Its Orangi Town.

Slum is problem of society its images will not be good.
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I have been searching through the official UNDP website, browsed through their publications, news reports, speeches, search category, human development report, poverty reduction, and more. There has been absolutely no word mentioned about this recent Indian propaganda report which claims the UNDP officially reported that Dharavi, Mumbai, India is no longer the World's largest slum.

Failure to provide us the official UNDP publication that made this 'alleged report', should result in the closing of this thread...

"Time to put up or shut up."

Reads Agno's post above. Korangi is infact hosting largest development projects it says.

On the other hand Indians as always tried to mention one line in ToI orange journalistic (this is the term i invented for Indian media ) stint saying it was largest slum in asia lolz whereas there is no mention of slum in UNDP report.

And intrestingly if you read that Orange Journalism piece of ToI there is no other detail about Korangi or Karachi because they failed to find any in UNDP report rather it went on saying things about Mumbai slums
Future look? Not the present one right.

I can post an animated map as future look for Korangi too.

Will you post pics of current Mumbai slums ?

that will be a step in postive direction - if there is a development plan for orangi .

i dont know other haters here - but personally i would be happy to see orangi developing in future better than future development of - dharavi.

Btw - development of dharavi have already started . with a big funding from GOI.

we cant just hold on to past - we know its ugly we have to look forward - i think that approach was wrong.

why post pics of either slum - they are disgusting - i went to mumbai recently - and was in karachi not too long ago- these both city are ugly currently - but what i found positive was the development plans for both the places .

they might end up becoming way more livable cities. :cheers:
Well, Organi is more of a lower class developed society and certainly the term slumdog is reserved for Indians mainly.No doubt there are many poor people in Pakistan too but nothing compared to the land of slums, India.

Hilariously ironic. Despite being the "land of slums" and full of "slumdogs", an average Indian is still richer than an average Pakistani.

What we need to focus at is the redevelopment of these slums, we all know South Asia has slums. What does it matter of the biggest is in Karachi or Mumbai or Dhaka or whatever.

Guess is this part of Dharavi ? Its Orangi Town.

Slum is problem of society its images will not be good.
Are you sure that is Orangi town?

Those people look African.

I realize that the image is from a Pakistani article, but it might have been chosen for the 'shock value'. Further down in the article there is another image, ostensibly of a water tanker in a slum, and the people and surroundings are rather different.

Not saying places like the one in the image you posted do not exist, just that that particular one seems inaccurately labeled.
By the way people, can we move away from talking about whose 'slums look better' and whose 'slums are worse/bigger' and try a more constructive approach of discussing the efforts to change things for the better in these slums?

In that sense the posts related to the construction in Dharavi and the Orangi welfare projects should be the focus of our discussion.

Title changed accordingly to encourage a different direction for conversation.

Latecomers, your posts will be deleted if they are a response to the 'Slum chest-beating' of the past posts, or along those lines.
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