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Slovakia refuses to accept Muslim migrants

If this Muslim went to Slovakia other than a few words she would get by fine.


This Indian Hindu women would get grief


So stop clapping at what in fact is disguised racism in which you Indians and Sri Lankans would be first victims.
judge people on their skin color and give others lesson about racism.

-PDF think tanks


@waz @ranjeet @SarthakGanguly @levina @Nihonjin1051 @Godman @Azizam @Abingdonboy @AugenBlick @nair

And you don't see anything contradictory in these people celebrating official racism by a country?

West like Indians, no one complain about us.. because we cause no one trouble.. we civilized world should all actualy impose same sanction on muslims

They love Indian's in Australia I hear

BBC - Soutik Biswas's India: Why are Indian students being attacked in Australia?

And you don't see anything contradictory in these people celebrating official racism by a country?

"slovakia-refuses-to-accept-muslim-migrants" it's the issue right?

IS Pakistan will allow jews migrant in millions or hindus if they want to come ?

Even they don;t i don;t find racism in that because your country your rule :-)
West like Indians, no one complain about us.. because we cause no one trouble.. we civilized world should all actualy impose same sanction on muslims
Yes, Indian whether hindus/muslims are not overly conspicuous they simply mind their own business and move ahead.
When the host country is so gracious to accept you, as a guest should be sensitive enough not to cause any outrage or trouble. They are respecting your human rights but guest should not impose their rules on them.

On the whole problem is due to both the sides
1) At political level western countries encouraged terrorism,terrible dictators and destroyed their countries.'
2) At the ground level migrants do not try to co-exist but instead bring in violence and terrorism.

Disregarding what happens at the political level , europe is still gracious enough to accept migrants on humanitarian basis. Its time europeans started to rethink their political support to undemocratic regimes.
The Dotbusters was a hate group in Jersey City, New Jersey, that attacked and threatened South Asians, particularly Indians in the fall of 1987. The name originated from the fact that traditional Hindu women and girls wear Bindi on their forehead. It is also a reference to the 1984 supernatural comedy film Ghostbusters.

In July 1987, they had a letter published in the Jersey Journal[1] stating that they would take any means necessary to drive the Indians out of Jersey City:

Dotbusters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Jersey City, Indians Protest Violence - NYTimes.com
your country yr rule. I guess its fair.
no one saying a word on zaid and pirzada s arrests. all frustration is on west.
if you see athens with ur own eyes, believe me one won't let any illegal migrant in, being it muslim or non muslim.
Rascism brought to you by western influence.
Slovakia has said it will not accept any Muslims under an EU scheme to share migrants more evenly between member states.

“We want to help Europe with the migration issue. We could take 800 Muslims but we don't have any mosques in Slovakia so how can Muslims be integrated if they are not going to like it here?” Ivan Metik, an interior ministry spokesman, said.

Slovakia is to host 200 migrants under an EU plan to redistribute 40,000 away from Italy and Greece, which are overwhelmed with the numbers arriving across the Mediterranean.

The Slovakian government said it plans to ask the migrants their religion on arrival.

The European Commission expressed its displeasure at the Slovakian plans. “We act here in the spirit of the treaty, which prevents any form of discrimination,” Annika Breidthardt, a spokesman, said.

Slovakia refuses to accept Muslim migrants - Telegraph

This country has some balls.

Fair enough, I can understand that. So when are they going to take the tons of drunken, low skilled trash they dump on the UK? Oh what about the thousands of Roma they have also paid to come over here. I can go on.
It seems they want their own country free from any turmoil but don't want the same for others.

Slovak migrants and the wonderful benefits they have bought here in the UK, with their EU passports.

A Slovakian immigrant worker who killed a police motorcyclist while overtaking on the wrong side of the road has been warned he will be jailed.

Read more: Slovakian immigrant with no licence killed police motorcyclist after overtaking on wrong side of road | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Slovakian Roma in Sheffield: 'This is a boiling pot ready to explode' | UK news | The Guardian

It was people like Rees whom Sheffield MP David Blunkett no doubt had in mind when he gave an interview this week in which he warned that tensions between local people and Slovakian Roma migrants in this part of his constituency could escalate into rioting unless action was taken to improve integration.

Lokok at this piece of sh*t

A man has been arrested in Slovakia over the attempted murder and rape of an 18-year-old woman near a bus stop in Leeds in March.

The 21-year-old Slovakian was held in Kosice in the east of the country and will he kept in custody while British authorities seeks his extradition.

The victim was attacked on Beeston Road, Leeds on 6 March at about 10.50pm.

Leeds Bus Stop Rape Suspect Held In Slovakia

Slovakia immigrants in UK prisons

76 2011
98 2013

That's a plus 29% rise, the highest for any group.

Immigrant crime soars with foreign prisoners rising | UK | News | Daily Express

I honestly don't mind them doing what they have done. They are under no obligation to feed and clothe Muslims. Muslims should look to the rich Gulf kingdoms for refuge, but we all know what the response will be don't we.....:rolleyes:

But one thing is that Slovakia should take back it's people, who are ruining other countries, lowering its standard of life and so forth. Ironically, that's probably the reason why they stopped Muslim immigrants and rightly so.
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or don't worry Muslims will fill country with mosques :rofl: like in Pakistan every few meters we have mosque and other sect of Islam is not allowed to enter inside :rofl:
Here in Pakistan now situation is changing and people feel free to enter and pray unlike past which is a good sign. People are now learning to live peacefully and accepting the differences. We know that by creating enmities we cannot survive. I hope best for us!!
Fair enough, I can understand that. So when are they going to take the tons of drunken, low skilled trash they dump on the UK? Oh what about the thousands of Roma they have also paid to come over here. I can go on.
It seems they want their own country free from any turmoil but don't want the same for others.

Slovak migrants and the wonderful benefits they have bought here in the UK, with their EU passports.

A Slovakian immigrant worker who killed a police motorcyclist while overtaking on the wrong side of the road has been warned he will be jailed.

Read more: Slovakian immigrant with no licence killed police motorcyclist after overtaking on wrong side of road | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Slovakian Roma in Sheffield: 'This is a boiling pot ready to explode' | UK news | The Guardian

It was people like Rees whom Sheffield MP David Blunkett no doubt had in mind when he gave an interview this week in which he warned that tensions between local people and Slovakian Roma migrants in this part of his constituency could escalate into rioting unless action was taken to improve integration.

Lokok at this piece of sh*t

A man has been arrested in Slovakia over the attempted murder and rape of an 18-year-old woman near a bus stop in Leeds in March.

The 21-year-old Slovakian was held in Kosice in the east of the country and will he kept in custody while British authorities seeks his extradition.

The victim was attacked on Beeston Road, Leeds on 6 March at about 10.50pm.

Leeds Bus Stop Rape Suspect Held In Slovakia

Slovakia immigrants in UK prisons

76 2011
98 2013

That's a plus 29% rise, the highest for any group.

Immigrant crime soars with foreign prisoners rising | UK | News | Daily Express

I honestly don't mind them doing what they have done. They are under no obligation to feed and clothe Muslims. Muslims should look to the rich Gulf kingdoms for refuge, but we all know what the response will be don't we.....:rolleyes:

But one thing is that Slovakia should take back it's people, who are ruining other countries, lowering its standard of life and so forth. Ironically, that's probably the reason why they stopped Muslim immigrants and rightly so.

Truth be told,Eastern European countries don't really consider the gypsies their citizens,just immigrants who failed to adapt despite being here for hundreds of years.They're more like a warning sign for future immigrants and what happens if you let the wrong ones in.

They're simply not our people regardless of their papers,they didn't contribute with anything to the history of our countries and it's a relief that they're moving to other places.

It's just a historical occurence that because of the Iron Curtain they couldn't simply move along and stayed here with our citizenship stamped on some paper but in reality they're not "our people".We just don't care,they are citizens of the world,may the world receive them.Heck,i remember that a few years ago Slovakia tried to sterilise Roma women but European "outcry" got in the way.Well,if you like them so much,have at it...all you can eat !
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Truth be told,Eastern European countries don't really consider the gypsies their citizens,just immigrants who failed to adapt despite being here for hundreds of years.They're more like a warning sign for future immigrants and what happens if you let the wrong ones in.

They're simply not our people regardless of their papers.

Well they weren't all Roma, many are, and have been ethnic Slovaks.
The fact still remains Slovakia encouraged them to leave on mass, without giving a damn about what the UK's population thought.
They need to take these people back. Also it's creating a great deal of anti EU feeling as well. Many people are pointing out their hypocrisy in dumping masses of folks they consider undesirables, yet making a fuss when their own country is at risk.

By the way my friend, I know the difference between Romanian folk and Roma. Keep on making that great music and keep that wonderful culture alive.
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