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Slovakia refuses to accept Muslim migrants

We can't, it's not in our countries, and besides we aren't all equal in the union. What we can do is to refuse to take part, which we're doing. They'll stop it themselves once the political climate changes and more right oriented political forces come in...

I didn't mention muslims at all, but if you brought it up: you made a bad image for yourselves, all by yourselves.

I am referring to OP who is making it Muslim issue. If Europeans and Americans want to deport Muslims we can do a swap. Remove the Ashkenazis from Palestine, end all forms of war against ME and pull out military and that can work. But having best of both worlds , deporting and savaging every non Anglo Saxon/Jew like you guys are doing in Ukraine, China, ME is not a solution.

Anyways, ending immigration is a European discussion and you guys should bring it up with government since it really concerns you.
Not our problem, it's your union. If you want end immigration end it. People that hate Muslims take their anger out on us. Take your anger out on your governments. OP is a migrant btw, which makes it funnier. The guy is masturbating to the thought of a 'tough solution' ie dead brown people in streets of Europe.

Btw, if you want to deport us all. No problem, take your cronie CIA/EU agents out of ME plus take the illegal Jews you threw on our land. Stop attacking the ME and aiding people who destroy the natives there.
Not a migrant. Just studying here on a temporary basis.
Germany is taking in bulk of immigrants. World war 2 has subdued Germany and Japan to such an extent that they go to extreme levels of political correctness. I like China in this regard, they know how to roll. I wish we didn't had territorial dispute with China.
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to hell with pc

sadly, significant numbers always allow for a few wahhabi rats to get in, these are the "world domination through religious conquest" people, the fundamentalists, absolutists...the guys who blow themselves up in markets, parasites who first take advantage of the host, will have too many problems amalgamating into a liberal homogeneous western system, even one willing to go full pluralist secular, and will ultimately try and kill it.

It's all happening in the UK now

it does look very mean and racist though, maybe they should vet them and try and filter the ultra fundamentalists out.
or don't worry Muslims will fill country with mosques :rofl: like in Pakistan every few meters we have mosque and other sect of Islam is not allowed to enter inside :rofl:
Some times you sounds like Qadiani.
their country they can reject however if they dont have mosques it is not an issue Muslims can pray at home till the time they build some

A good old saying "Prevention is better than cure".

Keep them where they belong, no need to invite future headache.

@Imran Khan bhai, there has been a phenomenal change in ur mindset past few months, and that change is good. Keep it up !
Agree, wish our government could also limit(or at least properly screen those we let in our land).they have allowed all sort of radical Muslim extremist scums to come here and try and even dare to impose their religion in our country's and tell our people how they have to dress,what to drink,preventing our girls from dressing the way they want (as they want our women to wear their backward medieval burqa) ,impose their backward shariah laws in our streets. Left for me alone I would deport all these scums back to their holy shariah countries back in the Middle East. See how they like it there. I'm sure if our government started doing that, they will be the one pleading not to go back to their ummah land. lol. Hypocrites.....I know a few of them on this site itself. Enjoying their freedom and liberty/comfort in the west, while criticising the west day and night and hoping for its downfall. lol. These people are really confused.

Well done slovakia, to hell with our European governments political correctness,it has led us to nowhere, but trouble with these Islamists extremists scums.:close_tema:

Told you, HYPOCRITES. :coffee:

I wonder who hangs out on a muslim forum, gets kicked out, then come back for more .

Pretty rich coming from you .
A good old saying "Prevention is better than cure".

Keep them where they belong, no need to invite future headache.

@Imran Khan bhai, there has been a phenomenal change in ur mindset past few months, and that change is good. Keep it up !

How are you able to post??
Germany is taking in bulk of immigrants. World war 2 has subdued Germany and Japan to such an extent that they go to extreme levels of political correctness. I like China in this regard, they know how to roll. I wish we didn't had territorial dispute with China.
same here china is pragmatic country.

super powers.

what the hell ?
Every single nation around the world need to take decisions in self interest.. Feck political correctness and "Hooman" rights(The buzz word used these days for interfere ring in domestic affairs of others).. The Whiteman guilt and European neo liberalism has taken the world deeper in to a quagmire.. Time to change
Agree, wish our government could also limit(or at least properly screen those we let in our land).they have allowed all sort of radical Muslim extremist scums to come here and try and even dare to impose their religion in our country's and tell our people how they have to dress,what to drink,preventing our girls from dressing the way they want (as they want our women to wear their backward medieval burqa) ,impose their backward shariah laws in our streets. Left for me alone I would deport all these scums back to their holy shariah countries back in the Middle East. See how they like it there. I'm sure if our government started doing that, they will be the one pleading not to go back to their ummah land. lol. Hypocrites.....I know a few of them on this site itself. Enjoying their freedom and liberty/comfort in the west, while criticising the west day and night and hoping for its downfall. lol. These people are really confused.

Well done slovakia, to hell with our European governments political correctness,it has led us to nowhere, but trouble with these Islamists extremists scums.:close_tema:

Told you, HYPOCRITES. :coffee:

LOL look at the red head in the pic ,where you going to kick him out ? to Pakistan ??
His your own kind A Brit .
.You Brits are trouble makers everywhere you go .Phucking Thieves .Warmongers .
You reap what you sow .You invaded Iraq & destroyed Libya by trying to instill democracy & your nasty dirty perverted way of life .They Kicked you out & now your moaning there coming to show you how to dress & live hahahaha .
Good I hope they Swarm your country for how you treated them throughout your History .
If anyone deserves it the Brits definitely do .

Let me laugh at the Brits .:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Loving it :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

super powers.

Sounds like a nice place to visit.

Why? The skinheads love beating up anything darker then snow. You Indian's are pathetic. You see these days saying you don't like somebody because they are of differant skin colour is seen as racist. Instead the racist have picked on other descriptors. The one that is favourite right now is "Muslim".

If anybody complains they say "we are not being racist" it is just that we are against "Muslims". The truth is "Muslim" is just a way around saying we don't like coloured people. I live in UK and I have seen this with my own eyes. A white guy with huge beard praying five times and all doors will open for him. I have see this with Chechen Muslims.

So I would bet money that this Bosnian Muslim could go from one end of Slovakia to the other without any problems, but you would get your head kicked in on the excuse that your the "Muslim".

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