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Slovakia refuses to accept Muslim migrants

Well they weren't all Roma, many are, and have been ethnic Slovaks.
The fact still remains Slovakia encouraged them to leave on mass, without giving a damn about what the UK's population thought.
They need to take these people back. Also it's creating a great deal of anti EU feeling as well. Many people are pointing out their hypocrisy in dumping masses of folks they consider undesirables, yet making a fuss when their own country is at risk.

By the way my friend, I know the difference between Romanian folk and Roma. Keep on making that great music and keep that wonderful culture alive.

The EU is what it is.Nobody told us about receiving Asian/African immigrants as part of the deal.We've cut our industry,let a major part of the skilled workforce to leave for Western Europe but a line must be drawn.Actually,Romania is quite spineless about this issue but countries like Slovakia,Poland,Hungary will prevent this from happenning.I bet that the bureaucrats in Bruxelles are having a tantrum at the thought that these small Eastern members dare to challenge them on this issue.
The EU is what it is.Nobody told us about receiving Asian/African immigrants as part of the deal.We've cut our industry,let a major part of the skilled workforce to leave for Western Europe but a line must be drawn.Actually,Romania is quite spineless about this issue but countries like Slovakia,Poland,Hungary will prevent this from happenning.I bet that the bureaucrats in Bruxelles are having a tantrum at the thought that these small Eastern members dare to challenge them on this issue.

That's true, and I have said thee is no obligation for them to let them. But similarly no wanted millions of their low skilled workers, unemployed etc. The original idea was a common market place, not a federalised Europe.
They can fight with Brussels all day and night, the bottom line is that many of these states need the EU lifeline, and they will have to eventually tow it.
That's true, and I have said thee is no obligation for them to let them. But similarly no wanted millions of their low skilled workers, unemployed etc. The original idea was a common market place, not a federalised Europe.
They can fight with Brussels all day and night, the bottom line is that many of these states need the EU lifeline, and they will have to eventually tow it.

Well,they're not actually towing the line and i wish good luck to immigrants in Poland for example.The Poles will simply run them out of town.Sometimes no really means no.It takes one EU member to veto a decision and nobody will commit political suicide in the EE countries i've mentioned.So...Western Europe it is as a destination for immigrants at the end.
Well,they're not actually towing the line and i wish good luck to immigrants in Poland for example.The Poles will simply run them out of town.Sometimes no really means no.It takes one EU member to veto a decision and nobody will commit political suicide in the EE countries i've mentioned.So...Western Europe it is as a destination for immigrants at the end.

If they don't tow the line, then they can expect little in the way of help from Western European states, that's a precursor for a major split in the EU, and then we all know what could happen from there. They can stall, play with words, whatever, but if the Germans are letting in 800,000, how long do you think they are going to put up with EE states saying they are too dark, too dirty etc? Once the purse strings start to get tightened the politicians will back down.
As for the immigrants being run out of town, that may well happen to the first few waves, but once you start settling folks in numbers things change fast. Poland itself is suffering population decline and millions of its young men and women have left the place.
This is fast becoming the greatest challenge the EU faces.
Slovakia files lawsuit against EU quotas to redistribute migrants

BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovakia filed a lawsuit at the European Court of Justice on Wednesday against a European Union decision to redistribute 120,000 asylum seekers among member countries, the first legal challenge to a measure that has divided the bloc.

So far this year, nearly 890,000 migrants and refugees have reached European shores, about four times the total in 2014, according to U.N. data. The question of how to cope with the mass inflows have caused a rift between EU governments.
Germany and France threw their weight behind a quota system to help redistribute migrants across EU members, but some of the smaller, less wealthy and more socially conservative countries in the bloc strongly rejected the idea.
Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania opposed mandatory quotas, but were outvoted at a meeting of EU interior ministers in September.
"We demand that the court rules the decision on imposing mandatory quotas is invalid," Fico told reporters.
"I consider the quotas to be nonsensical and technically impossible. Our words are being proven true, the quotas have become a fiasco."

Slovakia, which is due take in 802 migrants under the scheme, argues it has no power to keep migrants in if they wish to move on to Germany and other richer EU member states. Slovakia has only received 154 asylum requests this year.
Hungary is also planning to challenge the quotas. Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Wednesday that EU and Turkey could announce an agreement within days to resettle 400,000 to 500,000 Syrian refugees directly from Turkey to the EU.
Orban said he expected intense pressure from Europe to accept some of these refugees, something he said Budapest could not do.
The Czechs and Romanians have said they will not sue.
Poland's new government has overturned previous center-right pro-EU cabinet's pledge to take in thousands of refugees, saying the attacks on Paris showed the need to review the quota system.
(Reporting by Tatiana Jancarikova; Writing by Jan Lopatka; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky)

Slovakia files lawsuit against EU quotas to redistribute migrants - Yahoo News
Does actually this country participated in the mess created in Syria, Libya and co ?

If they didn't. So they should have the right to refuse.

Only countries who created the mess should accept the refugees.
The Dotbusters was a hate group in Jersey City, New Jersey, that attacked and threatened South Asians, particularly Indians in the fall of 1987. The name originated from the fact that traditional Hindu women and girls wear Bindi on their forehead. It is also a reference to the 1984 supernatural comedy film Ghostbusters.

In July 1987, they had a letter published in the Jersey Journal[1] stating that they would take any means necessary to drive the Indians out of Jersey City:

Dotbusters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Jersey City, Indians Protest Violence - NYTimes.com
You should come to Jersey City for a Visit!..You will be surprised!...Indian origin,Chinese origin...control it .... Also the median income of people living there.....Looks like July 1987 was a total failure "In July 1987, they had a letter published in the Jersey Journal[1] stating that they would take any means necessary to drive the Indians out of Jersey City:"
ISI is responsible for all this since it started radicalism in Muslim youths for its own goals
we don't have any mosques in Slovakia so how can Muslims be integrated if they are not going to like it here?” Ivan Metik, an interior ministry spokesman, said.
If you don want Muslims in your country then fine but why giving such stupid reasoning when you already have 10,600 Muslims in Slovakia ? Mosques can be built lol This minister seem as stupid as this troll @Azizam
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