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Slain Pakistani-American soldier's father says his travel rights under review

This guy is a fool being used by racist Democrats. He gives a bad light to humanity, not just to Muslims.
It will only get worse from here on

Trump and his crew will ensure it,

Tough time for migrants and families in U.S

Trump acting narcissistic again. Trump cannot take criticism. He is a sore loser. This is his way of payback.

The only problem is that Trump and his minions are screwing themselves with such childish behavior. Trumpland is a problem for most of the world.

Allah betrayed him, big league.


LOL don't be too sure. Trump is a joker and the whole world questions his ability to lead. Trump only has India and Israel on his side.

Khizr Khan’s claim that the U.S. is restricting his travel may be unraveling


The claim, which does not state which U.S. agency contacted him, immediately raised doubts about how it was possible that a U.S. citizen was being prevented from traveling abroad.


As a general rule, the United States cannot prevent passport-holding citizens from traveling if they have not been charged with a crime. Public records indicate that Khan has no criminal history,




This is sounding like the kid on the bus incident.

Khizr does have a criminal past. His crime being a Muslim Pakistani in Trumpland. LOL at dailycaller source. Sounds very credible like most far right garbage.

This guy is a fool being used by racist Democrats. He gives a bad light to humanity, not just to Muslims.

LOL says the guy who supports a pussy grabbing clown. Who could beat Trump when it comes to racism and giving a bad light to humanity? LMAO All these Trump clowns are bloody hilarious.
Trump acting narcissistic again. Trump cannot take criticism. He is a sore loser. This is his way of payback.

The only problem is that Trump and his minions are screwing themselves with such childish behavior. Trumpland is a problem for most of the world.

LOL don't be too sure. Trump is a joker and the whole world questions his ability to lead. Trump only has India and Israel on his side.

Khizr does have a criminal past. His crime being a Muslim Pakistani in Trumpland. LOL at dailycaller source. Sounds very credible like most far right garbage.

LOL says the guy who supports a pussygrabbing clown.

Lol! It looks like somebody was caught making something up. He has gone into complete "No comment mode".

He's going to get a "fake news" award.
Lol! It looks like somebody was caught making something up. He has gone into complete "No comment mode".

Show some respect and decency. I know it is too much to ask from a Trump supporter, but still. His son gave his life for your country. If this is your way of gratitude... We understand being a Muslim doesn't go well in Trumpland know a days, but the least you could do is to not call him just somebody.

Don't be early to judge. Surely Mr Khizr will clarify his position. We know how ugly Trump is as a human being. A man that calls Mexicans rapists and wants to ban Muslims can resort to any madness. Restricting Mr Khizr from traveling would just amount to a minor detail for someone like Trump.
Show some respect and decency. I know it is too much to ask from a Trump supporter, but still. His son gave his life for your country. If this is your way of gratitude... We understand being a Muslim doesn't go well in Trumpland know a days, but the least you could do is to not call him just somebody.

Don't be early to judge. Surely Mr Khizr will clarify his position. We know how ugly Trump is as a human being. A man that calls Mexicans rapists and wants to ban Muslims can resort to any madness. Restricting Mr Khizr from traveling would just amount to a minor detail for someone like Trump.

I didn't post this fake news story and have 3 pages of US bashing simply to point the bad finger at the US. Now that it is starting to unravel and the blame is going to somebody not related to Trump maybe people shouldn't be so quick next time to point the finger.

I'll make sure to keep this thread updated so we can continue the bashing on the REAL type of person who deserves it (i.e. liars with a political agenda who want to grab sympathetic headlines). But hey things could swing back his way...are you a betting man?

This other "respected" guy fled the country when his story started to unravel. It looks like he (or his wife) beat his own helpless 6yr old son severely (broken arm in cast) and then in a panic blamed it on Islamophobia from the kids on the local schoolbus.
What a real winner of a dad he was!
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