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Six reasons, why India can beat China.

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lol Indians, how classic, I have saved this article, and I will repost it in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and as long as the forum exists, I just want to see how big this joke, how denial and how deep this vvetdream can achieve..:D

Agreed. This one is classic. There is no manifest destiny of superpowerdom for India. Just talking about it doesn't make it happen.

In fact, India owes everything it has achieved in the last 20 years to an ethnic Chinese-American from Shanghai named Charles Kuen Kao. If it wasn't for this Chinese person, 99% of Indians would be digging ditches instead of 93%. Must go back in time and take care of Sir Kao Terminator 2 style.

Charles K. Kao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Six reasons, why will India beat China

Ever wondered who will win the economic competition between China and India? Here are the six short answers to your question – the reason why India will become the next Asian Tiger while the Chinese dragon be humiliated. :P

Big talk, big talk... big talk.

This article was written in 2008.

Now it is 2012, what do the Indians have to show for it? :rofl:

- India's growth rate has fallen to 6.9%, while countries like Turkey/Argentina/Sri Lanka are all above 8%+.
- India has consistent double-digit inflation, the highest inflation out of all the BRIC countries

- Jim O'Neil, the economist who invented the concept of "BRIC", has said that India is the most disappointing of all the BRIC nations
- Fareed Zakira from CNN said that the "I" in BRIC should be given to Indonesia instead
- India scored the second WORST in the OECD educational tests
- According to India's leading economist Amartya Sen, India has gone from the second best in South Asia to the second worst, in terms of social indicators
- India's poverty is still the worst in the world, worse than the entire continent of Africa

Now there is the difference between "big talk" in 2008, and reality in 2012. :tup:
5 reason why India cant beat china

1/weak military against china/pakistan
2.weak and corrupt leader
3.90 percent poor population
4.Bad economy
5.Many serpertist movement from south to north and east to west

Thats coming from a person whos country has not won a single war except Baloch insurgency?
Your president is on trial. Your former martial law admin is barred from entering the country.
People are slipping into poverty day by day
Economy run on free saudi oil, afghan drug trade, american aid and chinese weapons.

4 out of 5 provinces in struggle for independance-
(i) Balochistan -BLA,BRA etc
(ii) FATA- tribes and taliban
(iii) Sindh- suppression of muhajirs
(iv) Khyber- taliban

Seriously pakistan is miles behind India
No point in comparing when Mumbai alone has a bigger GDP THAN WHOLE OF PAKISTAN.
Big talk, big talk... big talk.

This article was written in 2008.

Now it is 2012, what do the Indians have to show for it? :rofl:

- India's growth rate has fallen to 6.9%, while countries like Turkey/Argentina/Sri Lanka are all above 8%+.
- India has consistent double-digit inflation, the highest inflation out of all the BRIC countries

- Jim O'Neil, the economist who invented the concept of "BRIC", has said that India is the most disappointing of all the BRIC nations

Some more realities for you ..

Indian inflation is at two yr low ..unless you are a semi illiterate 9.75 % (at its peak) of 7% right now does not count as "consistent double-digit inflation".

Indian industrial growth rate after taking taking a plunge in third has recovered.
Manufacturing has been at highest in point.
India has grown by 7.5 % in first three quarters of this yr and will maintain a growth rate between 7-7.5% for the entire yr.
This growth rate expected to rise to above 9% in CY 2013.(according E&Y)

Where as Chinese economy bubble has collapsed is expected to slow down to 7%(according Chinese sources) and 4%(according to IMF)
Where as Chinese economy bubble has collapsed is expected to slow down to 7%(according Chinese sources) and 4%(according to IMF)

LOL, that is exactly what the author of the OP said.

China is on the verge of collapse, and India is on the verge of ascendancy. It sounds great, until you realize he wrote that article in 2008. :rofl:

For Indians, they are always living in tomorrow and failing to live up to the expectations. It is always "tomorrow we will grow faster than China" for years and years and years now.

But in ACTUAL fact, China's growth rate is 9.2% while India's growth rate is 6.9%. :azn:
As for India's inflation, here is a chart that was posted by your fellow Indian:

Some more realities for you ..

Indian inflation is at two yr low ..unless you are a semi illiterate 9.75 % (at its peak) of 7% right now does not count as "consistent double-digit inflation".

Indian industrial growth rate after taking taking a plunge in third has recovered.
Manufacturing has been at highest in point.
India has grown by 7.5 % in first three quarters of this yr and will maintain a growth rate between 7-7.5% for the entire yr.
This growth rate expected to rise to above 9% in CY 2013.(according E&Y)

Where as Chinese economy bubble has collapsed is expected to slow down to 7%(according Chinese sources) and 4%(according to IMF)

Indian inflation is heavily dependent on the monsoon. They are not favorable this year due to El Nino/ La Nina.

Social housing and consumer credit is what China is betting on domestically in 2012.
China started developing in 1970's compared to india which started in 1990's.
China started 20 years before and is 10 years ahead.

Plus China has death penalty for corrupt and has a strong stance on terrorism in Xinjiang. India does not shut down its terrorist cells in Azamgarh due to political reasons. If india had death penalty for corrupt they would be few politicians left and fewer IAS
Why India doesn't need to beat china?

We have to fight the evils in our own society instead to competing in any silly games with china.

Our educational system needs an overhaul to produce better talent

We still need strive to achieve better social justice system

We need to be pump more money into the economy, uplift the poor from our society

We still ave a good 15-20 years of tough development work to be in any level to compete with any other country

After that if we do need to compete with china or america or anyone else, lets not compete with fighter jets and nukes, lets compete on freedom of speech, social justice, education, Cultural freedom, etc.

P.S. To the chinese members here, it's great to see that your country is prospering, our aspirations to compete with you makes it compliment to you and not an insult!!!!
P.S. To the chinese members here, it's great to see that your country is prospering, our aspirations to compete with you makes it compliment to you and not an insult!!!!

Did you read the first paragraph of the article?

Ever wondered who will win the economic competition between China and India? Here are the six short answers to your question – the reason why India will become the next Asian Tiger while the Chinese dragon be humiliated. :P

And the rest is some BS about how China is on the verge of collapse. Funny, it is four years later and they are still singing the exact same song.
Did you read the first paragraph of the article?

Yes sir i did, and I replied to the same... If we aspire to be able to compete with you someday, that means your progress is inspirational to us. its a compliment.....

About hate speech from both sides... i don't really bother addressing any of them... all of them irrespective of which side they are on, are morons....
Thats coming from a person whos country has not won a single war except Baloch insurgency?
Your president is on trial. Your former martial law admin is barred from entering the country.
People are slipping into poverty day by day
Economy run on free saudi oil, afghan drug trade, american aid and chinese weapons.

4 out of 5 provinces in struggle for independance-
(i) Balochistan -BLA,BRA etc
(ii) FATA- tribes and taliban
(iii) Sindh- suppression of muhajirs
(iv) Khyber- taliban

Seriously pakistan is miles behind India
No point in comparing when Mumbai alone has a bigger GDP THAN WHOLE OF PAKISTAN.

:undecided: ohh man i live in pakistan and dont know sindhis are also fighting for independence even our economy's hub is in sindh :undecided: and about khyber pakhtonkhuwa if talibans are so strong why they havent captured peshawar uptil now which is on afghan border :what: ??
Hate these d!ck messaging / measuring threads...
The six reasons had been around since 2005 and all western gurus had predicted that India would beat China as from 2005 or else as from next year. But what we see in 2012, India is still lagging well behind China in all sectors from education, to Heath system, industry etc except in miliatary procurement. Such prediction had been around for decade, India will surpass China, will beat China etc. But this never happens, its like a Bollywood dream. If India was so brilliant in such sectors it would have already beaten and surpassed China since 2008. But what we see, the gap between both countries keep on increasing in favor of China despite India being so brilliant in all these sectors. Regarding population, its useless to have two billions of lazy people lacking basic education and discipline to work, regarding education its useless to have thousand of engineers while millions remain uneducated, regarding environment India is much dirty and polluted than China but this remain hidden by the Indian Government and the western media, China is now number one in green energy, solar energy and it is investing heavily in sustainable and green economic deveiopment, etc.
:undecided: ohh man i live in pakistan and dont know sindhis are also fighting for independence even our economy's hub is in sindh :undecided: and about khyber pakhtonkhuwa if talibans are so strong why they havent captured peshawar uptil now which is on afghan border :what: ??

So why is Karachi always in civil war? Thousands die in shootings every year.
Iraq in 2011 had fewer insurgent deaths than Pakistan.

Taliban cant do conventional warfare so cant capture a whole city but it can control a whole region.
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