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Site Policy on False Flags ?

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But do not forget your responsibilities as citizens when you represent your country on an international forum.


:lol: when it comes to Pakistani members that bash Pakistan then they are like liberals for Indians and when Indian members criticise their country then you call for becoming responsible citizens
After someone has made a certain number of post...we all vote what flags they get! (that would be a declaration of group bias!)
I scolded her badly for 1-2 times but no use as long as she bashing India admin won't take against her that the truth.

iwonder after a much longer period you guys still are paranoid over her. i believe she has become more pro-India during all this period still you are fuming over her freedom of expression.
:lol: when it comes to Pakistani members that bash Pakistan then they are like liberals for Indians and when Indian members criticise their country then you call for becoming responsible citizens

Please bro, we are famous for being the country of jhola wadi pseudo-intellectuals.

It is the national pastime to bash ourselves and each other.

This is about a simple and very fundamental thing - National Flags.

It is not personal.

It is not circumstantial.

It is not bias or a supporters pom-pom.

It is the flag under which a nation rallies.

We CANNOT cheapen it or dilute it by deciding what meaning WE want to ascribe to it.

In doing so, we tread on the national sentiments and pride of billions of others.

Understand the significance!

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:lol: when it comes to Pakistani members that bash Pakistan then they are like liberals for Indians and when Indian members criticise their country then you call for becoming responsible citizens

But this liberal supports the maoist rule all over india and gun for every women :D
I doubt about identity of kkacer or sinochallenger.
AJTR, bashes Pakistan and India, and is pro Pakistan and India---we need more members like this that are objective. Don't give two shits about her flag.
Please bro, we are famous for being the country of jhola wadi pseudo-intellectuals.

It is the national pastime to bash ourselves and each other.

This is about a simple and very fundamental thing - National Flags.

It is not personal.

It is not circumstantial.

It is not bias or a supporters pom-pom.

It is the flag under which a nation rallies.

We CANNOT cheapen it or dilute it by deciding what meaning WE want to ascribe to it.

In doing so, we tread on the national sentiments and pride of billions of others.

Understand the significance!


False flag is when you are and Indian and pretent as Pakistani and also take up Muslim name despite you are a Hindu and then bash Islam and Pakistan whereas in case of ajtr you Indians were calling her as Pakistani when she was having both Indian flags . uncalled for bashing by Indians and blames forced her to take up Pakistani flags and now when she is having one each you are also not happy.

so first the Indians should do away with doubting her nationality and then demand otherwise
False flag is when you are and Indian and pretent as Pakistani and also take up Muslim name despite you are a Hindu and then bash Islam and Pakistan whereas in case of ajtr you Indians were calling her as Pakistani when she was having both Indian flags . uncalled for bashing by Indians and blames forced her to take up Pakistani flags and now when she is having one each you are also not happy.

so first the Indians should do away with doubting her nationality and then demand otherwise

Thread closed.
One wonders, what counts most, an individuals contribution to the subject/thread/forum or the colours they display.

If a person is digressing from or addressing the topic at hand, would his flag make any difference to the outcome of the debate. ??

Why can we not rise above the individual and discuss something much bigger?

Are we kindergarten kids complaining and bitching to the teacher that someones's taken away their lunch?

Please guys.

In real life some of us run companies and businesses. Many of us run families.

I should hope we can come up with a more mature discussion.

Please, I request your cooperation.

It is not about who says what for or against which country.

It is a BASIC international decorum and inviolable protocol of National Flags.

We are not playing UN here or Friends of Humanity NGO stuff.

We are real world people discussing real world issues affecting real world countries.

A national flag is not something you can change at your own whim.

If you cannot respect it, you do not deserve it.

In the real world you could be imprisoned for it.

Why should the Net be any different at an OFFICIAL level when it comes to administrative policy?

You do realize the web address of this site is DEFENCE.PK

The .PK implies quasi-official status and standing.

We cannot muck around on this.
Rules are rules everyone has to play according to it ..the question is not about individuals opinion but of falseflag ..he/she has every right to express her opinion but flying a false flag and getting away with it is mockery of forum rules
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