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Site Policy on False Flags ?

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Jul 8, 2009
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Dear Webmaster, Asim,

We have people here who fly flags of India and Pakistan.

You will agree that it is not possible to fly both.

And doing so is basically done to garner cheap attention and get vicarious thrills out of seeing both sides distressed.

May I know what is the policy of this site on false flags please?

This is an international forum, and the whims of one's mind or personal circumstances cannot hold to ransom the standards of participating nations here.

In the end, it is God and motherland and flag above everything else.

Thanking you in anticipation,


P.S. I would greatly like to have a civil discussion on this. No baap-amma cheap banter please. Let us exhibit our class - or try not to reveal the lack of such.
One flag belongs to your country of origin n second of location...
I know the person u r referring to :D
Paan Singh ji,

If you run the mouse over the first flag it says "User's Country Flag"

Run it over the second and it says "User's Location Flag"

This is not about country of origin.

Your country is the one you are a citizen of.

Your location is where you live.

And you will agree that when it comes to India and Pakistan, though I would like the discussion to be on policy and not on individuals, there are very few examples where such may be the case.
Paan Singh ji,

If you run the mouse over the first flag it says "User's Country Flag"

Run it over the second and it says "User's Location Flag"

This is not about country of origin.

Your country is the one you are a citizen of.

Your location is where you live.

And you will agree that when it comes to India and Pakistan, though I would like the discussion to be on policy and not on individuals, there are very few examples where such may be the case.

I agreed,it shud be discussed
Please guys - iss topic par thoda serious raho.

Apne jhande ka sawaal hai.

Pakistaniyon ke jhande ka sawaal hai.

Pura din hansi mazak theek hai yahaan.

But do not forget your responsibilities as citizens when you represent your country on an international forum.

I SERIOUSLY would like to bring this discussion front and center here and request your cooperation.

P.S. Thanks Paan bhai.
Please let us keep the discussion on Policy and not divert towards individuals.

This is an international forum and as was seen very recently, it DOES have a very tangible impact on the ground if not handled correctly.

I request the indulgence and the putting together of all minds so that we may be fair and yet not trample on national boundaries and sovereign issues.
I scolded her badly for 1-2 times but no use as long as she bashing India admin won't take against her that the truth.
Well then there are people with Location,Origin flags of Samoa,Virgin Islands or some countries which you just see on your TV screens during the Olympics parade only.
This is an issue of National Flags.

It cannot be trivialized. It should not be trivialized.

And left unchecked, it has the potential of snowballing into an international incident as well.

Yes, such is the power of social media today.

Recognize it, and accept it, and in doing so understand that what we are doing here is not just harmless fun.

Our flags are hard won. Many better men and women than us have given their blood and lives for their sanctity.

Do we have the right to lessen that in any way as citizens of our countries?

As netziens in the virtual world?
I thought they believed in Pak-India freindship, that's why they have both flags, maybe they should come on here and clarify their position.
Zarvin nobody is any doubt of the motives of the people being referred to.

But again, individuals pale in front of the greater whole.

These are proud countries we are talking about.

Countries built on blood and sacrifice.

The flags under which millions of young men train and fight and are ready to lay down their lives to protect.

And have done so with honor in the past.

We cannot cheapen that by diluting their significance to making socila or personal statements here or anywhere else.

It is simply not done.

Not on a responsible well known and respected International Forum.

Which is looked at and held up and visited by citizens of nationalities from all over the world.

This is not Facebook Farmsville (whatever that is) here.
Regardless of the description, most people view the flags as a declaration of bias. Whether that bias is due to birth, residency, marriage or whatever, at least the person is being honest up front, and we should accept it as such.
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