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Sisi officially enters Egypt’s presidential race


Feb 1, 2013
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A man sits next to a poster of presidential candidate and former Egyptian army chief Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, in central Cairo, April 8, 2014. (Reuters)
By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News
Monday, 14 April 2014

Egypt’s interim deputy prime minister officially entered the presidential race on Monday when his campaigners handed in application papers to the elections committee in Cairo, the country’s state TV said.

Amid heighted security measures, three black 4x4 cars belonging to Sisi’s campaigners arrived at the elections committee headquarters with an army helicopters roaming above.

The former army chief Sisi, who is riding a wave of popularity after ousting Islamist leader Mohammad Mursi in July, is widely expected to win the May 26-27 election.

The 59-year-old had declared his intention to run for president in late March.

“Lawyer Abu Shoqa submitted the required documents on behalf of Sisi that include endorsements by citizens, medical reports, and an application for his candidacy,” Ahmed Kamel told AFP.

Under Egyptian law, candidates hoping to run for president need to collect at least 25,000 signatures.

“Sisi has already received more than 460,000 signatures from citizens across the country endorsing his candidacy,” said Kamel.

Sisi ousted Mursi after millions of people took to the streets protesting against the Islamist’s single year of turbulent rule.

The electoral commission is set to announce the final field of candidates on May 2, and official campaigning starts a day later.

Leftist leader Hamdeen Sabahi and Mortada Mansour, a harsh critic of activists who led the 2011 revolt against Hosni Mubarak, have also declared their intention to stand for president.

Sabahi recently heighted his tone against Sisi.

During an interview with al-Mayadeen satellite channel late on Saturday, Sahabi claimed that figures linked to corruption are supporting the presidential campaign of retired army chief Sisi.

“There are honorable figures in Sisi’s campaign, but all the icons of corruption are in his team and are backing him,” Ahram Online quoted him as saying.

Al-Mayadeen said its signal was jammed during the show.

European Union monitors will supervise next month’s election.

(With AFP)

Last Update: Monday, 14 April 2014 KSA 16:04 - GMT 13:04


Comments please dear Egyptian brothers. @Mahmoud_EGY @Frogman @agentny17 @Dino R.
now after 3 years we are in the right path even if mistakes are made but we are on our way to claim back peace in the streets and economy to get better even if i saw much in the last 3 years i feel that maybe the coming days would be better
Muslim Brotherhood did absolutely nothing for the Egyptian people. I hope Sisi will do something good. And yes, economy must be the top priority along with law and order situation.
now after 3 years we are in the right path

Could you please explain to me this 'right path' without mentioning the MB or anything else that doesn't matter?

if mistakes are made but we are on our way to claim back peace

More cracking down peaceful protests/demonstrations? That's why they closed the Tahrir square, because millions would show up.

in the streets and economy to get better

Did the economy really get better? Btw, after a year in his term I will judge, if he fails to flip the economy around(Like you guys expected from Morsi in one year and hold that against him) then we will all agree he's a failure and needs to be ousted(which probably the next corrupt military commander will try doing if he's not getting cash on the side).

Btw, what are you doing awake right now?
Could you please explain to me this 'right path' without mentioning the MB or anything else that doesn't matter?
ok without mentioning your beloved brotherhood in 3 years Egypt has been a victim to unrest and riots some people using the revoultion and speak as if they moved the people in 25 jan normal people could not even defend themselves from thugs economy going worse no jobs blood is everywhere i am not ashamed to say i was wrong when i was in tahrir square i wanted mubark out but i did not know what to do after that or have a plan for the future this not right el sisi has good points he can stand pressure tantawi however was too ... kind sometimes when you think not taking a stand will save you it makes matters worse some may think you are weak also from the leaks of al jazera i think he has some hard but important ideas to get the economy better than ever
More cracking down peaceful protests/demonstrations? That's why they closed the Tahrir square, because millions would show up.
it is not easy being a leader in Egypt now anyone in charge have to make difficult choices for the greater good what we have been through could make any country fall
Did the economy really get better? Btw, after a year in his term I will judge, if he fails to flip the economy around(Like you guys expected from Morsi in one year and hold that against him) then we will all agree he's a failure and needs to be ousted(which probably the next corrupt military commander will try doing if he's not getting cash on the side).
of course we will see what has he done in 1 year and i am sure it would be a lot better than morsi
Btw, what are you doing awake right now?
sometimes you cant just get to sleep no matter what you do

You still failed to explain to me what the 'right path' is or what goals he has to set Egypt on the 'right path'.

No, no, no, don't back pedal now. If Sisi doesn't flip the economy around within one year than we have to agree that he's a failure and needs to be ousted by the Egyptian people.

That's what you held against Morsi, so you better evaluate Sisi the same exact way, or else you have a double standard. Since you guys are the more honest people as you tell us then I believe you're true to your words, we will see after one year exactly.

If he doesn't flip the economy around in one year and there are economic problems still left in Egypt then he has to go and we will all bash him for it since it's what we did with Morsi.
Another dictator will come what's the point of the revolution against ex military dictator like Mubarak and bring another military dictator
Another dictator will come what's the point of the revolution against ex military dictator like Mubarak and bring another military dictator

That's for the Egyptian people to decide. They will either benefit from the recent 3 years of changes or repeat mistakes of the past. You, me or others cannot predict the future. You talk like Al-Sisi has already been elected.

What happens will happen. Such drastic changes in a society takes years to overcome and even longer when the economy is in ruin and the region is on fire.

80 million people died in total during WW1 and WW2 70-90 years ago when drastic changes took place.

Nothing strange with this. People are just mostly swallow in this age and time. They rarely understand what is really going on and have no patience.
You still failed to explain to me what the 'right path' is or what goals he has to set Egypt on the 'right path'.
the right path is a strong and just state and we will know more later about his plans in economy secuirty and every thing
No, no, no, don't back pedal now. If Sisi doesn't flip the economy around within one year than we have to agree that he's a failure and needs to be ousted by the Egyptian people.

That's what you held against Morsi, so you better evaluate Sisi the same exact way, or else you have a double standard. Since you guys are the more honest people as you tell us then I believe you're true to your words, we will see after one year exactly.
after 1 year we will see what is done according to what we have and what is possible
the right path is a strong and just state and we will know more later about his plans in economy secuirty and every thing

What is that supposed to mean? You still haven't explained what the 'right' path is. How would I know what that's supposed to mean?

after 1 year we will see what is done according to what we have and what is possible

Thanks for being honest and agreeing with me, now we've all agreed that Al-Sisi would have to be ousted after one year if the economy wasn't flipped around.
I really wished he didn't run for own benefit, but its his decision. Good luck to him

EU to monitor Egypt presidential election

Cairo (AFP) - European Union monitors will supervise Egypt's upcoming presidential election under an agreement in principle reached Thursday between visiting EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and foreign minister Nabil Fahmy.

A joint statement said the two sides agreed that an EU "election observation mission" would be deployed at the invitation of the Egyptian government.

The statement said Ashton welcomed the fact that the necessary agreements will be concluded shortly, "allowing for unhindered movement of observers throughout the country and access to all legal political interlocutors".

EU to monitor Egypt presidential election - Yahoo News

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