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Sinovac's vaccine general efficacy less than 60% in Brazil trial - report


Jul 23, 2017
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Sinovac's vaccine general efficacy less than 60% in Brazil trial - report

BRASILIA (Reuters) - The CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine developed by China’s Sinovac Biotech has a general efficacy of less than 60% in its clinical trial in Brazil, the news portal UOL reported on Monday, citing two sources that had seen the results.

Sao Paulo’s Butantan biomedical center, which has partnered with Sinovac to produce the vaccine in Brazil, plans to release general efficacy results on Tuesday as it seeks emergency use for the shot from health regulator Anvisa. It called the report “purely speculative.”

Reporting by Anthony Boadle; Editing by Leslie Adler
Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Indonesia trials has shown the vaccine is 65 % effective. It has been approved by our food and drug authority agency (BPOM) just Yesterday.

Indonesia trials has shown the vaccine is 65 % effective. It has been approved by our food and drug authority agency (BPOM) just Yesterday.

How effective is China's Sinovac vaccine? Experts are confused by the data
don't be too concerned Phillipines & Brazil & Indonesia - next time China will make a virus upon which SinoVac vaccine works better.
...just kidding. I sincerely hope and pray, regardless of where & who made the vaccine, it works out great

Sinovac vaccine is easier to store and distribute. It will be cheaper for Indonesian since we only buy the raw material and also participate on the trial plus buying it in bulk. Indonesia has also bought vaccine from other producers.

In detail in 2021, the upcoming vaccines include, Sinovac vaccine (116 million doses), Novavax vaccine (52 million doses), Astra Zenecavaksin vaccine (50 million doses), and Pfizer / BioNtech vaccine (45 million doses). And there is also a vaccine alliance in collaboration with WHO, Covax (12 million doses). "If everything is ordered, 275 million vaccines will be available in 2021," said Winny.

You should not rely on just a twit from no body


What really matters with vaccines is effectiveness against severe disease. Treatments are actually quite stable against mild and moderate disease. It would be interesting to see the breakdown.

The BMJ recently published an article explaining that even the Pfizer vaccine (which appeared to be the best hitherto in terms of efficacy) had limitations in terms of reporting the outcomes for moderate and mild disease, such that efficacy was significantly lower (below 50%) in these categories.

As long as I don't end up on a ventilator, I think I'd accept a certain level of risk.
Is sinovac two dose or single dose. This much efficiency with single dose would be god sent.
In how much temperature it can remain effective. This matters a lot too. Many countries do not have systems in abundance to sustain vaccines below - 50C
Indian trolls parotting ideological political activists and US state propaganda mouthpieces desperately trying to attach a negative spin to good news about Chinas vaccine performance while still waving around those old silly US vaccince numbers for apples and oranges comparisons. As if the last year wasnt pathetic enough.
Et tu Global Times. So, @Han Patriot what will be the last/final number?
You neeed to measure average efficacy, going by your logic, Oxford is less than 40% and modern Pfitzer is 6%. That's as per the recent explanation I was given. Sinovac was effective as high as 91% in Turkey and many places report high figures, but Brazil was politically motivated to reject that vaccine so I am not sure how does it effect the efficacy, don't forget China only used it on the highest risk front liners as opposed to general populace like in other vaccine tests. You also need to find out whether having sympotoms is equivalent as infected?

If you don't like Sinovac use Sinopharm, it's even higher at 79%.lol
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You neeed to measure average efficacy, going by your logic, Oxford is less than 40% and modern Pfitzer is 6%.
It's not my logic dear, it's reported by your own media, that it's less than 60% effective, or should I say 50% on an average. I'm sure there is no political motivation to publish these results, as scientists are not politicians, Don't invent numbers lol. 100%, 70% 40%.
It's not my logic dear, it's reported by your own media, that it's less than 60% effective, or should I say 50% on an average. I'm sure there is no political motivation to publish these results, as scientists are not politicians, Don't invent numbers lol. 100%, 70% 40%.,
I didn't invent, Brazilian studies is 50.4%, the others are 91% and 65% and 78%,blabla,how can it be less than 50? You need to read the peer reviewed paper to understand this. Is this only one dose efficacy? 2 dose? That's why Oxford got less than 30% on one trial. If you don't belive this vaccine use Sinopharm then.

Don't jump to conclusion too quickly.

Read this article, due to a reuqiemebt to administer 2 dose within 14 days apart, the efficacy reduced, even under such severe testing conditions, we passed the test. Have you compared the methods used by Pfitzer? Read about the efficacy of Oxford vaccines in Australia.
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