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How is google translation working for you?

I don't use Google. I can change it, like that: "Gefälschte Produkte aus China" .:D

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Echte Schnäppchen?
Schick, schön, unschlagbar billig – und nur einen Mouse-Klick entfernt. Wer geschickt Angebote und Preise vergleicht, kann in Online-Shops günstig einkaufen. Aber Vorsicht: Schneller als man denkt, ist man Produkt-Fälschern auf den Leim gegangen. Und steht am Ende mit leeren Händen da.

Post vom Zoll
Ein stylisches Smartphone aus dem Online-Shop für weniger als Hundert Euro, da muss Gudrun S. einfach zuschlagen. Aber das vermeintliche Schnäppchen kommt nie bei ihr an. Dafür erhält sie Post vom Zoll: Das Handy wurde beschlagnahmt, es sei eindeutig ein Plagiat. "Die Ware sieht anderen Marken-Handys zum Verwechseln ähnlich, kostet aber anstatt mehrerer Hundert nur rund 70 Euro", so Tatjana Halm von der Verbraucherzentrale Bayern. "Da liegt der Fälschungs-Verdacht nahe."

Vorsicht beim Online-Shopping
Wer Produkte von Internet-Händlern kauft, die außerhalb der Europäischen Union sitzen, sollte grundsätzlich vorsichtig sein und sich vorab genau über den Firmensitz, die Zahlungs- und Liefer-Bedingungen informieren. "Zudem gelten außerhalb der EU oft weniger strenge Verbraucherschutz- und Urheberrechts-Bestimmungen", so die Expertin. Außerdem können Zusatzkosten wie Zölle und Einfuhrsteuern anfallen.

Umgang mit Produkt-Fälschungen
Nicht ganz echt: gefälschte Marken-Produkte.
Alle Postsendungen, die als Luftfracht nach Deutschland kommen, prüft der Zoll in Frankfurt. Geschulte Beamte nehmen gezielte Stichproben. Bei Verdacht - beispielsweise wenn am Paket eines Händlers kein Zahlungshinweis angebracht ist - öffnen Zoll-Mitarbeiter die Postsendung. Sie ziehen täglich Fälschungen aus dem Verkehr: Elektro-Produkte, Designer-Mode, Medikamente. "Wir kennen die internationalen Warenbewegungen genau", so Thomas Meister vom Münchner Zoll. "Produkte aus China kontrollieren wir zum Beispiel verstärkt nach Fälschungen." Die Zahl der aufgegriffenen Plagiate ist in den vergangenen Jahren drastisch angestiegen: 2010 beschlagnahmte der Zoll im Postverkehr rund 17.000 Produkte, im Jahr 2009 waren es noch rund 6.000.

Schlechte Qualität und Gesundheitsgefahr
"Gefälschte Marken-Kleidung erkennen Sie spätestens daran, dass sie nach dem ersten Waschen zwei Nummern kleiner ist", sagt Thomas Meister vom Münchner Zoll. Geradezu gefährlich sei der Kauf gefälschter Medikamente oder Elektro-Produkte. "Denn hier bestehen häufig Gefahren für die Gesundheit. Wir haben schon erlebt, dass Akkus gefälschter Handys explodiert sind."

Im Auftrag der Rechte-Inhaber
Zoll-Mitarbeiter gehen im Auftrag der Marken-Inhaber gegen Produkt-Piraterie vor. Vom Hersteller der Original-Ware erfahren sie auch die Merkmale, an denen sie Plagiate erkennen können. Der Rechte-Inhaber entscheidet auch, ob er zivilrechtlich gegen Fälschungen vorgeht, so Meister. "Es kann durchaus passieren, dass Kunden, die unwissentlich gefälschte Ware gekauft haben, eine Unterlassungs-Erklärung unterschreiben müssen." Die Marken-Ihnaber können die Plagiate aber auch vernichten lassen. So war es bei Gudrun S. Das gefälschte Smart-Phone aus dem Online-Shop hat der Zoll mittlerweile verschrotten lassen. Die 70 Euro, die sie vorab an den Internet-Händler überwiesen hat, wird sie vermutlich nicht mehr wieder sehen. Tatjana Halm von der Verbraucherzentrale Bayern: "Da sich der Firmen-Sitz nicht klar ermitteln lässt, kann man keine Klage zustellen. Das heißt, das Geld ist verloren."

<!-- --> Smartphone-Plagiate: Informationen vom Zoll [zoll.de]

I have been to in German and I finished my study there, I know what people in Germany think. They don't have time to cheering for such Chinese fake products there other than they can laugh on it.

Take it from me you vietroll people will not laugh at a country with $3trillions in fx reserves, but on the other hand thy will definitely laugh at people from a country with a pathetic $9 billions in fx:rofl:
When I was still a boy I thought that China was "our side" "our brothers", and the U.S is "bad guy", "enemy side", "opposing camp". And I was very happy every time i hear about the success of China. I am from "Tonkin" - Northern Vietnam.
But when I grew up, I can self-think and self-search rather than just listening from "the Party" talking, I realized it was not entirely true. Just look at the Hoang Sa, Truong Sa, Bi&#7875;n &#272;ông, Geneva 1954, Biên Gi&#7899;i phía B&#7855;c, Khmer Rouge......

I think our friend, Dämmerung is a Chinese-German, but instead of hanging two flags like Viet did do, he just hung a flag.

BTW: @ AViet: T&#7841;i Sao tên c&#7911;a b&#7841;n có ch&#7919; "A" gi&#7889;ng nh&#432; cách g&#7885;i tên nh&#7919;ng ng&#432;&#7901;i Trung Qu&#7889;c khi h&#7885; sang VN, và t&#7841;i sao b&#7841;n có m&#7897;t lá c&#7901; Hàn Qu&#7889;c?

Funny viet so now uncle sam is the good guy ? hahaha man i know you viets love agent orange, and like to be called a dictator a commie and may be later on a regime change:rofl:
What I have learned is that Chinese people lack the ability to think critically and look objectively at their country. They have absolutely no sense of humor.
One has to pour booze on them to break through the indoctrination they are exposed from an early age. But they can also talk for hours about what they really think, and even be fun and show an intelligent humor. It is tragic but true.
Want to know what Germans and Scandinavians think about China? That it is a strange mixture of Asian feudalism, fascism and blind faith in authority. Politically, they have not changed much over the last few thousand years. Emperor or the Party, the Chinese follow them blindly!
Funny viet so now uncle sam is the good guy ? hahaha man i know you viets love agent orange, and like to be called a dictator a commie and may be later on a regime change:rofl:

I don't conclude on the U.S, but now I could conclude about China.
CCP and VCP are pretending to embrace each other with "16 golden letters and 4 good" only lies of communism. Vietnamese people know who is a bad guy...

Some Germans who I know they always "look down" Chinese goods

Eh... I like your comment :yahoo:
Yeh if there is one thing the Germans and the Chinese have in common is they have absolutely no sense of humor.
Götterdämmerung;3336289 said:
How come this thread that deals with Germany and China has become a troll playground for the Vietnamese bringing Vietnam into this trhead even when Vietnam was never mentioned prior the Viet-trolls arrived?

Why don't the mods do anything?


Because your noncritical, hurrah view on China has provoked our comments.
You can start a new thread if you like.
What I have learned is that Chinese people lack the ability to think critically and look objectively at their country. They have absolutely no sense of humor.
One has to pour booze on them to break through the indoctrination they are exposed from an early age. But they can also talk for hours about what they really think, and even be fun and show an intelligent humor. It is tragic but true.
Want to know what Germans and Scandinavians think about China? That it is a strange mixture of Asian feudalism, fascism and blind faith in authority. Politically, they have not changed much over the last few thousand years. Emperor or the Party, the Chinese follow them blindly!

If they lack the ability to think critically, why are the CCP still using censors then? After all isnt that the very purpose of censor to remove critical comments? Maybe you are the one been brainwashed to label entire population that way?
If they lack the ability to think critically, why are the CCP still using censors then? After all isnt that the very purpose of censor to remove critical comments? Maybe you are the one been brainwashed to label entire population that way?

Because it can happen again like the uprising in 1989.
Do you want to know how some Chinese see the world, including Norway?
Pls go
and check comments from Martian2.
What I have learned is that Chinese people lack the ability to think critically and look objectively at their country. They have absolutely no sense of humor.
One has to pour booze on them to break through the indoctrination they are exposed from an early age. But they can also talk for hours about what they really think, and even be fun and show an intelligent humor. It is tragic but true.
Want to know what Germans and Scandinavians think about China? That it is a strange mixture of Asian feudalism, fascism and blind faith in authority. Politically, they have not changed much over the last few thousand years. Emperor or the Party, the Chinese follow them blindly!

U have learned alot from this forum. Now u r a china expert, gratulation. Danmark feel so much superior bacause the have democracy since 1953? Thats a tiny period if compared to the timeline of human being.
So nowadays people can learn alot from other culture, especially from a one which is whole different then theirs, by watching mainstream media. In this case, well u dont need a reallife contact with some real persons to exchange their opinion or even a trip to the foreign country, because what the media say is the full truth - No need to scrutinize.
Usually i dont argument with people like u who thinks they are super self-critical, but actually they dont have any resources they can refer to. Just put some assertions in which u can remember right now with out any solid argumentation at all.

Back to ur argument: My parents arent into CPC, also my relatives in China. But how comes that i support CPC? Ofcourse i dont like the system. Its corrupted, censoreship, not democratic. But they have improved China in a speed that Denmarks authority only can imagine. Life standards also improved. So if this way is so soccessful, why should it be changed? Maybe its the only way a giantic nation like China can work. Fact is that China is superior to Denmark. China has played a great role in the history of menkind. There are heights and deeps, riots and wars. But China always stand up and dominated, because we had competent leaders. Look at ur country, netherland, Benelux, Germany. It seems that their domocratic leaders want to destroy their own nation step by step.

This is my opinions. My relatives have their own. I dont know what the rest of our chinese people think but the one who are not scrutinizing is YOU!

Also i ignore the comments from viets. They are blinded with hate, trolling around.

�Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.�~George Carlin
Agreed...we should judge on what one does.
U have learned alot from this forum. Now u r a china expert, gratulation. Danmark feel so much superior bacause the have democracy since 1953? Thats a tiny period if compared to the timeline of human being.
So nowadays people can learn alot from other culture, especially from a one which is whole different then theirs, by watching mainstream media. In this case, well u dont need a reallife contact with some real persons to exchange their opinion or even a trip to the foreign country, because what the media say is the full truth - No need to scrutinize.
Usually i dont argument with people like u who thinks they are super self-critical, but actually they dont have any resources they can refer to. Just put some assertions in which u can remember right now with out any solid argumentation at all.

Back to ur argument: My parents arent into CPC, also my relatives in China. But how comes that i support CPC? Ofcourse i dont like the system. Its corrupted, censoreship, not democratic. But they have improved China in a speed that Denmarks authority only can imagine. Life standards also improved. So if this way is so soccessful, why should it be changed? Maybe its the only way a giantic nation like China can work. Fact is that China is superior to Denmark. China has played a great role in the history of menkind. There are heights and deeps, riots and wars. But China always stand up and dominated, because we had competent leaders. Look at ur country, netherland, Benelux, Germany. It seems that their domocratic leaders want to destroy their own nation step by step.

This is my opinions. My relatives have their own. I dont know what the rest of our chinese people think but the one who are not scrutinizing is YOU!

Also i ignore the comments from viets. They are blinded with hate, trolling around.

�Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.�~George Carlin

Nice quote from George Carlin, may he rest in peace.
I hope thread necromancy isn't a sin :angel:

One or two years ago former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt and German-Chinese professor Guan Yuqian were invited to a talk show, hosted by presenter Reinhold Beckmann. It mostly deals with the history of human rights and how Western leaders bring it up while talking to Chinese politicians. To be frank Schmidt has made some good points and it is impressive to see him in public in spite of his age.

Beckmann: You are aware that criticism from the West is important for China and it is of great help as well. But how much criticism can be tolerated there as far as the question about human rights is concerned, Mr Schmidt?

Schmidt: The human rights are product of Western culture. It neither exists in the Bible nor in Islam. It has its roots from the Age of Enlightenment in the West which had its base in France, Holland, Britain and especially in the United States of America, but unfortunately in Germany, it barely gained a foothold here. The idea of “human rights” has never played a role among the Inca, nor among the Toltecs, the Aztecs, the Romans, the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Greeks…

Beckmann: Let’s focus on today’s China. Shouldn’t human rights become universal?

Schmidt: This is the common opinion among Americans, not mine.

Beckmann: Why not?

Schmidt: Why should it be my opinion? What reasons do you have for this? I believe that this drive for indoctrination and mission is a very Western peculiarity.


Beckmann: As a politician, aren’t you obliged to talk about human rights when you’re visiting China?

Schmidt: I’m going to reiterate my view. Human rights originated from European culture 300-400 years ago. Before 1500 A.D. no one has ever talked about human rights. Not a single Catholic pope and not even Martin Luther. They don’t appear in the Bible either, neither in the Old nor in the New Testament. As an old man, I would even lay into the opponents with my fists, the opponents who would dare to eradicate the rights in my own country, the rights of persons, the human rights. However, I oppose meddling in China’s own affairs, in India’s, in Iran’s… I disapprove of how the Western culture becomes an advocate for human rights which pertains to Amnesty International, for instance. I disapprove of how they act as an advocate for the entire humanity, while in fact they’re militating for not even a fraction of humanity.

Beckmann: Mr Schmidt, you see the efforts of Amnesty International as superfluous…

Schmidt: No, this is not the point. I’m one of those who donate money to them every year. I don’t deem them unnecessary but I consider them hyperbolic and I think they’re in danger of arrogance. One is short of every respect for civilisations with a very long cultural history, such as the Chinese.

@Götterdämmerung @Shotgunner51 @AndrewJin @TaiShang @Martian2 @ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @IR-TR @XiangLong @+4vsgorillas-Apebane and everyone else.
I hope thread necromancy isn't a sin :angel:

One or two years ago former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt and German-Chinese professor Guan Yuqian were invited to a talk show, hosted by presenter Reinhold Beckmann. It mostly deals with the history of human rights and how Western leaders bring it up while talking to Chinese politicians. To be frank Schmidt has made some good points and it is impressive to see him in public in spite of his age.

Beckmann: You are aware that criticism from the West is important for China and it is of great help as well. But how much criticism can be tolerated there as far as the question about human rights is concerned, Mr Schmidt?

Schmidt: The human rights are product of Western culture. It neither exists in the Bible nor in Islam. It has its roots from the Age of Enlightenment in the West which had its base in France, Holland, Britain and especially in the United States of America, but unfortunately in Germany, it barely gained a foothold here. The idea of “human rights” has never played a role among the Inca, nor among the Toltecs, the Aztecs, the Romans, the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Greeks…

Beckmann: Let’s focus on today’s China. Shouldn’t human rights become universal?

Schmidt: This is the common opinion among Americans, not mine.

Beckmann: Why not?

Schmidt: Why should it be my opinion? What reasons do you have for this? I believe that this drive for indoctrination and mission is a very Western peculiarity.


Beckmann: As a politician, aren’t you obliged to talk about human rights when you’re visiting China?

Schmidt: I’m going to reiterate my view. Human rights originated from European culture 300-400 years ago. Before 1500 A.D. no one has ever talked about human rights. Not a single Catholic pope and not even Martin Luther. They don’t appear in the Bible either, neither in the Old nor in the New Testament. As an old man, I would even lay into the opponents with my fists, the opponents who would dare to eradicate the rights in my own country, the rights of persons, the human rights. However, I oppose meddling in China’s own affairs, in India’s, in Iran’s… I disapprove of how the Western culture becomes an advocate for human rights which pertains to Amnesty International, for instance. I disapprove of how they act as an advocate for the entire humanity, while in fact they’re militating for not even a fraction of humanity.

Beckmann: Mr Schmidt, you see the efforts of Amnesty International as superfluous…

Schmidt: No, this is not the point. I’m one of those who donate money to them every year. I don’t deem them unnecessary but I consider them hyperbolic and I think they’re in danger of arrogance. One is short of every respect for civilisations with a very long cultural history, such as the Chinese.

@Götterdämmerung @Shotgunner51 @AndrewJin @TaiShang @Martian2 @ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @IR-TR @XiangLong @+4vsgorillas-Apebane and everyone else.

I just think the german media and german goverment have different idea about China. I like the german goverment's idea: give China time, China is getting better.
And for god damn USA, make the chaos in Syria and Ukrain and leave away. Why the **** don't America recive some Refugees?
Now when I hear some lessons like human rights from Americans, I just think it's bull shit.
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