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Sino-German Affairs

Alot of Chinese admire Germany. Because of their cars and electronic devices from brands like Bosh. But its paradox that Germans regard China as a cheap low technology, copying poor devil Country. U can betaken this phenomenon every day in the television and on the internet. Its like they were brainwashed. I have the feeling that all this were controlled secretly from the German Goverment. Now wonder. They are and have ever beeing pros at Propaganda.
For example the program "Galileo" compare regulary divices from low cheap copying poor devil China with a common product. They realy compared the Nintendo DS for 200€ with the cheapest fake which was bought from Ebay. Finally they come to the conclusion that China product are ******* poor... wtf... why dont they compare a mobile phone? Oh right germans dont produce that....
I can go on for ever.

correct the Germans in general is at the forefront of China bashers!
@To Viet.
Götterdämmerung and Aviet are Chinese with false Flags.

brother, are you sure?
When I reviewed their comments, I have other opinion. They are what they claim for.
brother, are you sure?
When I reviewed their comments, I have other opinion. They are what they claim for.

base on their comments posted here on PDF, showed that they are Chinese with typical mentality of Chinese. I guess, they are Xinhua's personal staff.
base on their comments posted here on PDF, showed that they are Chinese with typical mentality of Chinese. I guess, they are Xinhua's personal staff.
You based your professional opinion on what, may I ask? At least Viet speaks German and is probably living in Germany to speak his observation, and your creditials come from where? Someone from other countries speak something good about China doesn't make them automatically Chinese. Wello, at least you don't see people calling them Vietnamese when some posters here doing some chearleading for Vietnam.
If you ask two people about a topic, you may probably get two different responses. That´s not unsual.

A Vietnamese may love China and dislikes their politics.
So a Vietnamese can like India and the other dislikes the country.
We do not need to accept other opitions, but we should learn to listen to others.
Thank you, Viet.

I live in Hanoi, but travel a lot in Vietnam. In general, I find that Northern Vietnamese people have more favorable opinion to China and Chinese people, North Korea and former Soviet Union, but Southern Vietnamese people (like East Sea who claim living in Nha Trang) in general dislike China and Chinese more than Northern Vietnamese (that does not mean no Northern Vietnamese dislike China). I do not know exactly why, but I guess it is due to the war against the US, when Southern government sided with US and Northern goverment sided with SU and China.
When I was still a boy I thought that China was "our side" "our brothers", and the U.S is "bad guy", "enemy side", "opposing camp". And I was very happy every time i hear about the success of China. I am from "Tonkin" - Northern Vietnam.
But when I grew up, I can self-think and self-search rather than just listening from "the Party" talking, I realized it was not entirely true. Just look at the Hoang Sa, Truong Sa, Biển Đông, Geneva 1954, Biên Giới phía Bắc, Khmer Rouge......

I think our friend, Dämmerung is a Chinese-German, but instead of hanging two flags like Viet did do, he just hung a flag.

BTW: @ AViet: Tại Sao tên của bạn có chữ "A" giống như cách gọi tên những người Trung Quốc khi họ sang VN, và tại sao bạn có một lá cờ Hàn Quốc?
Tôi lớn tuổi rồi, chắc không cùng tuổi với bạn. A Viet có nghĩa là một người Việt (tiếng Anh chứ không phải tiếng Việt, vì đây là forum tiếng Anh). Khi tôi đăng ký ở forum này, tôi đang ở Hàn Quốc)
I think our friend, Dämmerung is a Chinese-German, but instead of hanging two flags like Viet did do, he just hung a flag.

The thing about Götterdämmerung is that he never said anything about him being a Chinese descendant besides he display a fondness towards China which is not a very strange thing. As Viet explained everyone from every ethnicity and everyone countries will have different opinion about something, but presumption without facts to support it is just plain ignorance. Also Gambit was a South Vietnamese who left his countru during or after the Vietnam War and came to US(he said so himself), and he is using two American flags.
You based your professional opinion on what, may I ask? At least Viet speaks German and is probably living in Germany to speak his observation, and your creditials come from where? Someone from other countries speak something good about China doesn't make them automatically Chinese. Wello, at least you don't see people calling them Vietnamese when some posters here doing some chearleading for Vietnam.

I have been to in German and I finished my study there, I know what people in Germany think. They don't have time to cheering for such Chinese fake products there other than they can laugh on it.
Thank you, Viet.

I live in Hanoi, but travel a lot in Vietnam. In general, I find that Northern Vietnamese people have more favorable opinion to China and Chinese people, North Korea and former Soviet Union, but Southern Vietnamese people (like East Sea who claim living in Nha Trang) in general dislike China and Chinese more than Northern Vietnamese (that does not mean no Northern Vietnamese dislike China). I do not know exactly why, but I guess it is due to the war against the US, when Southern government sided with US and Northern goverment sided with SU and China.

Why demonstration against China's aggressors in Hanoi is more than in HCM city recently ?
How come this thread that deals with Germany and China has become a troll playground for the Vietnamese bringing Vietnam into this trhead even when Vietnam was never mentioned prior the Viet-trolls arrived?

Why don't the mods do anything?

I have been to in German and I finished my study there, I know what people in Germany think. They don't have time to cheering for such Chinese fake products there other than they can laugh on it.

Haha, you finished your study here and can't even write proper German Umgangsprache but tried to teach me German. Oh yeah, you know what 82 million Germans think, each of them ... and yeah, you guys will also close the Malacca Strait with your mighty navy and Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore will just sit on their hand with awe looking at your mighty navy.

Weißt du was die Steigerung von doof ist? Doof, doofer, EastSea. :D
Götterdämmerung;3336289 said:
How come this thread that deals with Germany and China has become a troll playground for the Vietnamese bringing Vietnam into this trhead even when Vietnam was never mentioned prior the Viet-trolls arrived?

Why don't the mods do anything?

Haha, you finished your study here and can't even write proper German Umgangsprache but tried to teach me German. Oh yeah, you know what 82 million Germans think, each of them ... and yeah, you guys will also close the Malacca Strait with your mighty navy and Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore will just sit on their hand with awe looking at your mighty navy.

Weißt du was die Steigerung von doof ist? Doof, doofer, EastSea. :D

It apply for you, ha ha.
Du bist dumm, ein Fälschung Produkt von China.:P
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