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Sino-German Affairs


Nov 22, 2011
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Hi every body,

I would like to open a new thread dealing with the bilateral relationship between China and my country Germany and how we view on China. Since Germany is part of the EU - one might say the core of the EU - I would also include news and other information of our neighbours that are related to China.

Most articles I will post will be in German, but since German and English are very much related, google translate does a pretty good job to make them understandable to the non-GErman speakers.

I would like to start with a news article from the Tagesschau, Germany's premier TV news.

Das 150-Millionen-Euro-Geschenk aus China

Er ist aus Marmor, 20 Stockwerke hoch und hat rund 150 Millionen Euro gekostet: Der neue Hauptsitz der Afrikanischen Union (AU) in Äthiopien. Und er ist ein Geschenk von China. Das asiatische Land lässt sich seine Beziehungen zum Kontinent etwas kosten. Jetzt wurde das Gebäude feierlich eingeweiht.

Von Antje Diekhans, ARD-Hörfunkstudio Nairobi

Es ist das höchste Gebäude in der äthiopischen Hauptstadt Addis Abeba. Ein funkelnder Turm aus Glas und braunem Marmor, daneben ein niedrigeres Gebäude, das ein bisschen wie ein UFO aussieht: Der neue Hauptsitz der Afrikanischen Union. In knapp drei Jahren wurde er hochgezogen.

Die Kosten von rund 150 Millionen Euro übernahm komplett die chinesische Regierung. Der äthiopische Ministerpräsident Meles Zenawi ist stolz auf den Prachtbau: "Dieser großartige neue Hauptsitz zeigt, wo wir heute stehen", sagte er auf dem Gipfeltreffen der Staatengemeinschaft. Er sei ein Symbol für den Aufstieg Afrikas.
Das neue Gebäude der Afrikanischen Union in Addis Abeba (Foto: dpa) Großansicht des Bildes Das neue Gebäude der Afrikanischen Union in Addis Abeba
Ein Konferenzsaal für 2500 Delegierte

Es gibt einen Konferenzsaal, in den 2500 Delegierte passen, außerdem ein Einkaufszentrum, einen Hubschrauberlandeplatz und Büros für 700 Beamte. Selbst die Möbel darin wurden von den Chinesen bezahlt. Die Regierung in Peking lässt es sich etwas kosten, die Beziehungen zu Afrika weiter auszubauen.

China ist auf dem Kontinent fast überall, baut Straßen, Krankenhäuser oder Schulen und transportiert im Gegenzug Rohstoffe ab. Infrastruktur gegen Erdöl, Kupfer und das für die Mobilfunk-Industrie so wichtige Coltan.

Der Leiter der chinesischen Delegation sprach bei der Eröffnungszeremonie von einer gleichberechtigten Partnerschaft. "China wird die afrikanischen Staaten dabei unterstützen, ihre Stärke und Unabhängigkeit auszubauen und ihre Angelegenheiten selbst in die Hand zu nehmen", erklärt Jia Qinglin. Alle Länder, egal ob groß oder klein, seien gleich. "Wir sind dagegen, dass die reichen Staaten die kleinen, armen Länder ausbeuten", sagt er weiter.
Der Sitzungssaal im neuen Gebäude der Afrikanischen Union in Addis Abeba (Foto: dapd) Großansicht des Bildes Platz für 2500 Delegierte: Der Sitzungssaal im neuen Hauptsitz
Peking stellt keine Fragen über Menschenrechte

Die Geschäfte zwischen China und Afrika hatten zuletzt ein Volumen von etwa 150 Milliarden Dollar und machen damit zehn Prozent des gesamten chinesischen Außenhandels aus. Viele afrikanische Staaten wissen es zu schätzen, dass die Regierung in Peking keine Fragen über Demokratie oder Menschenrechte stellt, sondern nur auf den Gewinn achtet.

Auch bei den Delegierten der Afrikanischen Union gab es vor allem positive Stimmen. "Es ist ein schönes Geschenk", sagt eine Frauenrechtlerin. Aber es sei nicht so, dass China uns einen Gefallen getan hätte. "Wenn man sieht, wie sich die Beziehungen in den vergangenen Jahren entwickelt haben, dann haben wir es uns verdient", meint sie.
Der Sitzungssaal im neuen Gebäude der Afrikanischen Union in Addis Abeba (Foto: AFP) Großansicht des Bildes Symbolische Schlüsselübergabe von Jia Qinglin an den Sprecher der Afrikanischen Union Theodoro Obiang Nguema.
"China treibt die Entwicklung voran"

"Das Gebäude bringt das Bild von Afrika voran", meint ein Abgeordneter. China habe den Kontinent dabei unterstützt, unabhängig zu werden. "Jetzt treiben sie die Entwicklung voran."

In den vergangenen zehn Jahren haben afrikanische Staaten im Durchschnitt ein Wirtschaftswachstum von fünf Prozent verzeichnet. Der schicke AU-Hauptsitz soll darum auch für ein neues Selbstbewusstsein des Kontinents stehen. Doch vor allem symbolisiert der 20-stöckige Turm in Addis Abeba wohl eins: Chinas Präsenz in Afrika ist überragend.

China schenkt Afrikanischer Union millionenteuren Hauptsitz | tagesschau.de

Also extremly interesting is the comment section of the news. As you can see, there are quite a few of my countrymen/women who are very knowledgable of China and have a very positiv view of China. So enjoy! :pop:

China schenkt Afrikanischer Union millionenteuren Hauptsitz | meta.tagesschau.de
the two major EU powers, France and Germany are majority anti-china.
as per Pew research.
the two major EU powers, France and Germany are majority anti-china.
as per Pew research.

Yes, you are right. EU is itself in danger. Crisis after crisis has made EU very much disintegrated. The three major powers in EU - UK, France and Germany - don't agree with each other on most important issues pertaining to EU zone. I don't see much future for the EU. Anyway, with power shifting to east, the importance of the west is going to go down. US may remain the only torch bearer of west in future.

Let us not spoil the thread. Let it be for China and Germany affairs.
Ich denke er meint positive sowie negative Berichterstattung. Die dt. China-Nachrichten - wie dt. Nachrichten ingesamt - lesse ich mesitens auf welt.de. Die haben so nen mix.
Although there no official polls in china on this matter, but from reading forums and mini blogs around, my impression is that Chinese people have very favorable opinions of Germans and many even worship them. If the 2 countries are going to achieve closer ties, your Government , medias and the Chinese Government must do better jobs.
Dunken Schoen, oops, its been more than 20 years and I must have lost it.
Yeah, unfortunately most Germans have a high opinion of Japan instead of China.
There is much room to improve our relationship. The economical crisis right now is a chance for it.
Yeah, unfortunately most Germans have a high opinion of Japan instead of China.
There is much room to improve our relationship. The economical crisis right now is a chance for it.

I miss Mr. Zhou Enlai. If he's here he'll charm off the pants of Western women, even under the most strenuous situations.
What China needs now is diplomacy, diplomacy and diplomacy. She's has been missing out many crucial technologies for too long.
SolarWorld accused of sending 'racist' anti-China holiday card

Grape Solar CEO Ocean Yuan on Tuesday urged U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley to disassociate themselves from German solar panel-maker SolarWorld AG over a Christmas card he calls “racist.”

Yuan, a Chinese-American, said he was “outraged and disgusted” over a Christmas card he claims was sent by SolarWorld to its German customers featuring a caricature of an Asian man wearing a Santa suit.

“This card … demeans and offends me as a Chinese American and everyone of Chinese descent,” Yuan said in a letter sent to Wyden and Merkley, both Oregon Democrats.

Both Wyden and Merkley have expressed support for an effort by SolarWorld’s Hillsboro-based U.S. division to seek a trade action against Chinese rivals. SolarWorld argues that China has been dumping low-cost, subsidized panels into the U.S. market.

Yuan — whose Eugene-based Grape Solar is a major distributor of solar panels made from Chinese components — said Merkley and Wyden should be “embarrassed and outraged by the blatantly racist card.”

In a response, SolarWorld indicated that the card was sent only to a "limited number" of recipients and was not reviewed by anyone at Hillsboro-based SolarWorld Industries America Inc.

"SolarWorld AG apologizes for any offense that may have been caused by a holiday card that was distributed by SolarWorld AG to a limited number of recipients in Europe," said Milan Nitzchke, a spokesman for SolarWorld AG said in a statement. "SolarWorld AG honors and respects the full diversity of the world’s population, including the people of China. SolarWorld Industries America Inc. did not approve, use or distribute the card in any way."

Wyden and Merkeley issued a joint statement Tuesday afternoon.

"We absolutely condemn the card SolarWorld AG sent to its European clients. There can be no debate that it is inappropriate and offensive and SolarWorld AG is right to apologize," the statement read. "The trade complaint filed by SolarWorld USA – which had no part in creating and distributing this card -- should be judged on its merits. To do otherwise would be unfair to the American workers losing their jobs because of unfair trade practices."

The text on the card, translated from German by Yuan, is strictly marketing material, telling customers that by choosing SolarWorld “they are on the right path.” There’s no mention of China.

But to Yuan, the accompanying image tells a different story.

“The mean spirited caricature of a Chinese person dressed in a Santa Claus outfit is an effort to diminish Chinese solar cell manufacturing while praising SolarWorld’s German products,” Yuan wrote. “Clearly, this is part of SolarWorld’s effort to attack China’s solar industry, which is competing with SolarWorld.”

In addition to Wyden and Merkley, Yuan also sent the letter to four members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Congress and to leaders of various civil rights and Asian-American organizations.

Yuan said he plans to distribute the image “widely” to minority communities.

“I would urge you to immediately disassociate yourself from SolarWorld’s efforts in view of SolarWorld’s outrageous and racist tactics,” Yuan told the senators.

---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

Why Germany could join USA, India in Anti Dumping Duty on Chinese Solar Panels Imports

Solar Trade Wars are becoming the norm in the globe these days with the major one between USA and China.The instigator is the German solar company Solarworld which helped started the ITC Case in the USA. India too is thinking of putting some kind of import duty to protect its domestic solar panel producers which are dropping like flies. Chinese solar panel producers have swamped the world with super cheap solar modules. though a part of their low prices can be explained by competitive advantage, another part is due to the labor, capital subsidy given by the Chinese government. It would not take a rocket scientist to say that some of the biggest Chinese solar companies are insolvent and would be dead within a month without Chinese state loans.

Germany might start an a dumping duty on Chinese solar panels due to the following reasons

1) Germany has just got too much solar energy right now with an explosion of solar panel installations in December.It has to slow down the solar panel installation which despite 50% cut in Feed in Tariffs is still making new records.Germany Solar Energy Market is the Biggestin the world by far with more than 20 GW

The influx of cheap solar panels from China has let the December 2012 explode to almost 2-3 GW according to the German solar association BSW. The high rates of return of over 10% due to super cheap Chinese solar panels at 80-90c/watt has been the major reason for the explosion in demand which could be the biggest month in Germany ever. While German Solar Market has remained robust as ever,the German solar panel producers like Solon, Sunways have been vanquished with a number of major solar companies failing and getting acquired. The Asian solar companies have been the major beneficiaries of this demand growth in Germany and Europe.

The massive rise in demand will imply that according to the EEG ,t here will be a 15% cut in July 2012 after a 15% cut in January 2011. This would bring the solar FIT prices quite low and provide a restraint to the galloping German solar energy installations which is reaching more than 25 GW .

2) German solar panel companies are going bankrupt (5000 in 2011) and solar jobs are disappearing

3) Chinese solar manufacturers are gaining the most from the German Demand.They are starting to acquire German solar companies on the cheap effectively taking over the German solar industry.

LDK has managed to spend 22 million Euros despite burning hundred of millions of dollars in cash because it has got the Chinese government trillions backing it.So while Western companies burn and crash,the big crony Chinese companies can expand and acquire.

Most of the German solar manufacturing industry is finished and it is unlikely that except a couple of them like SM Solar or Wacker will live to see 2013.Q-Cells too should go bankrupt or get consolidated .Note despite European companies shifting factories to Asia ,they just can’t compete.Some of the smaller module makers with 20 MW plants have seen huge losses with the equipment not selling for 10 cents on the dollar

Solarworld Planning China Anti-Dumping Case in Europe, CEO Says

Solarworld seeks to join forces with European peers to take its case to the European Commission’s competition agency after Chinese panels were allegedly dumped in recent months on German markets at below-market costs, Asbeck said today.A year-end solar-panel installation rush in Germany, which added a record 3 gigawatts in December according to the grid regulator, was sparked in part by “massive” panel inventory from Chinese manufacturers installed in large-scale solar plants at “dumping prices,” Asbeck said in a phone interview.

---------- Post added at 08:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------

Hmm, It's all about Business.. It Germany is going to be impacted by Rip offs and Copy right violations it's gonna react appropriately.. It's Business as usual..
Yeah, unfortunately most Germans have a high opinion of Japan instead of China.
There is much room to improve our relationship. The economical crisis right now is a chance for it.

That is very normal because Japan is much more advanced at this point. In addition, German media is probably the worst in Europe to exaggerate China's human right problems, It is very common that German media uses fake pictures like Nepal police beating Tibetans as the proof of Chinese's brutality, or the other famous one pointing ambulance as police cars.

Chinese do have favorite views on hard working countries like Germany. So hopefully there're more economic cooperation's between the two countries and people exchange so two sides can understand each other better. As the two major countries that consume pork meat, we should have more common ground. :azn:
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