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Sindhi Pashtun RIOT in KARACHI

Even his body has turned to dust along with his partisans. Can’t be brought back.
Nah Chad Najeebullah will rise from his grave , undertaker style
You just watch
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It’s mostly anti-faujism

No one talks about Durand Line only Afghans do that

And elements of anti-Punjabism. As in blaming Punjab for the state Pakistan is in right now.
Walk me through this, they turned anti Punjabi because fouj removed their dear leader who also happens to be punjabi, speaks punjabi, lives in Punjab and can't speak a word of pashto🙄🤔
Can you please elaborate further?


So many people woke up and are not Gul Khans anymore after Vote of No Confidence

Sohrab Goth

Taliban is ruling Afghanistan now
How do u want it to be elaborated ?
British had a policy for Sindh that if you Make a 2 Muraba of Jungle land arable, You'll be gifted about 1 Muraba from state... My Great Grandfather shifted to Nawabshah to exploit this in the 1930s. In his lifetime he regularly visited the land. We had a residence there. It was less visited after his death but once or twice a year. Around 2008 some goons from PPP had there eyes on it. We sold it for whatever price we could fearing total land grab.
Fun Fact:- When Bhutto introduced the policy against landlords ( I can't remember the whole policy ), It wasn't implemented in Sindh, only in Punjab. The result of which we had to sell some of our land in the 70s as well...
Walk me through this, they turned anti Punjabi because fouj removed their dear leader who also happens to be punjabi, speaks punjabi, lives in Punjab and can't speak a word of pashto🙄🤔

Difference between anti-Punjabi and anti-Punjab.

You have to also realize that there is a hangover from years and years of Bugti, Achakzai, Laltain, and Mengal politics. Imran Khan was eroding that disastrous spell, but the moment he was kicked out they see Bajwa along with PMLN and think “Punjabi establishment” is behind this.

My aunt is making comparisons with Imran Khan and Akbar Bugti.

Idk what the hell estab is thinking but I think they want to do maximal damage to Pakistan’s social fabric.

How do u want it to be elaborated ?
British had a policy for Sindh that if you Make a 2 Muraba of Jungle land arable, You'll be gifted about 1 Muraba from state... My Great Grandfather shifted to Nawabshah to exploit this in the 1930s. In his lifetime he regularly visited the land. We had a residence there. It was less visited after his death but once or twice a year. Around 2008 some goons from PPP had there eyes on it. We sold it for whatever price we could fearing total land grab.
Fun Fact:- When Bhutto introduced the policy against landlords ( I can't remember the whole policy ), It wasn't implemented in Sindh, only in Punjab. The result of which we had to sell some of our land in the 70s as well...

Ah okay sorry to hear that. Thanks for elaborating.
Difference between anti-Punjabi and anti-Punjab.

You have to also realize that there is a hangover from years and years of Bugti, Achakzai, Laltain, and Mengal politics. Imran Khan was eroding that disastrous spell, but the moment he was kicked out they see Bajwa along with PMLN and think “Punjabi establishment” is behind this.

My aunt is making comparisons with Imran Khan and Akbar Bugti.

Idk what the hell estab is thinking but I think they want to do maximal damage to Pakistan’s social fabric.

Ah okay sorry to hear that. Thanks for elaborating.

And if IK comes back?
Taliban is ruling Afghanistan now
So what?
Taliban got power because they told people they were fighting for Islam and they united many Uzbek, Turkmen, Baloch and Tajik factions because of Islam. If they too stray away from Islam they will collapse.

Anyone who strays away from Islam will be humiliated.

Anyone who dies fighting for ethnic bs will die in vain.

It has been narrated (through a different chain of transmitters) on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
Whoever defects from obedience (to the Amir) and separates from the main body of the Muslim - and dies in that state - dies the death of one belonging to the days of jahiliyya. And he who is killed under the banner of a man who is blind (to the cause for which he is fighting), who gets flared up with family pride and fights for his tribe is not from my Ummah, and whosoever from my followers attacks my followers (indiscriminately) killing the righteous and the wicked of them, sparing not (even) those staunch in faith and fulfilling not his obligation towards them who have been given a pledge (of security), is not from me (i.e. is not my follower).
- Sahih Muslim 1848
There's this video-sharing platform based in the US called World Star Hipho. Whenever there is a violent altercation, bystanders film it and yell "world star!" which means they intend to upload it online to the website. I just translated it to Urdu since whatever is going on is taking place in Pakistan.
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