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Simultaneous visits of army officers of Bangladesh and Pakistan to China

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Our Chinese brothers are probably wanting to share any trade secrets they discussed with the Indian delegation. Nothing wrong with sharing info with friendly neighbours. You scratch our back and we will scratch yours! I love the thought of this sino - pak - bangla meeting!! Long may lt last!! :yahoo:
Our Chinese brothers are probably wanting to share any trade secrets they discussed with the Indian delegation. Nothing wrong with sharing info with friendly neighbours. You scratch our back and we will scratch yours! I love the thought of this sino - pak - bangla meeting!! Long may lt last!! :yahoo:

Lolz .................... and you're too lonely to be allowed to join!!! :rofl:

I am afraid, you caught the bull by the gonads and not the horn.

India is hardly lonely.

It is wooed by those who matter in the world and not by inconsequential ones.

Or require to hand over goodies to ensure that there are those who will coming running at the beck and call!
One visit to China and india feels all insecure and this is the country Clinton alsked to take leadership??? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. indian China phobia could not be seen more clearly.
The simultaneous visits of senior army officers of Bangladesh and Pakistan to China is being watched very keenly by the Indian military brass. On Tuesday, a top Bangladeshi army officer, Lt Gen Abdul Wadud, who is the Principal Staff Officer of the Bangladesh Army, met several top military leaders in Beijing. On the same day, Lt. General Waheed Arshad, Chief of General Staff of the Pakistan Army, also met the same set of Chinese leaders in Beijing. While the agenda of the meetings has not been disclosed, both Pakistan and Bangladesh source a major chunk of their arms from China. What has raised eyebrows is that these meetings come barely weeks after an Indian delegation visited China to restore military ties after almost a year of thaw following the controversy over the denial of visa to a top Indian General.

OK Tcky Tam Tam. Guys the insecurity shown by Indians is shown clearly with the venom they have in their posts for our Chinese brothers. Just go back a couple of days and see what Mr Tam Tam has voiced recently.Tsk Tsk TSK! We love china !!!
The simultaneous visits of senior army officers of Bangladesh and Pakistan to China is being watched very keenly by the Indian military brass. On Tuesday, a top Bangladeshi army officer, Lt Gen Abdul Wadud, who is the Principal Staff Officer of the Bangladesh Army, met several top military leaders in Beijing. On the same day, Lt. General Waheed Arshad, Chief of General Staff of the Pakistan Army, also met the same set of Chinese leaders in Beijing. While the agenda of the meetings has not been disclosed, both Pakistan and Bangladesh source a major chunk of their arms from China. What has raised eyebrows is that these meetings come barely weeks after an Indian delegation visited China to restore military ties after almost a year of thaw following the controversy over the denial of visa to a top Indian General.

OK Tcky Tam Tam. Guys the insecurity shown by Indians is shown clearly with the venom they have in their posts for our Chinese brothers. Just go back a couple of days and see what Mr Tam Tam has voiced recently.Tsk Tsk TSK! We love china !!!

I am afraid your post smacks of the insecurity that grips Pakistan like a "Hadaka Jime.

The contention that the Indian military brass is watching keenly is quite asinine an observation. Watching what? Are the discussions out in the open, on TV? So, what do you mean by watching keenly. Military matters are classified and China would be daft to discussing them under the limelight!

It will be the military actions that will indicate what has been the outcome.

There is nothing to raise eyebrows about even if it came after the visit of an Indian Army delegation.

China is entitled to call any Tom, D.ck and Harry to their country after the Indians leave for home.

And if any Tom, Di.ck and Harry goes with speed to China, it only indicates modern technology has given wings of speed to those called!

Hardly something unique or is it?

You can love anyone for all I care, for after all, Love is Blind and Lovers cannot see!

Historically, you have always required someone helping hand. Habits die hard.
OK, you think that border killing is legal,may be some are migrants,but not all.What do you think about the Felani killing? This was a murder. BSF is mentally ill..What about the water treaty..FARAKKA is a burden we had, over it the teesta come. Why we don,t hate you........
OK, you think that border killing is legal,may be some are migrants,but not all.What do you think about the Felani killing? This was a murder. BSF is mentally ill..What about the water treaty..FARAKKA is a burden we had, over it the teesta come. Why we don,t hate you........

human right violation in india is very common...

Watch how the Indians here talk to him, and how they gleefully talk about the BSF killing Bangladeshis.

Guess how any Bangladeshi reading this forum might respond to that.

@Chinese-Dragon: Hi...I'm new to this forum, in fact this kind of defense forum as I was very much reluctant about this. I used to think spending money behind this rather than development of human being is meaningless at least in a poor zone like this South Asia. Recently there has been a revolution in me for various happenings taking place with our neighboring giant friend :undecided: .

While I was going through comments of this thread I noted yours and thought I should tell something. So, I registered and commenting.

Responding to their comments is meaningless at this moment until we take our revenge for killing of innocent unarmed civilians (I'm saying civilians not Bangladeshi civilians because we don't expect killing of civilian be it Indian or Bangladeshi) and break their arrogance practically, not using words on blogs. And I believe we are well capable to do that as this is being attributed on us, we are not attacking anyone. Besides, Bangladeshi people have the might to fight back any evil power as long as it is morally the right path. For practical reference you could scroll back to 2001 border conflict when very few of our BDR members taught that devilish moral less coward troops the lesson they needed to learn. I'm not comparing the might, it doesn't end in ultimate success. Also, I feel proud of our Armed Forces (which is passing a danger moment) and have the faith in them.

Unfortunately, our current state system is completely a machinery run by our big old friend :devil: . If this govt. were not on power, the playground wouldn't be very much different as our two-party politics are always bent down to them. And it's making the mass Bangladeshi people frustrated and we are being defeated to ourselves first losing trust in our own. It's our politicians' hunger for power otherwise they could feel that mass people of Bangladesh with glorious past of 52, 71 (I'm not sure if you are aware of 52 and 71) can stand with them until death.

I feel surprised how on the earth one could be such arrogant who thinks killing one unarmed civilian has nothing negative (I've seen their arrogant comments many where). We Bangladeshi people wouldn't ever support if our troops started to kill civilian of any country. So, let them show their arrogance until we show something practically on field.
Bro it is meaningless to argue with them. Most of them are paid agent or blind follower of radical hindu extremist groups of India. If you follow the Indian media you will notice a systematic propaganda campaign against Bangladesh has been launched over there against Bangladesh to portray it as a danger mainly for vote bank politics top target the begali speaking muslims. They try to say that bangladeshi are so poor that it can not feed itself so go to India to be maid, hawkers or rickshaw puller. Even there are some conspiracy that 40% of the delhi slum dwellers are Bangladeshi, 500K bangladeshi lives in mira road of mumbai itself, 5 million in one of the poorest state in Assam and 20 millionin India. Their lie and deception knows no bound.
Bro it is meaningless to argue with them. Most of them are paid agent or blind follower of radical hindu extremist groups of India. If you follow the Indian media you will notice a systematic propaganda campaign against Bangladesh has been launched over there against Bangladesh to portray it as a danger mainly for vote bank politics top target the begali speaking muslims. They try to say that bangladeshi are so poor that it can not feed itself so go to India to be maid, hawkers or rickshaw puller. Even there are some conspiracy that 40% of the delhi slum dwellers are Bangladeshi, 500K bangladeshi lives in mira road of mumbai itself, 5 million in one of the poorest state in Assam and 20 millionin India. Their lie and deception knows no bound.

We won't have to fight for US/Europe visa anymore, we got USA as our neighbor....let's all Bangladeshi beggar start fighting to get entry to land of golden opportunity :argh::argh: !!
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