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Sikhs ruling India, Jatt Sikh to be next Indian Army Chief

let me shut u offff once it for all.


singh who lost leg in kargil now becomes a runner

India's blade runner, Major DP Singh - YouTube

Mate don't even bother trying to respond to these racist fools- report them and move on.
Why don't you keep it shut? If you are an infantry officer (such as he- the first infantry COAS for some time) and you serve in some of the most awful conditions battling the SCUM of the earth you are bound to have a bit of mud stick to you.

That is a defence?

The same people who shoot at you one day are beyond making such unfounded accusations the another day?
Correct me if I'm wrong, the petitioner didn't shoot at the IA ever. The reason that the petition didn't fly on the J&K case was that Gen. Bikram Singh had bullet wounds (the report doesn't say he had actual lead in him, could be a grazed bullet) and hence its doubtful that the encounter was fake. The SC too didn't declare the encounter didn't happen.

An regarding the UN accusations, he had no direct connection with the alleged crimes it is just he was deputy commander of 3 brigades of UN troops of which the people accused to be involved in these crimes belonged to. BTW 3 brigades equals ~15,000 troops.

Bikram Singh was on secondment duty with the UN peacekeeping mission, he was temporarily assigned to it.

Moreover the SC didn't declare him clean. It clearly said the cases against him would go on. That means what? There are cases pending against him? Would being IA chief he'd enjoy certain immunity from prosecution?

The infraction you have received is for the bolded part.
Well how can u say they didnt have any allegations?
Musharaff cant return to his country now...
And the army is so powerfull in ur country, that no one questions about them..
Nawaz sharif questioned musharaf, and he sent away in exile...

Musharraf had that allegation against him in 2009-2010.

In 1998 he was doing just fine.
People do get skipped over time to time, its not a hard and fast rule to promote the next senior most guy.

It pretty much is these days and as I said before, if he was ok to make Lt.General, he is good to be CoAS.
There is always a concern of dragging the institution's name through the mud. But anyway, this is just an opinion. Personally I would have erred on the side of caution and now by choosing him to replace VK Singh, they have anyway cast a doubt over IA's name.

If you look at the record over 65 years, you will probably agree that the Indian Army has been remarkable in its record of integrity in all aspects of its operations. There is no doubt about the Indian Army's good name due to Bikram Singh's selection.

There have always been the disgruntled who had spiteful things to say. They said it about Muchu Chaudhuri, about Manekshaw, about Tappy Raina.... There's always a backbiter. All of them turned out excellent chiefs.

People do get skipped over time to time, its not a hard and fast rule to promote the next senior most guy.

We don't do it either, not as a blind rule. Three examples - Harbaksh, Prem Bhagat, S. K. Sinha.
Well the accusation regarding Congo were not of a nature where anyone was accusing him of being directly involved just some say he should he accountable because he was deputy commander of 3 brigades in which some of the alleged perpetrators where assigned. And why should this guys miss out when he has done absolutly nothing wrong?

Rule of governance, being accountable for a crime lands you in jail and punishment is severest even if you weren't responsible for the crime.
Pointless and dubious title. This man is a serving officer in the IA- a truly secular institution this reflects the thoroughly secular and pluralist nature of India. The fact you bring his appointment down to religion actually cheapens these values and insults the Indian army as a whole and its core values. Every COAS in independent India's history has been appointed purely on seniority at the time of retirement of previous COAS- regardless of caste or religion.

Educate yourself:

Secularism in the Army - kashmir diary

btw I myself am a Sikh so I'm not "anti-Sikh" or anything.

Why don't you keep it shut? If you are an infantry officer (such as he- the first infantry COAS for some time) and you serve in some of the most awful conditions battling the SCUM of the earth you are bound to have a bit of mud stick to you. The same people who shoot at you one day are beyond making such unfounded accusations the another day? An regarding the UN accusations, he had no direct connection with the alleged crimes it is just he was deputy commander of 3 brigades of UN troops of which the people accused to be involved in these crimes belonged to. BTW 3 brigades equals ~15,000 troops.

Can anyone tell me what is so wrong with this post that I have just received a "serious" infraction for?!!!
Rule of governance, being accountable for a crime lands you in jail and punishment is severest even if you weren't responsible for the crime.

Absurd- you can't punish someone for not being omnipresent and stopping 1-2 of 15,000 men from allegedly doing wrong. How would one go about keeping tabs on such a huge number of people??!
It pretty much is these days and as I said before, if he was ok to make Lt.General, he is good to be CoAS.

There are tougher standards at appointing judges, tougher still when appointing Supreme Court judges. People get disbarred for the slightest indiscretion or doubt I am just not comfortable okaying a guy for his doubt in J&K, where my stakes lie, and of course the suspicion of smuggling and rape in Congo where humanity's stakes lie.

My duty was to raise an objection that I have since I am not in a position to physically alter the outcome.
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