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Sikhs ruling India, Jatt Sikh to be next Indian Army Chief

Adnan Faruqi

Apr 16, 2011
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Sikhs ruling India, Jatt Sikh to be next Indian Army Chief

SC dismisses PIL against Lt Gen Bikram Singh


Lt-Gen Bikram Singh is due to take over as army chief at the end of May

Apex court says it does not find any justifiable grounds to entertain petition

The Supreme Court today dismissed a public-interest litigation filed by retired officers and bureacrats challenging the appointment of Lt Gen Bikram Singh as the next chief of the Indian Army, once the current incumbent, Gen V K Singh demits office on May 31.

The apex court stated that it did not find any justifiable grounds to entertain the petition, which had been filed by former Naval Chief Admiral Laxminarayan Ramdas and former Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswamy, among others.

The petitioners had alleged that the new chief-in-waiting was involved in a fake encounter in Jammu & Kashmir, and had also failed to take action against some officers accused of rape and sexual harrassment when they were posted in Congo in 2008 as part of the UN peace-keeping mission.

However, the Supreme Court asserted that the dismissal of the petition would not affect any pending proceedings against Bikram Singh.

SC dismisses PIL against Lt Gen Bikram Singh

BBC News - Challenge to next India army chief Bikram Singh rejected

India's Prime Minister = Sikh, Chief and Dy. Chief of Planning Commission = Sikh and now Indian Army Chief = Sikh. :woot::yahoo:

India is truly a secular democracy where everyone gets fair chance to grow, equal opportunities and participate in nation building.
Dubious character becoming IA chief. Rape allegations, Fake encounter allegations. With such two major allegations, he should have been skipped over.

The SC primarily dismissed the petition since it could not entertain it. The case wasn't really heard in the SC.
MODs should change the title. The Indian Army should be above ethnic and religion politics.
An Indian is ruling India....

Lt Gen Bikram Singh is senior most in his category so he deserve the post of army chief...
Apart from these litigation his career holds very good records...
Dubious character becoming IA chief. Rape allegations, Fake encounter allegations. With such two major allegations, he should have been skipped over.

The SC primarily dismissed the petition since it could not entertain it. The case wasn't really heard in the SC.

You know what , the Gen's daughter-in-law is of Pakistani origin. Ideas for ISI . :lol:
The title is ludicrous.

What relevance does religion have ? Naturally, Indian will rule India.
Its just a coincidence of MERITOCRACY! Not that it says other faiths are not represented. There are majority Cabinet Ministers, Corps Commanders, Economists of Hindu religion. Our Vice President, Election Commissioner is a Muslim, our Defence Minister and leader of Congress Party is a Christian etc. etc.

I'm happy that my country gives equal opportunity to people despite their faith. US is yet to elect a non-Christian President, I recommend they learn from India.
Dubious character becoming IA chief. Rape allegations, Fake encounter allegations. With such two major allegations, he should have been skipped over.

The SC primarily dismissed the petition since it could not entertain it. The case wasn't really heard in the SC.

Whatever .............. still way better than Yayahas, Guls, Zias, Mushraffs, Kayanis ...............can't protect its citizens from being butchered by external Drones .

He will make sure enemies of India meet their 72s.......
Dubious character becoming IA chief. Rape allegations, Fake encounter allegations. With such two major allegations, he should have been skipped over.

The SC primarily dismissed the petition since it could not entertain it. The case wasn't really heard in the SC.

How do you know? Any credible source or brain fart
Although it pleases me, i am not happy on such a title while on PDF. Hope the best men take charge of our country irrspective of their religion and caste.

1. Its specially for PDF as some spread propaganda about the Khalistan.

2. Read the last line it says India is truly a secular democracy where everyone gets equal opportunities irrespective of religion. :yahoo:

Tessy Thomas the Agni putri a christian and Lt. Gen Bikram Singh a Sikh is perfect proof of it.
I am not happy with title but shows secular aspect.

Prime minister: Sikh
Chief of Army: Sikh
Leader of largest party: Catholic christian
President: Hindu
VicePresident: Muslim

Making India powerful by Agni 5
APJ abdul Kalam: A muslim
Tessy thomas: A christain
DRDO chairman Saraswat: A hindu

Long live secularism and Long live India. jai Hind.

Such people of people of different religion working on common project in very few countries in world.
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