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Sikhs block Jammu-Pathankote highway, raise 'Khalistan zindabad' slogans after clashes with police


Even Sikhs are now flying the Pakistani flags.. Indians yet have to see what more modi will get them
I think FATA/KPK is in Pakistan.........So no surprises there. :lol:
Lahore will he the capital. Pakistan will have to give a substantial chunk of Punjab for this project
But their is no sikh population in lahore. Only sizeable sikh populous in Pakistan is in Nankana district and the sikh areas are already under sikh administration. And Pakistanis are OK with it unlike the common believe. We might arrange a visa free zone for Khalistanis in Nankana sahaib and Hassan abdal during the religious festivals. There are no other major sikh populations or holy sites here.
If we had to kill our minorities then they would not have thrived so well in India.
Few fringe elements would always try to destabilise the country by they'll be taken care of.
Dear Sir so you are denying Golden Temple and Ahmadabad Massacres?
Takfir @neza, where is it mentioned that in Gurdwaras one can carry AK-47, Hand Granades etc...????

And we are allowed to follow our Religion and amritdhari sikhs carry Kripans..Now, tell me which weapons Sikhs are not allowed to carry & what weapons you are referring to? :shout:

Google for the Information on Hindus been Killed by Your Baba Bhindrawala, as your Maddrasa didn't teach you correctly. :lol:
I ain't embarrassing myself just showing mirror to Pakistanis and telling them not to worry about us, we can manage our affairs, ain't need others especially Pakistani's to shed crocodile tears for us. Therefore, you should better worry about people getting butchered in Suicide bombings etc in Pakistan, not us. Further, you've done similar things to Your Ummah Brothers in East Pakistan. Hence, get of the high horse of Morality.

The people who know me on this forum and are friend's outside the forum very well known my opinion about Kutiya Indira Gandhi and SOB Rajiv Gandhi. I considered them Terrorist, like I consider Bhindrawala. Army takes order, they did what they were told too...

I've expressed my POV numerous times on PDF and in this thread was merely pointing out to Pakistanis to cry river for people getting butchered in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and not us. I hope this gets into your skull.

To show my Solidarity to the Victims, my entire Family was at Harmandir Sahib Ji on 3rd. Tag your Moderators and confirm from which state/Place I was posting on PDF.

We've got enough representation in India and can thing of our Burah-Bhala. Once again cry ocean of Crocodile tears for Shias, Ahemdis etc etc and not us..

This thread is about India...therefore please buy some new glasses before you continuously embarrass yourself. Just because women were gang-raped and children were butchered like little animals across the streets of India, the same does not apply in Pakistan. Drink a bottle of whiskey to calm your nerves down, because you sound emotionally wrecked...must be that time of the month:)

So that justifies the action of the Indian Government in bombing the building into smithereens and gang-raping the innocent women.....without looking at the sentiments of Sikhs. You may consider Bhindrwala a terrorists, however it was the Congress Party

Okay Indian Army freed the Golden Temple from those terrorists, however were they sleeping about when 20,000 Sikhs were killed across Punjab after the event of Indira Gandhi's death? The Hindu's were literally gang-raping your women and humiliating them in the public arena and you sing praises to the government and its Hindu terrorists.

Countless times I have read that previous Muslim rulers have destroyed the worshiping temples of Sikhs and the action was incorrect. Your flawed analogy can be used during the period of the Mughals, who decided to stamp down on the Sikhs because they were arming themselves against the State in fortifying there temples:) Does this mean the Mughal government at the time had the right to burn temples...to hurt the sentiments of the Sikhs...the answer is no:) Before you criticize Muslims most of the Guru's best friends were actually Muslims.

There is a good reason why Sikhs still love to complain to there fellow Muslim brethren in how bad Aurangzeb and Abdali were because of there actions. However you don't have the guts, honesty and integrity to put the same standard on the Indian Government which did a similar atrocity by burning the Golden Temple, killing 20,000 and gang-raping women.

There is a Pakistani member whom I've quoted couple of times in this thread. May be the expert can give you expert Madrassa Advice on why Sikhs took arms. The Madrassa Analogy would be apt, not flawed. ;)
I ain't embarrassing myself just showing mirror to Pakistanis and telling them not to worry about us, we can manage our affairs, ain't need others especially Pakistani's to shed crocodile tears for us. Therefore, you should better worry about people getting butchered in Suicide bombings etc in Pakistan, not us. Further, you've done similar things to Your Ummah Brothers in East Pakistan. Hence, get of the high horse of Morality.

On the contrary you have just embarrass yourself because my first paragraph was not directed towards you:) If you are prone to advocate the notion that the event should not concern Pakistani's and we have no right to discuss the issue, then please vacate your membership from this forum...since there is a good reason why its called Pakistan Defence Forum:) One of the rules of this forum is to stick to the topic, so don't bring Pakistan into the discussion because it demonstrates how insecure and petulant you are in nature.

The people who know me on this forum and are friend's outside the forum very well known my opinion about Kutiya Indira Gandhi and SOB Rajiv Gandhi. I considered them Terrorist, like I consider Bhindrawala. Army takes order, they did what they were told too...

So the terrorists (Indira) gave the executive order to kill another terrorists (Sant Bindrawala) and the Army like a little slave robotic drone followed protocol and massacred and gang-raped innocent women:) Such great governance and logic from a democratic nation. The biggest terrorist was the Army who sat around like a bunch of lemons and allowed the genocide to continue.

I've expressed my POV numerous times on PDF and in this thread was merely pointing out to Pakistanis to cry river for people getting butchered in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and not us. I hope this gets into your skull.

I could eat a whole bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a much better response than that:) You must be an emotional little boy, because you have mentioned this statement twice in one post:) Stay on topic and stop deviating by bringing irrelevant facts to the discussion, nothing will change the fact that your people were slaughtered and your women were gang-raped for the amusement of the Hindu junta. Does this get through to your thick skull...because you can always make an appointment with a special school needs teacher for help.

To show my Solidarity to the Victims, my entire Family was at Harmandir Sahib Ji on 3rd. Tag your Moderators andconfirm from which state/Place I was posting on PDF.

Malcolm X in his book indoctrinated a famous word for explaining why the Black man was oppressed in America. The word was called 'household Negro' and this same assumption applies to you, because you have become a 'household Sikh' domesticated for the amusement of the Hindu's junta who love to kill and gang-rape there victims. You don't give a tosh about the victims , because for the last few posts you have promoted the idea of the Indian Army being correct in killing innocent individuals in the Golden Temple. Not once have you condemned the Army in its failure of protecting the thousands of Sikhs who died after Indira Gandhi was assassinated....however maybe its too much to ask a domesticated household Sikh to show compassion to his fellow brethren.

We've got enough representation in India and can thing of our Burah-Bhala. Once again cry ocean of Crocodile tears for Shias, Ahemdis etc etc and not us..

Actually I have the guts to admit that certain atrocities in our country were completely wrong and the Army with the Government is responsible. I have the guts to at least admit this, but a domesticated household Sikh needs to put his head down like a good little slave, otherwise your Hindu masters will slaughter and rape your women folk...this is the difference between you.and me

There is a Pakistani member whom I've quoted couple of times in this thread. May be the expert can give you expert Madrassa Advice on why Sikhs took arms. The Madrassa Analogy would be apt, not flawed. ;)

Listen you domesticated household Sikh, its never good to repeat the same mantra over and over again like a parrot. My knowledge comes from the Golden Temple, the one which was burned and pillaged by the Indian Army which you seem to glorify.
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My reply from other thread

Though i am an old member but Just signed in to make few things clear after browsing this site with gutter comments regarding my community ..Indira and her family paid the price what they did ,However Glorifying that Terrorists who defiled the sanctity of Golden Temple by some Sikhs (chura included from other side) is tantamount to spit on our Community.

We are Sons of Soils ...My extended family back in India served for Generations in Armies of Both India and Sikh Misls spilled our Blood from Africa to Lanka for India.

So let me ask our Sikh brothers here (not pakistani Churas) what was reason for the militarisation of Sikhs during Mughals... why did we bear Arms.... whom did our Great Gurus fought ?
So let me ask our Sikh brothers here (not pakistani Churas) what was reason for the militarisation of Sikhs during Mughals... why did we bear Arms.... whom did our Great Gurus fought ?

Listen you domesticated household Sikh the only Churas from Punjab is your community, because you dance to the tune of the Hindu's. Now you can listen to the comments of your fellow Sikh brothers, you little emotional transvestite
and the Army like a little slave robotic drone followed protocol and massacred and gang-raped innocent women

And that outrages you as a Pakistani Muslim?

But not the genocide of 3 million Bengalis of your own country and the rape of 400,000 women and for which not a single person was held responsible and no one ever punished?

Does it not make your army a slave army of robotic drones?

Or when they kill the innocent Baloch and drop them from helicoptors after branding their bodies?

Or all that the Islamic state is doing to your fellow Muslims and non Muslims in the middle east? To the Yazidi women, who are being traded as slaves like the Islamists used to do in the golden age of Islam?

But you have to obsess with India for some reason?

Listen you domesticated household Sikh the only Churas from Punjab is your community, because you dance to the tune of the Hindu's. Now you can listen to the comments of your fellow Sikh brothers, you little emotional transvestite

As a little Ajlaf musallah convert, it applies to your kind. Just that you can't see it.

Just another little hate filled bigot musallah convert...

It's amazing these little converts still obsess with us and not those who call their kind mishkeen and treat them like slaves...
And that outrages you as a Pakistani Muslim?

We are discussing a particular topic, which so happens to include the genocide and rape of innocent Sikh victims. Any loss of life is considered an outrage, even if atrocities occur in Pakistan...at least I have the guts to admit such problems.

But not the genocide of 3 million Bengalis of your own country and the rape of 400,000 women and for which not a single person was held responsible and no one ever punished?

For your information no member is allowed to deviate from the thread topic as its one of the rules of this forum. If you wish to discuss the atrocities of Pakistan, then please open another thread and I will be happy to discuss the issue with you. Otherwise you will be banned from this forum or at the really least face infraction.

Does it not make your army a slave army of robotic drones?

Or when they kill the innocent Baloch and drop them from helicoptors after branding their bodies?

Or all that the Islamic state is doing to your fellow Muslims and non Muslims in the middle east? To the Yazidi women, who are being traded as slaves like the Islamists used to do in the golden age of Islam?

Again stay on topic you petulant child, otherwise you will face an infraction from the moderators.

But you have to obsess with India for some reason?

The only person who has an obsession is you, because you have the urge to join a Pakistan Defence Forum. If the title and the topic offends you so deeply, then run along to an Indian Defence Forum.

As a little Ajlaf musallah convert, it applies to your kind. Just that you can't see it.

Just another little hate filled bigot musallah convert...

It's amazing these little converts still obsess with us and not those who call their kind mishkeen and treat them like slaves...

My ancestry is Arab so my family was never converted from Hinduism in the first place. So much tension and frustration is evident from your post that you need to malign somebodies ancestry. Buy your self a flashlight from Ebay and resolve your issues.
We are discussing a particular topic, which so happens to include the genocide and rape of innocent Sikh victims. Any loss of life is considered an outrage, even if atrocities occur in Pakistan...at least I have the guts to admit such problems.

For your information no member is allowed to deviate from the thread topic as its one of the rules of this forum. If you wish to discuss the atrocities of Pakistan, then please open another thread and I will be happy to discuss the issue with you. Otherwise you will be banned from this forum or at the really least face infraction.

Again stay on topic you petulant child, otherwise you will face an infraction from the moderators.

The only person who has an obsession is you, because you have the urge to join a Pakistan Defence Forum. If the title and the topic offends you so deeply, then run along to an Indian Defence Forum.

Nothing new. Just the typical Madressa and Paistan studies stuff that so many of you can repeat in midnight. Without even waking up.

The litany of complaints against India. To keep alive the myth and the need for constant validation...

My ancestry is Arab so my family was never converted from Hinduism in the first place. So much tension and frustration is evident from your post that you need to malign somebodies ancestry. Buy your self a flashlight from Ebay and resolve your issues.

Nothing new. Every subcontinental convert calls himself Arab origin. Though some have now started denying it. Part of the identity crisis.

we have decided to reject our diverse and pluralistic past and instead adopt cultural dimensions of a people who, ironically, still consider non-Arabs like Pakistanis as second-class Muslims.

My name is Pakistan and I’m not an Arab - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

So what's the best way not to be second class Muslim, to become an Ashraf, especially Arab origin.

It works only in Pakistan thought, Arabs still consider such "Arab origin" people as mishkeen and second class Ajlafs.

Every single Muslim in the subcontinent believes s/he is of Arab descent. If not direct Arab descent, then the illustrious ancestor had come from either Iran or Bukhara. Interestingly, the ancestor is always a great general or a saint. Never ever have we heard anyone boasting of an intellectual for a forebear. We hear of the progeny of savage robber kings, but there is no one who claims Abu Rehan Al-Beruni or Ibn Rushd as a distant sire.

Consequently, even after conversion, my ancestors, poor agriculturists, were looked down upon by the Arabs and even those who had converted earlier the same way as they were by the Brahmans when they professed their Vedic belief. Within a generation or two, those early converts began the great lie of Arab ancestry to be equal to other converts and the Arabs. This became universal with time.

The challenge then is for all those, Baloch, Pathan, Punjabi et al, who have invented illegitimate fathers for ourselves to get ourselves tested and know the bitter truth.

Arab origins - The Express Tribune

Frankly, none of this interests me. The partition in the name of Islam meant that Indians and Pakistanis have nothing to do with each other and you should obsess with your Ummah to the West, not with us.
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