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Sikhs block Jammu-Pathankote highway, raise 'Khalistan zindabad' slogans after clashes with police

I have seen posters of Bhindranwale on few cars here in Mumbai, strange, why do some Sikhs revere a terrorist and killer as a saint?
You guys are fully kale. I've never seen a fair skinned hindu ever @save_ghenda can attest to that.
Ooh yeah we are fully "Kale"...So you're White?? No doubt you're living in Canada ;):rofl:

many indian hindus masquerading here as sikhs. SIKHS ARE NOT HINDUS. i am a sikh and am in pain when i see indian agents spreading propaganda about sikhs all over the internet. You people massacred hundreds of thousands of sikhs all over india from 1984 to 1995. Your constitution's article 25 says all sikhs and buddhists are hindu.Our sikh leaders never signed or accepted your constitution and you passed it without our approval. Sikhism is a separate religeon and we are a different race of people than you. I have been following this site for quite a time now and have seen indian hindu posters saying we are like them. I would like to clarify that we don't consider your cow mothers to be holy. We will slaughter them just to piss you.

@neza dude com'on only hundreds of thousand?? at least tell Hindus massacred millions of Sikhs in 1984.....Though no Hindu died in the riots because Sikhs were too peaceful like the Khalistani separatist because of whom all this happened. You saviour of Sikhs "Bhindrawala" what was he doing with all those ak 47, rocket launchers and bombs in Golden Temple?? Weapons are not even allowed in Golden Temple he and his people destroyed the Golden Temple first.
As a Sikh, for me the Harmandir Sahib Ji lost it's sacredness the day Terrorist Bhindrawala turned it into Fortress and bought AK-47 there.

I don't know what you Muslim will feel if Mecca, Madina etc is turned into fortress by a Terrorist, if I've to give an example from recent incidents - head of ISIS and he head orders to kill innocent civilians living in near by places. (By no mean I meant to disrespect the religious places in Islam, tried to give example earlier but didn't work. Hence, mentioned the places mentioned by the fellow member.)

Indian Arny freed Harmandir Sahib Ji from those terrorist and like any Army followed the orders of Government.

By the way: Do you know how many times, Muslims Destroyed Akal Takth?

Like I suggested another Pakistani member, before giving expert opinion on the matter on hand, learn about it & then comment.
you wannabe sikh gurudwaras are incomplete without weapons.Ever seen swords and arrows inside. Infact one of the main things your hindu leaders promised the sikhs in 1947 was that sikhs could carry all sorts of weapons.But they broke that promise.And stop this B.S thing about BABA BHINDHRAWALE BEING A KILLER. it was your swamis and hindu government which was killing the sikhs. Read general brar's latest book in which he says how indira wanted to teach sikhs a lesson. There a lot of other things in the book like how the government downplayed no. of soldiers of the indian army killed by only 200 sikhs inside the golden temple complex.He says it was 50,000 and also says he has the addresses of these soldiers so if anyone doubts can check.
Free Khalistan!

Time for the international community to bring sanctions on this barbaric Indian regime that is exterminating millions of innocent Sikhs because they want to fight for their freedom from the disgusting Delhi oppressors that can't even provide proper sanitation and protection for women.

Go Sikhs, fight for your freedom, China is with you!
Pathankot is one of my fav places. This is where I did my preschool and grade-1. :(

Somebody has decided to bring out Khalistan issue out of the closet after decades. The best part about these khalistan supporters is that they are themselves confused about what they want.
In khushwant singh's words....
'I have failed to meet a single individual who could rationally explain to me its concept, its geographical boundaries, its religious composition and its proposed political and economic set up . . .'
'However, on a visit to England, I was able to acquire some documentation on the subject which reveals a total confusion in the minds of its supporters. One is a detailed map of Khalistan - the first that I have seen. It is published in England priced at £2 but no date of publication is mentioned. According to the map, Khalistan will include Jammu, the whole of Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, chunks of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Saurashtra to give the state an outlet to the sea. Even by a rough estimate, the Sikh population of this state will not be more than 13 per cent of the total population. What kind of a Sikh state would this be? Clearly, far from a democratic one. Nevertheless, a boxed item explaining the concept describes it as a 'a sort of paradise on earth.'

Punjab so far has been the most partitioned state in india both pre and post independence, we wont allow another division.
there be another division...only a reunification under pakistan or punjab as a country by it self.
there be another division...only a reunification under pakistan or punjab as a country by it self.
Not happening sweetie!!
A few khalistani goons can do zilch. And for their own good they know under India they would develop more, their future would be jeopardised if they separate themselves from India.
Khalistan movement is nothing but a way to get attention and a bargaining chip.
So a little agitation by few Sikhs become a source of orgasm of few retards in this thread.

What was the last time when khalistani terrorist attack India anywhere including Punjab :lol:
Free Khalistan!

Time for the international community to bring sanctions on this barbaric Indian regime that is exterminating millions of innocent Sikhs because they want to fight for their freedom from the disgusting Delhi oppressors that can't even provide proper sanitation and protection for women.

Go Sikhs, fight for your freedom, China is with you!

Time for the uncooked barbarians to again run after the four pests, banging their drums and pots and pans.

They may get semi cooked running for a hundred years.
Terrorists yes. Not riots and governments. Our army is at war with them and they kill our citizen.
You are either childish or troll
So according to you riots happen only in India.
I have seen the footage of the latest Christian riots in Lahore. Hundreds of Chirstian homes were burned after Christian man was charged was BLASPHMEY. This is not the first time such a incident has taken place.Last year a Helicopter was sent to escort a mentally challenged girl who was charged with Blasphemy. I can even give u the footage of the incident to substantiate my claims,I am serious
Lastly Don't teach me.
A country which provides shelter to International terrorist like Osama Bin Laden,a country which distinguishes between good terrorist and bad terrorists.
Well in Pakistan every year thousand of ppl are killed,butchered by terrorists

This thread is about India...therefore please buy some new glasses before you continuously embarrass yourself. Just because women were gang-raped and children were butchered like little animals across the streets of India, the same does not apply in Pakistan. Drink a bottle of whiskey to calm your nerves down, because you sound emotionally wrecked...must be that time of the month:)

As a Sikh, for me the Harmandir Sahib Ji lost it's sacredness the day Terrorist Bhindrawala turned it into Fortress and bought AK-47 there.

So that justifies the action of the Indian Government in bombing the building into smithereens and gang-raping the innocent women.....without looking at the sentiments of Sikhs. You may consider Bhindrwala a terrorists, however it was the Congress Party which actually promoted him in Punjab, therefore either way the Government was at fault in creating a clusterfuck environment.

If Mecca was to be fortified by an armed group, you can be sure that no Muslim military in the world would consider using tanks and damaging the Kaaba. This is clearly observed in the siege of Mecca in 1984, where all potential terrorists were eliminated and no damage was inflicted on the Holy Site.

Indian Arny freed Harmandir Sahib Ji from those terrorist and like any Army followed the orders of Government.

Okay Indian Army freed the Golden Temple from those terrorists, however were they sleeping about when 20,000 Sikhs were killed across Punjab after the event of Indira Gandhi's death? The Hindu's were literally gang-raping your women and humiliating them in the public arena and you sing praises to the government and its Hindu terrorists.

By the way: Do you know how many times, Muslims Destroyed Akal Takth?

Countless times I have read that previous Muslim rulers have destroyed the worshiping temples of Sikhs and the action was incorrect. Your flawed analogy can be used during the period of the Mughals, who decided to stamp down on the Sikhs because they were arming themselves against the State in fortifying there temples:) Does this mean the Mughal government at the time had the right to burn temples...to hurt the sentiments of the Sikhs...the answer is no:) Before you criticize Muslims most of the Guru's best friends were actually Muslims.

There is a good reason why Sikhs still love to complain to there fellow Muslim brethren in how bad Aurangzeb and Abdali were because of there actions. However you don't have the guts, honesty and integrity to put the same standard on the Indian Government which did a similar atrocity by burning the Golden Temple, killing 20,000 and gang-raping women.
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Funny to see the Pakistanis obsessing over this. As if they have anything to do with us.

They are just second class Arabs and they did to Hindus and Sikhs in 1947 what had been done to their own ancestors by the barbaric invaders. Their own kind was kicked out from East Punjab in revenge but that is not nearly enough. There is much more due and every due will be paid in full.

There will be a price to pay and the time for that is coming ever nearer. The intentions of these people is very clear and everyone can see through it.
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