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Sikh man gunned down in Peshawar

as a resident of Peshawar these things bring great heart-break......Sikhs are integral part of the city, been part of Peshawar (and other parts of KPK) for a long time. They've adopted local traditions, speak the same language.....so if this is a religiously motivated crime then i hope culprits are nabbed immediately

regardless - the Pakistani Sikhs will never leave...nobody will scare them away. They freely practice their religion in their Gurdwaras in Peshawar, nobody disturbs them
I actually have to agree with you.
All accounts of Sikhs say that they had freedoms and practiced their religion freely in Peshawar and tribal areas. The tribals always made sure that they were well protected.

Surprisingly its the Sikhs of Pakistani Punjab who said they were having problems because of discrimination.
I actually have to agree with you.
All accounts of Sikhs say that they had freedoms and practiced their religion freely in Peshawar and tribal areas. The tribals always made sure that they were well protected.

Surprisingly its the Sikhs of Pakistani Punjab who said they were having problems because of discrimination.

Pashtuns were not into hating Hindus and Sikhs. Pashtuns had always been different from Muslims of Punjab and Sindh.
dont know from where zarar claimed that . But Our Sikh community in KPK and specially in our city Peshawar is well off with most of them having own business and we have seen cases of jealously against Pakistani Sikhs in KPK and Peshawar by Pakistani Muslim traders. i feel this also involve such an issue

I think the relatives of the deceased might have contacted Zarar,nowhere in the thread it is mentioned of cousin rivalry.
I actually have to agree with you.
All accounts of Sikhs say that they had freedoms and practiced their religion freely in Peshawar and tribal areas. The tribals always made sure that they were well protected.

Surprisingly its the Sikhs of Pakistani Punjab who said they were having problems because of discrimination.

We have great respect and liking for Sikhs here. Yesterday the incident led to blockage of main roads here and they reached the Governor House and the protest joined by non-sikh locals forced the CM to meet them and assure cooperation. Our Sikh community in Peshawar is financial sound as well.
We have great respect and liking for Sikhs here. Yesterday the incident led to blockage of main roads here and they reached the Governor House and the protest joined by non-sikh locals forced the CM to meet them and assure cooperation. Our Sikh community in Peshawar is financial sound as well.
Indeed, visited Hayat Abad markets late last year, pleasantly surprised to see how successful the Sikh traders were running their booming business and how well they spoke the local dialect. Infact i bought some aftershaves and perfumes from one of the Sikh gentleman who would disappear and supply any brand i asked for.

i agree with you bro
plz flush them out . they have a habit to destroy every thread by trolling and showing their "indian-ness"

this forum is being hijacked by Indians and mods r too lenient with them

@all bharatis
if u guys r so much concern about Pakistani minorities
why don't you call them in your country and accommodate them
if u cant then STFU and stop interfering in our internal matters of our state and its citizen
Who says we aren't allowing your minorities to take asylum? INDIA is always open to people of dharmic faith ,jews,christians to take asylum .It was your government who was stopping exodus of minorities by making them sign papers that they will return back etc.
Will you welcome Indian muslims? we can make that exchange your minorities for our minority.

Stop lying, we have never condemned anyone to hell. That's the job of Sarkari Musalmans.

I am not lying. Ahmadis believe all other Muslims are kafir because they reject Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyani as a prophet. I want to ask you will a kafir, or a person who rejects and condemns Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyani, enter paradise? Here is an official link.

Qadianis declare other Muslims as kafir

I have all the references from the official ahmadi website. The point of my post is not to get into a discussion with you. The point is Ahmadi Mullahs are no less guilty than Sarkari Mullahs.

Stop lying, we have never condemned anyone to hell. That's the job of Sarkari Musalmans.

This is a direct reference. See page 56 (last paragraph) and then continued on to page 57 of the book

"The Truth about the Split", written by Mirza Bashiruddin, the second khalifa of Mirza Ghulam ahmad qadyani.

The book is posted in PDF format on the official Ahmadi website ww.islam.org. Below is the piece.


Alleged Innovations

These changes, according to Maulawi Muhammad

Ali, relate to three matters; (1) that I propagated the

belief that Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was actually

a Nabi; (2) the belief that he was 'the Ahmad' spoken

of in the prophecy of Jesusas referred to in the Holy

Quran in Al-Saff 61:7; and (3) the belief that all those

so-called Muslims who have not entered into his

Bai‘at formally, wherever they may be, are kuffar and

outside the pale of Islam, even though they may not

have heard the name of the Promised Messiahas.

Truth about the Split 57

That these beliefs have my full concurrence, I

readily admit. What I deny is the statement that I have

been entertaining these views since 1914 or only three

or four years before. On the contrary, as I shall

presently show, the first and the last of these beliefs

were entertained by me even during the lifetime of the

Promised Messiahas, while the second belief

developed soon after the death of the Promised

Messiahas as a result of the teachings I received from

Hadrat Khalifatul Masih Ira, and of the various

discourses I had, with him on the subject.
Last edited:
I actually have to agree with you.
All accounts of Sikhs say that they had freedoms and practiced their religion freely in Peshawar and tribal areas. The tribals always made sure that they were well protected.

Surprisingly its the Sikhs of Pakistani Punjab who said they were having problems because of discrimination.

Do not generalize, many sikhs have fled to Punjab after Taliban. Before that they had no problem in FATA/KPK. Punjab is safest place for sikhs in Pakistan.

where did sikhs in Punjab said they had problem? Provide source or shut the **** up.
These are innocent people. Law and order must be enforced now. The time has come.

The Sikh community is small. Loosing one member resonates among them as an Earthquake. Their strong protests are totally understandable. They have the right.


Who says we aren't allowing your minorities to take asylum? INDIA is always open to people of dharmic faith ,jews,christians to take asylum .It was your government who was stopping exodus of minorities by making them sign papers that they will return back etc.
Will you welcome Indian muslims? we can make that exchange your minorities for our minority.

we don't have any obsession with Indian Muslims
neither we are interested in feeding them
unlike you guys who feel unconditional love for Pakistani Hindus and other minorities

there are almost 1 crore non Muslim live in Pakistan
why don't you take all that one crore people to your countries if you claim that they r Indian citizens
our one crore population will decrease.. u love will be fulfilled
win win situation for both of us

and if you are unable to feed them or cant take them in your country
and you unconditional love is only limited to show sympathy
then shut the F up n get the hell out of here

I am not lying. Ahmadis believe all other Muslims are kafir because they reject Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyani as a prophet. I want to ask you will a kafir, or a person who rejects and condemns Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyani, enter paradise? Here is an official link.

Qadianis declare other Muslims as kafir

I have all the references from the official ahmadi website. The point of my post is not to get into a discussion with you. The point is Ahmadi Mullahs are no less guilty than Sarkari Mullahs.

This is what you said, "so ahmadis believe Sikhs will enter paradise? they say sunnis will never enter paradise for rejecting Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyani. They believe Sunnis are kafir."

Yes anyone who rejects Mirza sahib (as) purposely even while fully understanding his claim is committing kufr by rejecting a part of faith. That does not mean however that they are non muslim. They are still muslims, but their kufr is the same as that of the jews in regards to Isa (as). Even now tell me, if according to your beliefs, Isa (as) returns from heaven, what will be the status of the one who rejects him? Is he not going to be committing kufr by rejecting a God's prophet?

This does not mean that we are stating what I have highlighted in your post. Ahmadis say and believe that at the end of the day, it is up to Allah Ta'ala to decide who goes to heaven or hell. But the Qur'an states that anyone who believes in the oneness of God and does good deeds will be rewarded. Please do not put your words in Ahmadis' mouths.

This is a direct reference. See page 56 (last paragraph) and then continued on to page 57 of the book

"The Truth about the Split", written by Mirza Bashiruddin, the second khalifa of Mirza Ghulam ahmad qadyani.

The book is posted in PDF format on the official Ahmadi website ww.islam.org. Below is the piece.


Yes I have read that book about a dozen times and it still does not say what you are stating, "they say sunnis will never enter paradise for rejecting Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadyani". This is said by you and not Ahmadis as explained in my previous comment.

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