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Sikh Harassed In Pakistan Social Experiment

:pakistan: beautiful experiment that's so true people don't show this side of Pakistanies specially our neighbours.
When he said to people that he is not Muslim then One saraki/photohari guy said to him " tu pehnu na nikkah dena isski" watched at 1.36 :woot:
Knowing Hindus and Indian media, they will somehow still spin this social experiment as "Sikh man harassed in Pakistan".
How many Sikhs are still live in Sikh's ruled Sikhism born land - Pakistan? :p:

Pakistan’s Sikh community disappointed at being ‘left out’ from census
The community was not counted among the religions included in the census form

Islamabad: Members and leaders of the Sikh community in Peshawar expressed their disappointment at being “left out” of the national census, saying they feared their community would not be adequately represented in Pakistan’s first national headcount in 19 years.

“This is an injustice, we are being deprived of our rights,” he said.

The 500-year-old religion was founded in what was now part of Pakistan. Most Sikhs left Pakistan for India after both countries gained independence from Britain in 1947.

Around 20,000 Sikhs remain in Pakistan today, most in the restive northwest regions, which have been rocked by an Islamist insurgency for more than a decade, forcing many to leave their homes in the tribal areas on the Afghan border for the city of Peshawar.


WOW 20,000 ... i expected max 2000.Anyway,Congrats Islamic republic of Pakistan for your census.
Very happy to see this and how people stood up for our Sikh brother. This is the inter faith harmony that should be promoted. We have to learn to not only live together but work with each other and give our brothers so much respect they feel special. I believe in extra rights for all minorities in Pakistan. By aiming for extra we will get equal. Something is needed to offset prevailing biases though this video and the way people stood up for Jassi has demanded me to question such notions.
For Indian friends, here we are discussing a common man's attitude on street in reference to minorities and not government policies.
Jo Pakistan main hai, wo hamara bhai hai :big_boss:
When he said to people that he is not Muslim then One saraki/photohari guy said to him " tu pehnu na nikkah dena isski" watched at 1.36 :woot:

sir can you translate this ?

we have Hindu community majority in our interior Sindh and sikh majority in panjab and they all are treated with respect and with equality of opportunity in pakistan infect constitution of pakistan give them special rights if any person from minorities who deserve on merit.

proud to be Pakistani :pakistan:
Better than North Korean Propaganda Videos. Very good:tup::rofl:

This is from a random uploader on youtube, go to his channel and you will find other social experiments like this. Only a hinduvata like yourself will label this as propaganda..
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