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Signs of Coming War!

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New Recruit

Aug 7, 2009
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An Independent Think Tank (BrassTacks) Shared this:

Pakistan army, watch your back! Indians are now beating the war drums. Indians are now sensing that anarchy would spread in Pakistan in the coming days and Pakistan army would be totally bogged down in internal security, Election duties and controlling the Long Marches. That would mean that Indians will have the strongest opportunity to take advantage of the internal anarchy as they did in 1971. With pro-Indian political parties and drones already attacking Pakistan, the new political anarchy and elections are moments Indians had been waiting for the launch the Cold Start.

Indian media is already in a frenzy. Even the treacherous Pakistani media is surprised at the rage and anger being drummed up in India. Indian analysts are openly demanding a war with Pakistan. Read the signs -- these are the media Psy-Ops being built for the invasion.

To Pakistan army -- abandon the elections, bring caretaker government and prepare for war. Enemy is ready to launch at shortest notice.

India warns Pak on LoC killings, says matter should not be allowed to escalate - Hindustan Times
Possible, Indians want to carry out misadventures in Pakistan but they always forget that Pak Army is always ready for them.

Unstable & hurt Pakistan is in the best interest of the enemies of Pakistan.
Similar BS was being told in 2008...Why is Pakistan so desperate for war ?
I, as an Indian do not want war, having said that

I am sure Pakistan has a free hand here and they can do anything they want with India, Indian Government is spineless.
What kind of army behead soldiers?? and then they have non-state actors to blame upon everything

I welcome Pakistan to do surgical strikes inside India but only on parliament and Janpath's of Delhi
And rest assure, there is no risk as India cant do a ****

Yes, no prize for guessing, I am frustrated with the event and our fcuking government. KILL someone related to a politician and see how they react. Scum bags, Bas****
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