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Siachen avalanche: Pakistan welcomes India's offer

Its been more than a day? any updates? anybdy saved?
another sane minded pakistani who wants peace..................seeing a lot of them these days:)

these days

I guess, I'd said the same when India those days was occupying it, but perhaps then no one wanted peace...we are no expert in millitary and politics..that's why ordinary simple fellows of both countries wanting peace ever...Thanks
Though this has lesser relevance to the topic being discused, let me put this straight/
If Pakistan Army did abide by the SHIMLA Agreement and accepted that the teritory divide between INDIA AND PAKISTAN is drawn by a line straight towards north from NJ9842, WE would have not ended up like this fighting a unneceary battle against each other and the nature herself.
Siachen conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

sir, India is full of traitors who want to keep India thinking about Pakistan only. things have been dramatically changed and we would now think differently. I do support presence of few Indian troops on the SiaChen glacier as it is not only a strategically important area but also India have lost many soldiers just to be there. they are also likely also keep few soldiers on Kargil areas also as they won’t like to see the things like 1999 repeated, when they left that area and then militants occupied in Winter, in absence of Indian military, and they then cut off the ‘Srinagar-Leh national highway’ while being on the high positions from the occupied mountains. But, I would advocate to have ‘share of information’ between the troops of India and Pakistan who go to these places like SiaChen Glacier/ Kagil, it will help to have better understanding between the two sides of troops and will also make it easy for both of them to work on these areas. it will also build a type of confidence that even if one side doesn't there for patrolling at any time, they may get the information by other side :cheers:

But what mainly I would like to say, if India has 500,000 troops on Pakistan border and Pakistan also keep the number around 400,000 on that same border then, it is logical that if India may reduce the number to 300,000 then Pakistan would also reduce their number to 250,000 around, obviously? As, if you put 100 tanks on front, then other side is also likely put 100 tanks in response. And if you put 1000 then other side would also put at least 700-800 tanks to counter it. But if you then reduce the number to 200 tanks then other side would also think to bring their number down to 200? :meeting:

There is no meaning of keeping this big number of troops on India-Pakistan border, nor there is a need of keeping so many front line combat aircrafts targeting Pakistan anymore :disagree:. India and Pakistan would think to reduce heavy gathering of troops and arms from the border by 50%, by next 5-6 years. It will help them have better and secure arms for their troops on border, more bullet proof jackets type safe equipment may be provided to them than the arms. The efforts gotto be made to use the troops for helping the people of both the countries, not to fight with each other. India and Pakistan need to establish a better understanding on the border, and have more money in pocket for the safety of their troops. Whatever happened to Pakistani troops in Sia Chen glacier is very likely with Indian troops also there. Reducing the numbers will help them have better infrastructure for their troops employed on the border, making them more comfortable with their work, with building more confidence between these two countries by having lesser troops face to face, building a level of understanding/ friendship between each other on the Indo-Pak border. :pop:
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