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Shrine Of Hazart Younus blown/destroyed

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Shrine Of Hazart Younus blown/destroyed in Mousil Iraq

Geo News Urdu ‏@geonews_urdu 5m
موصل:آثارقدیمہ کےمقام پرمسجدآٹھویں صدی عیسوی میں تعمیرکی گئی تھی، خبرایجنسی

Geo News Urdu ‏@geonews_urdu 6mView translation
موصل:یہ مسجدحضرت یونس علیہ السلام کےمقبرےکےاحاطےمیں تعمیرکی گئی تھی
What was the significance of this place ?
I see no protest on forum for this as of now.
Muslims killing muslims is kosher.
Everybody is protesting gaza.... no one is protesting ISIS
Shrine of a 3500 years old Prophet destroy in 2014 by animals! :disagree:

Filthy wahabi creatures!
Iraqi incompetent government (Mailki and his thugs) is the reason behind all the mess happening as we speak.
Iraqi incompetent government (Mailki and his thugs) is the reason behind all the mess happening as we speak.

None is the fault of Salafi ISIS terrorists ?

Maliki is not evil but incompetent and weak, you and you're friends always focus on him like you're obsessed with him.
None is the fault of Salafi ISIS terrorists ?

Maliki is not evil but incompetent and weak, you and you're friends always focus on him like you're obsessed with him.

How did the ISIS manage to enter/shelter inside Iraq in the first place? isn't that the failure of the Iraqi leaders?
How did the ISIS manage to enter/shelter inside Iraq in the first place?
How can they not manage after the invasion of 2003 when all state institutions got disbanded ? you know the answer already , 2003 invasion.

isn't that the failure of the Iraqi leaders?

Failure of Americans*

But the Iraqi leaders are a failure as well, the political system and constitution should be abolished as well as all of it leads to this. However that's not the root of the problem, we're speaking of a regional & global problem here the ideology that creates such terrorists all over the world.
It's the tomb of prophet Jonah/Younus pbuh.

Means it is worshiped by all abrahamic religions across the world. So why these nut jobs are destroying it ?I have very difficult time to digest this.

These must be world heritage site and now gone. All 3500 years of history demolished in few hours. What happen to actual grave ?

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