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Shria Law in Pakistan

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KILL THEM ALL, then bring Islam
What type of Islam are you talking about??
TTP want Islam too in Pakistan so do you want their Islam or you have your own version of Islam..

the problem is verbal assesment of a system does not lead to a conclusive proof of its merit.Has there been any legal review of sharia by any islamic country clause by clause, to implement in its society.Obviously such analysis will lead to tinkering here and there, so the implementation will be in a form far different from the original.This is nonetheless quite understandable as societies progress their views change and any implementation of a new framework has to accommodate that change.Problem begins when establishments accept societies to change for a particular framework rather than the framework modified for the society.
We started Islamic Reconstruction of Pakistan but then they burn it after the death of Jinnah because they want their own version of Shria so they get benefit from it.
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U kidding me Ttp are not muslim they stupid stinky forgion terrerist afreen on your thinking u think they are muslim how could u say that so u mean they are doin great job against army and civilian i have doubt u might one of those spoter who are bombing mosque churchez and public places islam told us to live in peace not in war like they are killing innocent people
Mohtarma Bibi sahiba

Just remember it is 2014 AD and not 700+AD

Your instence on "real" is as good as "real milk", "real-ghee", "real-mirach" , "real garam massalah" in Pakistan. :lol:

We hear about it but never see it due to all the adult rated adulteration.

Hope you get it now

and please please please please

quit talking about things like Paras Pathhar, Gidder Singhi, and "philosophers' stone" etc. etc. etc. etc. 3 times more ets.

Thank you,.

p.s. if any of you out here do not know what Paras Pathhar, Gidder Singhi, and "philosophers' stone" etc are, PM me or do some wiki google goggle
The bold part is the only thing that was worth a reply: Just because someone adulterated your information does it mean you stop eating or searching for pure information? My guess is you will say yes because that is how you are behaving...Hence, my next question, what is the use of reading soo many books as you declared in some of your posts when you refuse "pure" form of information and prefer the "adulterated"?

Please say something sensible or stop quoting me

Thank you

As for rest of you...

Get 1 thing in your head which Indians are making you waste time on:

Jinnah is dead..

Whatever he wanted that doesnt matter...Pakistan is live and breathing and here to stay...If you the youth dont develop it and develop yourselves than there is no use if Jinnah said plan A or plan B....He did his part and is dead...Do your part please!
KILL THEM ALL, then bring Islam

Here you go

Killing, stoning, hand chopping head chopping

This is the real Islam for you


When Mohammad pbuh talks about truth and tolerannce and honest

you all Islamo-facists talk about Killing, stoning, hand chopping head chopping

When someone like me points out the truth

you all get mad and run straght to mods

..Just because someone adulterated your information does it mean you stop eating or searching for pure information?

when Islamism is all adultrated

no need to buy anything from the Islamists

Buy stuff from USA, UK, Germanry

if their stamp is good

buy it with confidence

your health and your soul will thank you
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What type of Islam are you talking about??
TTP want Islam too in Pakistan so do you want their Islam or you have your own version of Islam..

We started Islamic Reconstruction of Pakistan but then they burn it after the death of Jinnah because they want their own version of Shria so they get benefit from it.

To prevent that from happening a common interpretation must be taken,sharia or whatever form in which it will be implemented, should be under a constitutional body.....but most importantly a legal analysis of it must be done.I mean if you are implementing something based on a religious mandate written 100's of years ago, then its coverage will be surely limited and pardon me for saying but somewhat backward in present time..When i talk about coverage i mean how will hypothetically under sharia will media be influenced,internet laws, banking , censorship laws,entertainment industry will be altered.If some tinkering should me made which must be again by community consensus in those areas must be taken.Again implementing a religious system without understanding its legal ramifications is playing in the hands of religious extremists.Oversight is necessary by peoples representatives and each clause must be argued both legally and politically on its suitability for the society in which its being implemented.
Just lurking around, as an aside i would like to know if you have read this book "pakistan eye of the storm"

The book is OK

After all the man was posted in Islu for 3 long forking years

However West in general and Brits in particular tend to have this superiority complex and thus myopic view of its old colonies.

His view remained as an outsiders view, so it may click with people living in the West.

I wish he had delved deeper into how much Pakistan has achieved and how it survived in horrible neighborhood.

just imagine if Germans had landed in Scotland or Ireland and chopped off UK.

or Russians had taken off Alaska

I'll see how they will react to the brotherly countries chopping their limbs off.

Is there or was there any nation/state in the present or past which 100% adhered to Sharia? Which is closest to Sharia government - Afghanistan under Taliban, Iran under mullahs, Arabia under Wahabi Saudis?
Is there or was there any nation/state in the present or past which 100% adhered to Sharia? Which is closest to Sharia government - Afghanistan under Taliban, Iran under mullahs, Arabia under Wahabi Saudis?

nation/state and Sharia are mutually exclusive, Mullahs sez

Where nation/state is, Sharia cannot exist
where Sharia is, nation/state will not exist.

Therefore the only place Sharia has been implemented 100% only on Mars and 50% on moon.

Why 50% on moon. It was too small to accommodate Mullahs with fat bellies.
ahmdi qadiyani sharia is ok ?:P

Do they even have Sharia?

Perhaps one can call London and ask their Khalifa Ji.


My punjabi friends call their barber Khalifa Ji too, so we may not have to call London then. Local call will do,.
Pardon my ignorance but isn't Sharia law from God, just like the holy Quran? If so, how can it be outdated?
so u think the TTP are fighting to implement Islamic law?? Quran is itself law and Muslims in a Hadis are just asked to look forward in Quran and Hadis for and problem.


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Do they even have Sharia?

Perhaps one can call London and ask their Khalifa Ji.


My punjabi friends call their barber Khalifa Ji too, so we may not have to call London then. Local call will do,.
to bhai bana leen gay shariya banana konsa mushkil kam hai ?:D
We are corrupt nation and we can not live with Islamic laws.
We can shout if someone is doing something illegal but everywhere on name of customs,weddings and on name of enjoyment we do whatever we want from rapes ,lies to killing people and corruption.
We just says we want Islamic laws but we want it to be implemented on others.
We don't want such laws which implement on us.
We provide safe heavens to killer saying he is our guest nd its our custom where is Isam now?
We marry 5yrs girl with old man where is Islam now?
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