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Showing Pakistani public a first world country for comparion to Pakistan

You never know, they might ask where is the other tree with the £50 notes on it
I agree and another point I wanted to make was regarding education, its important to raise Pakistan's literacy rate to minimum 80%, universal health system and regulation of religious schools(the syllabus should be designed in Pakistan not to be imported from Habibis in Gulf).

Foreign and some pak media must be banned it has bad effects on pak mind and culture. Especially these sad pak actors or show host and the program they are advertising is sad make up shows or some daft games they want everybody to participate in and win a cheap nasty motor cycle.

No education on tv instead anchors fighting and wannabe gangsters. complete ban on wahaby influence books, cd everything. In a way turks got good deal when they got back stabbed as ottoman it taught them they only have themselves.
nawaz sharif should be taught as the enemy of the state as he is habibi BITCH.
If there's a clean city with 5 million inhabitants without ultra poor and high literacy. Clean streets and low crime with prospects of a good job market then why not.

My fibre is 100meg and affordable. That's the most important of all. Provide all of this.
You are so right. Actually people should be shown different governing methods of different cities. The kind of luxuries they enjoy. The policing system they have. The tax reforms they have. The education system they have . The severage system they have. The cleaning system they have. How they cities are clean. If you go from Lahore or Karachi to England or Europe, your visibility clears, colors become more crisp, due to non existent pollution. They drink milk without antibiotics. Chicken without steriods. Housing is so cheap, no in big cities of course but in countryside.
So many new technologies to keep home cool or warm . None of which is used in Pakistan, our homes are never centrally heated or centrally air conditioned.
No parks. No entertainment. People are eating posion, drinking poison, breathing poison.
Our beaches are dirty, the biggest enjoyment is shopping and eating.
Half of the population gets no water where as countries like saudia Arabia which has no river gets water to all its population.
How pakistan has been one step behind the world despite it being a country full of potential.
By comparing Lahore to Paris is insult of Paris. Lahore is nothing more then a shithole and thats the city everyone boasts about.
Even the poor has food to eat and house to live. They don't look poor from apprence. You don't have to be dirty if you are poor. You would get decent medical facilities etc.
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No, it is not only about showing tall buildings, it is about showing how a first world country is, or functions vs what Pakistan is. We can for instance show roads (people following the signals, rules & regulations of traffic), foot paths (how clean they are, and people not littering) and etc.

I agree education is what is needed, but this it to entice them, or give them an end goal which I believe is just as necessary.
We don't need to make movies but just circulate money to the excluded / disenfranchised. Societies run on circulation of money, catalysed by greed and protected by social welfare. Give people surplus money and they will build you a Rome, Paris or New York or Beijing.
Here is my suggestion.

If you are young. Do whatever you can do for the betterment of motherland, you would have your wisdom and rational thoughts by the time. Only your efforts can provide you the courage and wisdom no one else.

Once you start, try to keep in touch socially with the people for getting more ideas.
Hello everyone!

I was thinking that it would be a good idea if those living abroad can make videos of how their country is, specifically for the purpose of showing the Pakistani public how things are in the first world countries. The main purpose of these videos would be so that the Paksitanis would have something to compare Pakistan to, and give them some ideas on what they can realistically achieve with hard work, and perhaps realise what they are missing, or in short what good standards of living are.

We could make a channel on youtube specifically dedicated to this, which who ever wants to contribute can upload to. Maybe it would also be a good idea to add Urdu commentary where possible - For example, if I am showing a particular building, or work being done - I could talk briefly about it in Urdu.

What do you guys think?

so buildings and roads make a civilization? or is it the morals and values and the richness of culture?
Pakistani public is much richer in the later, yes we have miscreants and ignorance but that ignorance is ten times better than the ignorance of the so called educated first world countries where people are fed the matrix from school to college and from tv and what not, till they become nothing but zombies completely lost in the world...
Most Pakistanis unfortunately follow the rule of the "danda". Board any flight from abroad to Pakistan and all the Pakistanis will stand in queue perfectly following all the rules and regulations. As soon as the flight lands in Karachi or Lahore and the rule of the jungle prevails. People cutting lines, pushing each other, not following flight instructions (such as not taking seat belt off before the plane stops) etc. Showing them how the first world works wont make any difference. The only solution is long term and requires the imposition of morals and ethics into our education system, rather than education simply being seen as a tool which will lead to wealth in the future. For the current generation there is no hope and the "danda" is the only solution.
Hello everyone!

I was thinking that it would be a good idea if those living abroad can make videos of how their country is, specifically for the purpose of showing the Pakistani public how things are in the first world countries. The main purpose of these videos would be so that the Paksitanis would have something to compare Pakistan to, and give them some ideas on what they can realistically achieve with hard work, and perhaps realise what they are missing, or in short what good standards of living are.

We could make a channel on youtube specifically dedicated to this, which who ever wants to contribute can upload to. Maybe it would also be a good idea to add Urdu commentary where possible - For example, if I am showing a particular building, or work being done - I could talk briefly about it in Urdu.

What do you guys think?

People aren't unaware of what developed societies look like, they are unaware of how they become developed. For a truly developed country you need a developed economy, plus an identity/ethos as a nation. I think the ethos/identity is almost more important than even the economy.

Nordic countries are not great places to live simply because of wealth, they are great places to live because those people have a commitment to a set of values, they look after each other and the land around them. Economic development without social development leads to India - a land of vast wealth and vast poverty, a land of sufi's, sadhus, khalsa and yet a land of horrible ethics and morality at the same time.

Our grandparents will talk of times where you could leave your doors open and spend all day in the fields unafraid of any consequence, times of content people and good health. Those people were not wealthy (they were not poor either), but they had a community, respect for each other, respect for the environment. Today the ultra wealthy live superstar lifestyles - but they live it behind bullet proof glass, blast walls and bodyguards.

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