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Should the Indian Navy worry about China's new warship?

Basically, what I think is that you are trolling. Post facts over how a higher located RADAR is not better than a lower one. Otherwise, pure physics, logic and sense dictates that higher the Radar, the better the performance. (HINT: Why AWACS?)
It is better to locate a MORE EFFECTIVE and SMALLER X-BAND HIGHER without compromising with the power and size of a long range S-Band radar.
It is USELESS to compromise on the size and power of the S-Band radar in order to locate it higher, and compromising the stability of the warship as well when a SMALLER X-BAND can be sited HIGHER and have FINER RESOLUTION better at tracking incoming sea skimming missiles at GREATER DISTANCES than the 25 km stated distance for the MF Star.
China is only being practical in having a more comprehensive solution that works instead of the HALF-BAKED MF-Star as used by Indian warships.
Obviously You are an IGNORAMUS.
X-band being of higher frequency is smaller and have finer definition with higher accuracy that is better at tracking smaller sized projectiles like missiles.
S-band, being much lower frequency is much larger sized compared to X-band, have longer range and better able to detect stealth.

MF-Star has Wiki stated specs of 25 km for sea skimming missiles, so it is better to have SMALLER HIGH ACCURACY X-BAND radar placed HIGHER UP on a sensor mast as on the Type 055.
S-Band MF-Star comes in 2 sizes, 1x2m and 3x3m, both much smaller than the 4x4m 346B of the Type 055.

But Indians, being the sour grape that they are either don't have the money for such high tech dual band radar employed on the Type 055 or their military suppliers don't the technology.
Zumwalt destroyer is said to have forgone dual band radar due to cost.
Beggar Sour Grape India NO MONEY??
Or Israel no technology??

Apparently you got your data from your behind.
Precisely, 055 radar and set up is the best in the world S band and X band will do the job of naval battle(Detect enemy warship, detect incoming missile, incoming aircraft) and ultra long range radar for Anti-ballistic missile to even engage ICBM coming from space.

Indian and British warship are just single platform system designed solely for naval warfare but can't do anti-ballistic misson.
lol.. self delusion. Maybe u can beg China not to use weapon from 2005 onwards as a fair game against India in events of war. :lol:
China loves its economy more than land grabbing, as it has learnt the lesson from its predecessors, with time communism has evolved too, cant risk economy just to sooth your ego, It will give USA an edge....;)
Actually the type 055 looks to have a larger than 4 by 4 meter S band AESA setup.


If those windows are at least a meter wide then they would be closer to 7 by 7 meters.

Absolutely gargantuan and nothing else comes close to matching that size aperture.

Even the X band setup at the top looks to be at least 2.5 or 3 meters squared.
Better check with your military and then political leadership, on what role do they envisage for themselves in a potential (and unlikely) Sino-Indian conflict.

While you do that, be sure to ask why US is willing to supply India military tech (hint: it has nothing to do with Pakistan) and is indeed doing so. Apart from the commercial interests.
you are the one who screams when a Chinese engineers enter Pakistan . you oppses CPEC , your generals use the term two front war .
Plus we saw what happen when india try to invade Maldives during Maldivian crisis . :) .
So the type 055's S band is actually just ridiculously big with each having a surface area of 49 square meters. Compared to the largest export MF star S band which is 9 square meters a single type 055s panel is larger compared to all 4 MF star panels combined at 36 square meters.

Even the top mounted X band radar is around the same size of the MF Star S band setup.

So the type 055 has a higher resolution and similar size aperture radar placed on a high location like the MF star which is better for finding sea skimming targets. It also has a far larger setup for BMD and volume search radar that the P15B completely lacks. It also has almost two and a half times the missile capacity.

So in what ways are these ships comparable? Nobody besides the Indians are even putting these two ships in the same ballpark. Everyone else only compares it to the Zumwalt or Sejong class.
No S and X band will allow better and full coverage of all threat from level detection and high attitude neutralised. Its the best of whole world. Sooner this will be the bench setter for all other navies to follow.

No, it's not. You put a massive S band radar at the very top, you do not need any other radar for any purpose. It's in fact a complete waste of space. Other ships use X band radar because they can't fit in the S band radar in that location.

Indian MFSTAR as an export radar can never be the foreline as top end naval radar. It is even inferior compare to Sampson.

You literally have no clue what you are talking about. Sampson doesn't even come close to the MFSTAR. It only has 2 faces and rotates. MFSTAR has 4 faces. No comparison.

The British call the Type 45 destroyer the best AAW destroyer in the world, while carrying an inferior radar and SAM than the Kolkata class.

The MFSTAR is not some export radar either. The version we use is in fact superior to what the Israelis themselves use.
India could never hope to have anything comparable to the type 055's radar setup in the near future. Outside of the S band and X band radars on it there is a huge amount of other radar, ECM, and electronics on the type 055.


This setup is pretty much only economically viable in China. In any Western country radar setups 4 and 8 on that image would cost well over a billion dollars. That amount would be for indigenous production and not for export.
Quit playing with kids.

Apart from @LKJ86 who does post sense at times (but seeing some of his posts here, now I am not very sure), remaining lot is as ignorant as the word is able to define accurately.

Oh, are you having some fun playing with them? Then my bad ;)

I have some weird ways to de-stress. :D

Obviously You are an IGNORAMUS.
X-band being of higher frequency is smaller and have finer definition with higher accuracy that is better at tracking smaller sized projectiles like missiles.
S-band, being much lower frequency is much larger sized compared to X-band, have longer range and better able to detect stealth.

MF-Star has Wiki stated specs of 25 km for sea skimming missiles, so it is better to have SMALLER HIGH ACCURACY X-BAND radar placed HIGHER UP on a sensor mast as on the Type 055.
S-Band MF-Star comes in 2 sizes, 1x2m and 3x3m, both much smaller than the 4x4m 346B of the Type 055.

But Indians, being the sour grape that they are either don't have the money for such high tech dual band radar employed on the Type 055 or their military suppliers don't the technology.
Zumwalt destroyer is said to have forgone dual band radar due to cost.
Beggar Sour Grape India NO MONEY??
Or Israel no technology??

Apparently you got your data from your behind.

I would recommend finding a high res photo of the Kolkata class and then measure the radar yourself. MFSTAR can come in any size you want. Kolkata's radar size has not been publicly revealed.

And no, putting the X band radar up top in lieu of the S band means jack.
No, it's not. You put a massive S band radar at the very top, you do not need any other radar for any purpose. It's in fact a complete waste of space. Other ships use X band radar because they can't fit in the S band radar in that location.

The British call the Type 45 destroyer the best AAW destroyer in the world, while carrying an inferior radar and SAM than the Kolkata class.

The MFSTAR is not some export radar either. The version we use is in fact superior to what the Israelis themselves use.
LOL... Another self delusion post. I have already rebuked your nonsense very well in previous post. Keep up the delusion. Just like saying USAF F-22 non exported is inferior compare to F-35 exported. Who are u indian compare to American. Maybe next time u will come up a delusion post that Israel will stand on side of India if US ask Israel to abandon India. :rofl:
So in what ways are these ships comparable? Nobody besides the Indians are even putting these two ships in the same ballpark. Everyone else only compares it to the Zumwalt or Sejong class.

It's simple actually. If you can't protect yourself against our AShMs while we can protect ourselves from your AShMs, then it doesn't matter if the Type 055 is an alien ship or a dinghy, it's gonna die.

The Type 055 has much greater firepower than the Kolkata class, particularly in the land attack role, but the quality of the design and type of weapons matters a lot.

In the air defence role, the Kolkata class can see a lot more than the Type 052C/D, perhaps on par with the Type 055, based on simple physics. So next up is the quality of the radar and SAM, which is most likely in India's favour because of the Barak 8. China is yet to reveal something that's even in the same class as the Barak 8. But then, the Americans and Europeans also haven't come out with a missile in the same class, so I wouldn't hold that against you.

Other than that, the Type 055 will most likely have a BMD role, which the Kolkata class will not do. So that's about it.

Overall, you are free to compare the Type 055 with other large destroyers. But in AD, the Kolkata class will comfortably beat it.
It's simple actually. If you can't protect yourself against our AShMs while we can protect ourselves from your AShMs, then it doesn't matter if the Type 055 is an alien ship or a dinghy, it's gonna die.

The Type 055 has much greater firepower than the Kolkata class, particularly in the land attack role, but the quality of the design and type of weapons matters a lot.

In the air defence role, the Kolkata class can see a lot more than the Type 052C/D, perhaps on par with the Type 055, based on simple physics. So next up is the quality of the radar and SAM, which is most likely in India's favour because of the Barak 8. China is yet to reveal something that's even in the same class as the Barak 8. But then, the Americans and Europeans also haven't come out with a missile in the same class, so I wouldn't hold that against you.

Other than that, the Type 055 will most likely have a BMD role, which the Kolkata class will not do. So that's about it.

Overall, you are free to compare the Type 055 with other large destroyers. But in AD, the Kolkata class will comfortably beat it.

Your post is so delusional I'm not even going to bother responding anymore. You obviously have a huge amount of time to come on here to post garbage. I neither have the time or will to argue with people as stupid as you. Just realize spewing BS on a online form won't change ground reality.
It's simple actually. If you can't protect yourself against our AShMs while we can protect ourselves from your AShMs, then it doesn't matter if the Type 055 is an alien ship or a dinghy, it's gonna die.

The Type 055 has much greater firepower than the Kolkata class, particularly in the land attack role, but the quality of the design and type of weapons matters a lot.

In the air defence role, the Kolkata class can see a lot more than the Type 052C/D, perhaps on par with the Type 055, based on simple physics. So next up is the quality of the radar and SAM, which is most likely in India's favour because of the Barak 8. China is yet to reveal something that's even in the same class as the Barak 8. But then, the Americans and Europeans also haven't come out with a missile in the same class, so I wouldn't hold that against you.

Other than that, the Type 055 will most likely have a BMD role, which the Kolkata class will not do. So that's about it.

Overall, you are free to compare the Type 055 with other large destroyers. But in AD, the Kolkata class will comfortably beat it.

LOL.. Continue your self delusion. Typical Indian tactic to hide their fear and inferiority.

Remember India brag about surgical strike on Pakistan soil killed hundreds of so called terrorist?


Your self delusion rant is as good as bragging about mighty success strike which turn out as good as your fart. Same as bragging INS Kolkata AD is better than 055 which is nothing but a fantasy. You can rant 1000 times but fact is you are inferior. :enjoy:

Its a bitter pill to swallow. But sorry, u need to take it in. :lol:
Heres the thing though. Nobody but Indians would even try to compare the type 055 to the P15B. Not a single western article would put those two ships in any kind of comparison. They only compare it to ships like Zumwalt or Sejong class.


Some PDF Indians remind me of Chinese military enthusiasts in 90's when they saw no light in sight, they patched up their desperation with their imagination, like shooting down F-22 with faster J-8ii, much like claiming a winner in "Me vs Bill Gates" scenario.
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