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Should the Indian Navy worry about China's new warship?

Some PDF Indians remind me of Chinese military enthusiasts in 90's when they saw no light in sight, they patched up their desperation with their imagination, like shooting down F-22 with faster J-8ii, much like claiming a winner in "Me vs Bill Gates" scenario.
They thought just keep insisting it will keep their spirit better. Fact is, just like how they keep insisting shooting down PAF F-16 which proves to be nothing but a huge humiliation to let the whole world knows Indian is nothing but a bunch of crooks resort to lying to make themselves feel better. Same apply here where Indian keyboard warrior keep distorting facts and make up lies like 055 radar is not better to make them feel better.


Facts and link to prove Indian is nothing but crooks that is just like scammer. :lol:
The real face of india.
Your post is so delusional I'm not even going to bother responding anymore. You obviously have a huge amount of time to come on here to post garbage. I neither have the time or will to argue with people as stupid as you. Just realize spewing BS on a online form won't change ground reality.

Yep, only Chinese ships do not have to obey the laws of physics. Only us lowly mortals have to follow it. Logic and common sense doesn't work in the Middle Kingdom after all.

The real face of india.
View attachment 556261

Do you know what the Chinese are doing to 'Chinese' Muslims?
they didnt even compare with 052d....went straight up against our most powerful ship...just like comparing lca to j20.ollollol
Do you know what the Chinese are doing to 'Chinese' Muslims?

That same question was asked to imran khan. He said he does not know a thing :lol:

Do you expect a different reply ?

I bet he will say its a "western propaganda" or "internal matter of china" :D
That same question was asked to imran khan. He said he does not know a thing :lol:

Do you expect a different reply ?

I bet he will say its a "western propaganda" or "internal matter of china" :D
Not really, let me answer for the Chinese.
The Chinese treat their Muslim and other minorities WELL.
Contrast that with how INDIANS are KILLING, TORTURING and BLINDING their Muslim minorities in Kashmir in addition to atrocities committed to their other minorities in the North East.
Not really, let me answer for the Chinese.
The Chinese treat their Muslim and other minorities WELL.
Contrast that with how INDIANS are KILLING, TORTURING and BLINDING their Muslim minorities in Kashmir in addition to atrocities committed to their other minorities in the North East.

LOL, let us see how the chinese treat their Muslims.

1. Make them eat pork.
2. Send them to re-education camps.
3. separate children from parents when parents are sent to re-education camps.
4. Demolish mosques.
5. outlaw teaching quran
6. Outlaw names like muhammed, quran etc.
7. Prohibition on ramzan fasting
8. Prohibit beard
9. Prohibit burqa
10. Separate muslim husbands and wives if they are from different countries.
11. Convert Mosque into a BAR. (Look below for picture)

Contrast that with Indians now :cheesy:

Kept quite when the mulims of kashmir drove out the ENTIRE Hindu population from kashmir and Ethnic cleansing.

Sacrificed Hindu lives to protect kahsmiri citizens from pakistani and Kahsmir MUSLIM terrorists.

And here is your proof,

LOL, let us see how the chinese treat their Muslims.

1. Make them eat pork.
2. Send them to re-education camps.
3. separate children from parents when parents are sent to re-education camps.
4. Demolish mosques.
5. outlaw teaching quran
6. Outlaw names like muhammed, quran etc.
7. Prohibition on ramzan fasting
8. Prohibit beard
9. Prohibit burqa
10. Separate muslim husbands and wives if they are from different countries.
11. Convert Mosque into a BAR. (Look below for picture)

Contrast that with Indians now :cheesy:

Kept quite when the mulims of kashmir drove out the ENTIRE Hindu population from kashmir and Ethnic cleansing.

Sacrificed Hindu lives to protect kahsmiri citizens from pakistani and Kahsmir MUSLIM terrorists.

And here is your proof,

As always, Indians quote facts from their behind.
Very callous of you to compare TORTURING, KILLING and BLINDING Muslim minorities in Kashmir and ATROCITIES committed by the Indian Army with AFSPA powers to other Indian minorities with demolishing unregulated or unauthorized buildings.
Many Indians are brainwashed inhumans.
What's new?
Good to demolish Unauthorized buildings.
Children who have terrorists parents being sent to be deradicalized is a good thing, or else you have tragedies happening like recently in Sri Lanka and they will become orphans.

Please don't post anymore nonsense and FAKE NEWS, but that would be suicidal for an Indian, I guess.

Don't worry. I am a strong supporter of re-education camps for muslims :D

We want to learn from the best :tup: ............... we need to collaborate more on kashmir :D
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