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Should The Hagia Sofia become a Mosque?

Oh come on,you were allied with Germany and Austria-Hungary and the muslim Arabs fought against you.What crusade? It was a real politik war.
Germany was allied to us for their own benefit. Even in old crusader days, some muslims were allied to crusaders. It never changed. If you read reports of British army they even admitted it was crusade.
My secular side says it should probably stay a museum. My Catholic side says that if it to be anything other than a museum, then it should be returned to the Patriarch of Constantinople and restored as the grand Christian church it was built as. I would love to attend Divine Liturgy there.


your catholic side should say you that you were the one who plundered the city and destroyed the byzantine empire in the first place
To be true there were several world leaders who said that they waited for a chance to throw the Turks "back" to Asia where they belong (eventhough i never heard about a crusade)

France and the UK actively supported the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century as a counterweight to Russia.See the Crimean War.

Heck the Ottoman Empire fought alongside Orthodox Greece,Serbia,Romania against Orthodox Bulgaria in the Second Balkan War of 1913.
Germany was allied to us for their own benefit. Even in old crusader days, some muslims were allied to crusaders. It never changed. If you read reports of British army they even admitted it was crusade.

Probably just propaganda for the troops.Ze Germans were "the evil huns" and the Turks "the barbaric infidels".It happens in wars.
No it shouldn't become a mosque because there is a blue mosque, where Muslims can prey just 100 metres away from the Hagia Sophia. The Hagia Sophia reflects the unique history and culture of two world empires. It's the symbol of Istanbul and it was a wise decision from Ataturk to change the formerly church and mosque into a museum.
your catholic side should say you that you were the one who plundered the city and destroyed the byzantine empire in the first place
No, my rational side would say that the Venetians did at the behest of deposed Byzantine emperor Isaac II Angelos and Byzantine crown prince Alexios IV...but I guess you overlooked that part. :dirol:
No, my rational side would say that the Venetians did at the behest of deposed Byzantine emperor Isaac II Angelos and Byzantine crown prince Alexios IV...but I guess you overlooked that part. :dirol:

I think it is an unhealthy exercise to dig up the past. Not a single religion will escape that scrutiny.

Let us exorcise our past demons.
Whats the background of the Hagia Sofia?

Apparently when I visited, the reason given by a Turkish student was it became a "Museum" was that there was a Truce between Christians, and the Ottomans that hte Hagia Sofia would not be used as a Religious site.

@Kaan @atatwolf

ps i dont feel like goggling
The Hagia Sofia was originally built as an orthodox church around 1,500 years ago, but was converted into a mosque in 1453 after Sultan Mehmet II conquered Istanbul for the Ottoman Empire. After the Ottoman Empire collapsed, making way for the constitutionally secular Republic of Turkey, the mosque was closed and reopened as a museum in 1935.

Im not exactly sure why they made it a museum. Maybe to increase tourism
I think it is an unhealthy exercise to dig up the past. Not a single religion will escape that scrutiny.

Let us exorcise our past demons.
Good advice and I tried to, hence my posting of Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew embracing each other.

"The Church must breathe with her two lungs!" -H.H., St. John Paul II
Right across Hagia Sohpia, there is SultanAhmet mosque.

Its a huge mosque and a tourist attraction too. At namaz time, hardly the first row is full. If the population of namzis is so thin and the mosques there already are so big, why create a controversy?
crussaders? whos the one not even native in the entire country your living in today? It belonged to greeks, armenians and kurds before you came from far east.
Greeks colonized Anatolia it was never their native land either, just think about Trojan war for exsample.
Kurd never really had a state and was ruled by several other civilisations before Turks even arrived Anatolia.
Armenians lost their territory in Anatolia thanks to Russians, thank you for this one.

Treaty of Kars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Treaty of Moscow (1921) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The argument ''but Turks dont belong to Anatolia'' is old and false, there is only one thing left to say if there is still anyone who cant accept our presence, make us leave.
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