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Should stranded Pakistanis be given there own country?

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The way you took a piece of land from us based on language and other stuff, the same way we want to see these people to take away what belongs to them.

They will take back their lands in Bihar and Bengalis in Pakistan will claim Bangistan in future with the help of MQM. Im certain of it.
All those born past 1971 have the right to be in integrated into our country. For those that have the chance but, refuse can just stay in their terrible conditions if they want too. As Pakistan won't take them back.
As many a Bangladeshi government have maintained.... the stranded pakistanis can have the whole of Bangladesh by becoming BD citizens. It is not we who have rejected them but they us.

it mattes nothing where they are from.... they came to now BD as muslims seeking refuge.... refuge is willingly given and many have taken it up.

BD can not and will not force anyone to be a citizen if they do not want it..... Ball is in their court.... it might take another 50 years but eventually they will become BD citizens
who want to live in that shit hole KANGLADESH ?:rofl: 600.000 fish eaters smelling here in pakistan first take them away we are sick of smell of bangladeshis here :lol:
Dude that was cheap....here's what you should do...try eating some fish everyday...maybe that will stop some of your compatriots from blowing themselves up...shooting children for campaigning for education...or maybe killing people for not praying the same way as they do!
My shithole is better than your hellhole....I would rather smell of fish than blood and gunpowder!
NO , the right approach would be for the Stranded Pakistanis should be given Bangladeshi citizenship & not a separate country , this separatism has done nothing but harmed their interest & well being the most be it 1947 or 1971 , one might be Muslims or Hindus , but @ the end of the day we are all children of south Asia & it is in south Asia that we can prosper , we have tasted the bitter fruits of partition not once but twice , the days of separatism are long gone , if anything its time for a United & prosperous South Asia , today we live in the era of global village , be it NAFTA , European Union , ASEAN , SAARC or BBIN
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Sorry to say bit these biharis are the one who are still harassed and getting capital punishment and what for ? Do you have any answer for it ? They have lived at least 45 years with you and still they are being treated like stray dogs. It is their right to demand for separate homeland and their are enough people or countries to support them.

@ In 1947, after partition of India near about 22/23 lacs of Bihares migrated to the then East Pakistan. The question arises why they came to East Pakistan why not to West Pakistan ? We have to realize that Pakistan was created on the basis of "Two Nation Theory" where all the Muslims of Indians supported and struggled. Muslims were only majority in Bengal, Punjab, NWFP, Baluchistan ? and Sind. Now, what the other Muslims of other provinces will do ? Once there was riot in Bihar where near about 50,000 Bihari Muslims were butchered so they had no alternative, but they had to migrate to the then East Pakistan closer to Bihar.

@ Bihares had contributed a lot for the newly creation of Pakistan but today they are the main victim and we are enjoying the juice. All conspiracy goes to India. At first they killed them during riot of 1946/47 and then again in 1971 they instigated the Bengalise to killed them. In many instances many volunteers directly came from India and killed them. This was mainly to create division among the muslims of East Bengal.

@ Bihares have equal rights to stay in Bangladesh. What about the non-Muslims around 3.5 millions to 5 millions who migrated to India ? These Bihares came in lie of them. It was just like a give and take.
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600.000 fish eaters smelling here in pakistan first take them away we are sick of smell of bangladeshis here :lol:
pakistan was established to house muslims of all type :-) not only for towelhead suicide bombers

who want to live in that shit hole KANGLADESH ?:rofl: 600.000 fish eaters smelling here in pakistan first take them away we are sick of smell of bangladeshis here :lol:
Still a safe place for school going children/girls :-)

They will take back their lands in Bihar and Bengalis in Pakistan will claim Bangistan in future with the help of MQM. Im certain of it.
I think Democratic republic of Baluchistan will be more friendly towards stranded Bangalis :sarcastic:
pakistan was established to house muslims of all type :-) not only for towelhead suicide bombers

Still a safe place for school going children/girls :-)

I think Democratic republic of Baluchistan will be more friendly towards stranded Bangalis :sarcastic:

Don't say towel heads because there are plenty of them in Bangladesh and has connotations with Islam...
vai tui ki amago man ijjot khuanor tale acosh,,,,,ai shob faltu post paish koi.....ar paileo ,,post das ka?????
There are no stranded Pakistanis! today even the 4th generation of migrants still call themselves migrants, we don't need more scums.
These guys are so shameless. I've never seen a group suck up to us Pakistanis more than religious Bengalis in the UK.:rofl:

Have some shame guys...

Don't compare zihadis of East London (or lower class Muhajir Bengalis in Karachi and Lahore) with the rest of the Bangladeshi population.

And the reason Bangladeshis tolerate you (not you personally but Pakistanis as a group) is because of our friendship with the majority of sensible Pakistanis worldwide we have met as a group.

Your boastful words here are thankfully not shared by the majority of Pakistanis that I am friends with, pray Taraweeh with and patronize the businesses of (Pakistani grocery stores and boutiques).

I will list a bunch of things here that puzzle me.

1. Why does a senior Pakistani poster like @Imran Khan bhaisaab call us 'Kangladeshi' when there is no basis or reason to say this anymore? I know he said this to get some stress and frustration off his chest, but it speaks of the generally held prejudice in Pakistan against us. He should not be perpetuating it further. 1971 was 40 years ago. Let it go - jaaney do.

2. Do we deserve this name because Bangladesh is a much poorer country than Pakistan? Not really...not anymore.

3. Is it because Bangladesh' social, health and HR indicators (even with a GDP half that of India) is worse than that of Pakistan? This is not the case, our society is not 'bhookhey nangey' anymore (and healthier to boot), compared to the rest of the subcontinent including India (and definitely Pakistan). All this is borne out not by my BS but UN data.

4. So if the above are not true then the only reason these prejudices in even educated Pakistani minds persist is because of immaturity and misinformation. At the end of the day - if Pakistan had a real friend it would be Bangladesh (yes even secular Bangladeshis like myself). As a country - Pakistan will get further and further divided if these prejudices persist.

5. We extend our hands of friendship to you (and speak to you in your language Urdu) even after forgetting the painful history of years back - and in return you give us jeers, name calling and gali. We really don't deserve this. Neither does our East-Londoni Bhais (even if they are misguided).

If you are a real Pakistani - Bhai yeh aaplog to sahih nahi ki.
Don't compare zihadis of East London (or lower class Muhajir Bengalis in Karachi and Lahore) with the rest of the Bangladeshi population.

And the reason Bangladeshis tolerate you (not you personally but Pakistanis as a group) is because of our friendship with the majority of sensible Pakistanis worldwide we have met as a group.

Your boastful words here are thankfully not shared by the majority of Pakistanis that I am friends with, pray Taraweeh with and patronize the businesses of (Pakistani grocery stores and boutiques).

I will list a bunch of things here that puzzle me.

1. Why does a senior Pakistani poster like @Imran Khan bhaisaab call us 'Kangladeshi' when there is no basis or reason to say this anymore? I know he said this to get some stress and frustration off his chest, but it speaks of the generally held prejudice in Pakistan against us. He should not be perpetuating it further. 1971 was 40 years ago. Let it go - jaaney do.

2. Do we deserve this name because Bangladesh is a much poorer country than Pakistan? Not really...not anymore.

3. Is it because Bangladesh' social, health and HR indicators (even with a GDP half that of India) is worse than that of Pakistan? This is not the case, our society is not 'bhookhey nangey' anymore (and healthier to boot), compared to the rest of the subcontinent including India (and definitely Pakistan). All this is borne out not by my BS but UN data.

4. So if the above are not true then the only reason these prejudices in even educated Pakistani minds persist is because of immaturity and misinformation. At the end of the day - if Pakistan had a real friend it would be Bangladesh (yes even secular Bangladeshis like myself). As a country - Pakistan will get further and further divided if these prejudices persist.

5. We extend our hands of friendship to you (and speak to you in your language Urdu) even after forgetting the painful history of years back - and in return you give us jeers, name calling and gali. We really don't deserve this. Neither does our East-Londoni Bhais (even if they are misguided).

If you are a real Pakistani - Bhai yeh aaplog to sahih nahi ki.

Clawz is some fake Hindutva troll. Needs to be permanently banned.
Look at all his posts, all troll posts.

Imran Khan has a prejudice against Bangladesh because he is old and probably witnessed the 1971 fiasco...

Most Pakistanis don't consider Bangladesh as enemy, friendly nations more like.
Yeah :-) what I wrote is wrong but what he wrote was symphony of orchestra :sarcastic:

There is no BUT if you're a Muslim. If you're going to let some nationalist rattle you then my brother don't come here. PDF doesn't represent MAJORITY of Pakistanis. Infact alot of their views are so alien that I sometimes question who they are.

Bangaldeshis are our Muslim brothers and sisters. A time will come when we will have a true Muslim leader here and we'll resolve whatever issues are between Muslims in accordance to Allah law.

I don't know who these Biharis are but if they want to come to Pakistan, then our government should make arrangements to do so.
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