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Should PN go for,Chinese Type 056 Corvettes ?

These Corvettes could be a welcome addition to the naval fleet.We should station Harbin Z-9EC ASW helicopters on them.That could easily be our ideal weapon against IN subs.
First of all, for a person like me, can someone please explain the different types of warships?

What is a frigate? What is a corvette? :)

Frigates are around 3000-5500 tonnes surface warships that are mainly used either for Anti Submarine warfare (ASW) role or Guided missile role or they can also be used as a multirole warship (ASW & Guided missile) role, like Krivak class frigates which India has bought from Russia specializes in ASW role whereas the P-17 ships which India has indegineously built are multi role frigates. The tonnage of Frigates vary on the role which they are specialized, like Krivak are around 4000 tonnes ships whereas P-17's are around 6000 tonnes.

+ Corvette on the other hand are smaller ships compared to Frigates (generally lesser than 2500 tonnes) they are armed lightly as compared to Frigates (this does not mean that they cannot be armed heavily if the navy wants, Dhanush which is a short range ballistic missiles are installed on Indian corvettes), they are usually equipped to operate in short ranges, that means between shallow waters & brown waters (some can even operate in blue waters).

+ Destroyers are larger warships in comparison to Frigates (generally > 6000 tonnes) which are used to escort even more larger ships (like ACs, LPD. cruisers etc) so that they can be saved from smaller but capable attackers, since they themselves doesn't have there own defence systems, like again in case of Indian Navy, Delhi class destroyers are used to escort INS Viraat (AC).
How much do they cost? maybe pakistan can think of milgem class corvette? 2,300 tonne .

Can carry 8 harpoon missile , 21 Ram missile , and torpedoes.

Milgem class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


According to a CNN Türk news report on September 27, 2008, the navies of Canada, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ukraine and a number of South American countries have expressed interest in acquiring MİLGEM class warships.[18] The Pakistan Navy shows interest in acquiring four MİLGEM class corvettes over a 10-year program, of which three to be manufactured in local shipyards.[citation needed] On the 6th of April 2011, Indonesia and Turkey signed cooperation agreement on defense industry including the construction of two MİLGEM class corvettes for the Indonesian Navy.[19]
Good for BDs and others but PN is now focusing on their own program of F-22Ps which is headed towards block-IIs and hopefully we are able to produce 7 of such ships till 2020 starting this year or next. And Chinese Corvettes is and will be favorite of PN.

More over they would have the same number of AShMs as F-22Ps and we can have some more and different types of weapons on them.
Yes it will be better for our Navy as it can take the role of protecting the waters in our territory and F-22Ps will take charge beyond that. As its a multi mission one so can take care better.

I hope PN planning and procurement division is undertaking much more indepth analysis of it's requirements than the conclusion reached by you above. what use are a whole bunch of surface ships without adequate air cover? What are they protecting against? Why do we need a dozen of them? It will take at least a 10 years to procure the number you suggested. By that time they will be obsolete. Why not just buy 4 of them? Why no other option is better?
Its a 1500 ton multi mission Corvettes with a Z-9C ASW helicopter. If we are able to build in three blocks and five on each block then till 2022/2024 we would have atleast 15 Corvettes. More over 7 F-22Ps that we are planning to add that would have some newer weapons and sensors from Chinese side along with Babur Naval version from Pakistani side.

Buddy, I've seriously been wishing to ask you this question. Which random number generator, and shopping cart source, do you use for questions such as these:

Should PN go for 11-15 of Type 056 Corvettes from China?

I ask, as I need to know, how to create such engaging and useful threads for future. :pop:
Buddy, I've seriously been wishing to ask you this question. Which random number generator, and shopping cart source, do you use for questions such as these:

Should PN go for 11-15 of Type 056 Corvettes from China?

I ask, as I need to know, how to create such engaging and useful threads for future. :pop:

Sir, Although many of your post are with some sources that are credible enough to discuss. I am just suggesting these numbers according to some calculations that IN is planning in their region which is rivalry and we also not forget that they are not 7 times bigger but 14 times in numbers. So also have to do some power projection through numbers as well.
Frigate is larger than corvette. Corvette is smaller than a frigate but larger than a coastal patrol craft.
Destroyer is larger than both Frigate and Corvette. :enjoy:

In order from largest to smallest.

Cruiser > Destroyer > Frigates > Corvette

Size is a factor. However, from corvettes are larger than frigates and some frigates larger than destroyers. That is to say, it has to do also with role and capabilities. A cruiser can deal with a greater number of more potent threats at a greater distance with greater endurance than a corvette can. More systems > bigger.
Member wishlist on this forum is hilarious. It looks like its ain't not a defence forum rather an amusement park for 5 year old kids.
Forget about payment for awhile , tell me , doen PN need them? nishan-01 , on one thread you said pn should go for 21 f22p aswell as a huge number of corvettes not to mention the FACs we are getting- can you justify the need? why dont you think pn needs Type 054A frigate?What can be the most cost effective solution for PN? What would be the role of perry class frigates?

If you start a thread , you should take into account some parameters to give a template for the members to work on otherwise the threads become useless very quickly
There is some hope to salvage the thread , ive changed the title a bit


Soviet Riga-class frigates>Type 053 (2,400 tons)>Type 053H3 Jiangwei II) > F22p Zulfiquar-class (3,144 t)

Type 053H3 Jiangwei II (2,393)>Type 054 Jiangkai I (4,300)>Type 054A Jiangkai II (4,053 t)

Type 053H3 frigate>Type 056

Type 12M (2,560) >Type 12I (2,790) >Type 21 Tariq class (3,250 t) >Type 22 (4,400) >Type 23 (4,900t)

Garcia class (2,624)>Brooke class (3,426 t) >Knox class (4,260)>Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate (4,200) >Freedom class/Independence class littoral combat ship

Riga class (1,416t) >Krivak class (3,575) >Neustrashimyy class (4,400) >Admiral Gorshkov class frigate(4,500t)


*Destroyers with type prefix 051 use steam turbines and the ones with 052 use gas turbines.
Type 051>Type 052 >Type 051B >Type 051C>Type 052B >Type 052C (7,000 tons)

County class (6,200)>Type 82 (6,300)>Type 42 (4,350)>Type 45 destroyer (8,000)

Spruance class (8,040) >Arleigh Burke class (8,315 t) >Zumwalt-class destroyer

Kashin class (4,390t) >Sovremenny class (7,940)/Udaloy class>Project 21956 (9,000 t)

''>'' means proceeded by or upgraded upon-- I hope I got the sequence right

yes Sir we need to forget about the money issue for a while and even with money issue still we need to have 24 Frigates for our defence and around Submarines other wise we are doomed and PN needs to do it as soon as possible
I think four of these would be great for patrolling Sir Creek areas and Gwadar to deal with anti-piracy missions.

Frigates should be more utilized to expand naval projection along with Submarines.

PN seriously lacks surface combatants.........Type 21s are joke. They were taken out by Argentine A4s in 1982.......this is 2012.......30 years....WTF!
First of all, for a person like me, can someone please explain the different types of warships?

What is a frigate? What is a corvette? :)

Read this, page 7: http://www.forecastinternational.com/samples/F670_CompleteSample.pdf
Then, read this: AMI International - Definitions of Vessel Types
Relevant excerpt:
Frigates (FF or FFG)

A frigate is a medium-sized surface combatant (between 2,000 and 5,000 tons) that is either suited for one specific role (anti-submarine warfare or anti-air warfare), or has lesser all-around capabilities than a destroyer. A frigate may be less capable than a destroyer, but is still a relatively sophisticated and expensive (averaging around US$325 million apiece) platform. A frigate is generally the smallest surface combatant that can conduct extended blue-water missions in a high-threat environment.

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Corvettes (FS)

Corvettes are fast (around 25 knots or better), well-armed ships that displace between 700 and 2000 tons. A corvette is generally not intended for extended ocean-going operations, and is best suited for regional operations. Corvettes are generally the smallest platforms capable of accommodating the sensors, weapons, and combat systems needed to operate in a medium threat environment. Corvettes are sometimes referred to as light frigates (FFLs). It can be assumed that the hull design for a corvette and that of an offshore patrol vessel are very similar. The differences will be in propulsion and outfitting. Corvettes will have higher speed and therefore less endurance and range than OPV, much greater armament, and less space for provisions and habitability.
These Type 056 Corvettes without sea to air defensive system like FM-90N SAM launcher are sitting ducks. F-22P has sea to air defensive system FM-90N SAM launcher but frankly to say for Frigarte of such a class this system does'nt selected on merit or keeping in view the needs of Pak Navy and modern technological advancements; without a good medium range sea to air defensive system F-22P are useless without argumentation for which role they going to be use defensive and offensive, while they have to remain in open see 24 hours a day, fighter jets cannot provide cover round the clock and their main role is to controle and defend pakistan's sea supply root all this cannot be done without a good air defence Sea to air missle system.
Why always want to put all your eggs in one bag ? after F-22 you are getting F-54 class frigate which would provide a area defence for your fleet if i am not wrong . now better is to go for milgem corvette for your corvette requirement and after that TF-2000 AAW frigate as a AAW destroyer when that will be available.
Pakistan Navy should go for anything that is advance & will benefit Pak Navy in every possible way. Pakistan Navy should increase it's fleets both advance ships & advance subs, China is the only best option for Pakistan & Pakistan needs to stick with China.

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