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Should Pakistan sign an early deal for the Type-55 Destroyer ?

Should Pakistan begin negotiations for Chinese Destroyers ?

  • Yes! After 2020 off course

    Votes: 101 77.7%
  • No! You're out of your mind

    Votes: 29 22.3%

  • Total voters
India navy don't have any similar weapon system come close to Type 055DDG, it's a true monster. Pakistan shall go for several 054A and then consider 052D. Type 054A had helped to evacuate 200 Pakistani civilians from Yemen yesterday, I say a great performance to let Pakistani feel brother love.

Are you sure about that ?
Because the succeeding project of Kolkata class , P 15B Banglore class has double the capacity of the present Kolkata class.
Are you sure about that ?
Because the succeeding project of Kolkata class , P 15B Banglore class has double the capacity of the present Kolkata class.
P15b is still on paper, while 055 had started building at the end I last year. 055 has full displacement of 12000 tons with 128 general VLS units, P15b is fa r far far away.
P15b is still on paper, while 055 had started building at the end I last year. 055 has full displacement of 12000 tons with 128 general VLS units, P15b is fa r far far away.

Paper ????
The system is already under developement and will commission after the completetion of Kolkata class.
Above 8000 + is not that far away , especially the number is around 4 P 15B.
With brahmos 2 hypersonic VLS and Barak 8ER
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The Chinese navy has started construction
on a chinese missle destroyer. The ship it self has a displacement of over 12000 tons .The destroyer is still in its peliminary stages pakistan should negotiate a deal in which by the beggining of 2020 pakistan should recieving these destroyers as the old british or also known as tariq class frigates will be worn out. The possibilities are endless if the navy is going for 4 new f22p or f23 p frigates and 8 new or used submarine pakistan should also pitch in on 1 or 2 destroyers.
Displacement of 12000 tons. PN will not need nor will be able to afford it . We did not accept the 9000tons US granted ship as it was unaffordable and Karachi port could not handle so much tonnage. Now people want a 12000 ton displacement ship.

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By the year 2020 the current arms race would see massive increase in weapon systems in our neighborhood.

As we would need a couple ofvsqdrns of hesvy aircraft, so would we need heavy frigates as well in the class of 8000 tons and above.

By that time gwadar would be an extremely important hub for china and pakistan.

The current and future purchase of pak military are for the maintenance of status quo, but there will come a time that it will have to have weapon systems to look at your face type.

As thesesn8 subsvandvHQ9 Become a reality, future procurements with a better economy would be of substantial measures.
Displacement of 12000 tons. PN will not need nor will be able to afford it .

Seems like somebody shoved something long up his arse to tickle his brain. Its a brain fart nothing else.We could not take the US ship with 9000 tons displacement due to cost consideration and also the Karachi port is not geared for such large ships. But hey its only someone wet dream. Let them dream on. He possibly has Rockstar 08 following him and they are both smoking the same shit possibly together. So I am out of here.
Might I ask who exactly you are reffering to?
PN's biggest problem is block obsolescence of it's current fleet, let alone expansion. It needs to replace the 6 ex-UK and single ex0US ships. The only logical step is 6-8 ships of a development of the F22P e.g. C28A based. The rest is ... dreams. Likewise as far as the subs are concerned, although the sub situation is actally less pressing. Seabased nuclear deterrent - if any - wiull consist of SSK launched nuclear tipped cruise missiles, not SSNs or SSBNs. Even renewing the current fleet will be a challenge financially.
China has planned to build at least 30 Type 055 DDGs for its own PLAN.

So with KSA's fund, I can see that Pakistan getting several units after 2020.

P15b is still on paper, while 055 had started building at the end I last year. 055 has full displacement of 12000 tons with 128 general VLS units, P15b is fa r far far away.

12000 tons is the actually the standard displacement, and the full displacement is actually quite close to that of the DDG-1000.
the heaviest ship in the PN should be no more than 5000 tons; something in the Type054A or Type 23 Duke Class Frigates, modernized to do ASW, AAW and ASuW

2-3 Type 55 Destroyers would cost alot to buy, own, and operate
with the same money, 6-8 of the frigates I mentioned and maybe another dozen or so Azmat class FAC would be a lot scarier in real world terms to the IN, because its more targets to detect and engage, and more more platforms that can manuever and fire upon their units

the PN is NOT a Blue Water Navy, it should first have naval superiority in its own territorial waters

Pride can Kill, these big ships are outside of the PN's Mission Requirements

what would be smart would be to take the best features from the latest Chinese destroyers and put them on to the F-22P frigate and call it the F-23P Frigate and build in numbers
the heaviest ship in the PN should be no more than 5000 tons; something in the Type054A or Type 23 Duke Class Frigates, modernized to do ASW, AAW and ASuW

2-3 Type 55 Destroyers would cost alot to buy, own, and operate
with the same money, 6-8 of the frigates I mentioned and maybe another dozen or so Azmat class FAC would be a lot scarier in real world terms to the IN, because its more targets to detect and engage, and more more platforms that can manuever and fire upon their units

the PN is NOT a Blue Water Navy, it should first have naval superiority in its own territorial waters

Pride can Kill, these big ships are outside of the PN's Mission Requirements

what would be smart would be to take the best features from the latest Chinese destroyers and put them on to the F-22P frigate and call it the F-23P Frigate and build in numbers

How can an 18 year old like you can talk with such certainty!
Or full of air and talking smart.

Todays generation is actually least knowledgeable about strategic issues. Their information is basically paste and post.

Instead of ad hominem attacks, attack my arguments

Perhaps most people of "our" generation are not as knowledgeable, due to apathy, or maybe they are disinterest in the developments in their or their parents homeland's militaries, when they rather spending their time studying something in college, and only view forums such as these virtual communities to discuss one of many interests in their lives.

1. Nothing of what I wrote was cut and paste, but my own opinions, you may disagree with them, and i would enjoy discussing why you think my ideas are not the best options for the PN
2. Pakistan is a nation state with borders and a primary adversary, it would be wiser to prepare against that threat.
3. The military's role is to defend the nation state, allowing its people and its government to build up the society they wish to live in.

Not buying a large destroyer (that can be more easily targeted by the enemy then 3 smaller ships) and putting it in Karachi harbor, to show off

a large destroyer as expensive as the type 55 (to buy and operate) could mean maybe 100 less hospitals in the nation
respect the hard working people of Pakistan, don't take more than is absolutely necessary to defend what little they have, which they want to use to have the best life possible they can have

4. on a personal note, I am not 18, although some days I wish I was. I am a 29 year old Pakistani-American Doctor. who cares for my nation of origin as well as my adopted homeland. I joined this forum in December 2014 and have only posted approximately 30 times in 4 months. I spend my days taking care of my patients or spending time with my family, and during my breaks or at the end of the day, I may visit this forum and make some comments, after considerable thought on this issues discussed. I have been to fleet week (where you go on board US and foreign navy ships; I visited the PN ship Tipu Sultan in 2005) for over 10 years, and have visited countless museums, conversed with veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

5. Pakistan is not China, and we don't have the exact same needs. The Pakistani Navy force structure should reflect the needs of Pakistan. I have never been part of any military, so my opinions are extrapolations from my experiences with the people I've met, and the literature/documentaries/ and other media i have seen. Defense acquisitions are not a game and War is a horrible horrible thing, ask any veteran who knows what real combat is and you will have a better understanding of what counts when the bullets are flying.
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It was from your name that i got the idea of your age group----guess what happens when you assume.

With the Gwadar port in operation, the current inventory of weapons is not enough. The navy would need heavier and potent strike and sea lanes denial force.

the first priority would be a naval air wing----a completely dedicated naval air superiority and strike force, next are the submarine fleet, the next are the light midvsize to heavy frigstes and heavy guided misile destroyer.

The navy structure will reflect th power projection that pakistsn needs and wants to display in response to what is facing, for that it will have to take a pro active stance.

Just like the navy needs 2 sqdrns of heavy aircraft, it will desperately need a minimum of 2 type 55s.

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