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Should pakistan sell weapons to HAMAS-FATAH

"GLOBAL CIRCLES"...you mean the west and its allies.

If the israelis can arm our enemies we can do the same.
Israel is not exactly arming a terrorist organization.Israel deals with Indian Government not with Indian Terrorists.Pakistan will commit suicide by arming Hamas (which is not even logistically possible).Hamas is no angel and they are nothing less then a terrorist organization.I may not support Israel but Hamas is not good either.
Israel is not exactly arming a terrorist organization.Israel deals with Indian Government not with Indian Terrorists..

If its the terrorist label your worried about you ,would have a problem with pakistan supplying FATAH?
Add another 1 to the total of Indian idiots/trash talkers t0o the forum.
Let me see,you're saying that it is ok if Israel helps you and not ok when we help Hamas we want Israel to be preocupied with Hamas while we deal with you and the Muslim brother thing is true but mostly it's an excuse although we strongly beleive int.

Do you yourself understand the gravity of your statement - Islam should stand up against Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism? You are talking about clash of civilizations.

Everything is governed by Geopolotics & conflicting interests of concerned countries. Religion has little if not nothing to do with it. And let me tell you, Islamic/Arab brotherhood is a big hogwash. Your biggest ally was US before. It wasn't Islamic. Your closest ally is China now. It is not Islamic either. And muslim countries like Iraq & Iran have a long history of scre*ing each other.

So wake up. DOn't mix religion with whatever is going on. Play smarter Geo-political moves. That is your key to come out of the mess. By bringing religion in, you risk to inflict great harm to your country & religion.
"GLOBAL CIRCLES"...you mean the west and its allies.

If the israelis can arm our enemies we can do the same.

So who else belong to the first world?

Arm Syria...why are you going and arming Hamas and Hezbollah?

The west right now has the say allover the world. Its alies have both money and power. And they are the guys who are giving you the aid money.
i havnt read the previous posts so i am only responding to the caption of this thread - NO we should not - they are a organisation and not a country - they may be muslims but that is no criteria to sell arms to them.
So who else belong to the first world? .

Who said anything about the first world?.......world opinion and western opinion are two separate things.

Arm Syria...why are you going and arming Hamas and Hezbollah?.

Arm all muslim countries...thats my advice.

The west right now has the say allover the world. Its alies have both money and power. And they are the guys who are giving you the aid money.

Aid is something you get for free......pakistan is getting loans not handouts.
When any other country takes a loan i dont see people calling it aid.
i havnt read the previous posts so i am only responding to the caption of this thread - NO we should not - they are a organisation and not a country - they may be muslims but that is no criteria to sell arms to them.

Have you got a problem with pakistan selling weapons to the Palestinian govt?
Which Muslim countries? The ones that are f i l t h y rich and haven't been able to produce a tiny needle? You mean the ones that are unable to help their needy Palestinian Arab brethren or even themselves for that matter? Despite all difficulties and sanctions Pakistan today is a strong nuke power. Pakistan has achieved the unthinkable. These so-called Muslim countries are in no position to provide help to Pakistan. Pakistan has enough strength and capability to help itself. You don't worry about that one bit.

and that my brother is the exact reason that Pakistan should act like a true role model and mentor to these countries.. I really count on Pakistan to be one of the leaders of the muslim world. Regarding any war God forbid, Pakistan might see itself in, even though the arab countries, appointed by the US, won't help, the people will... You see we stopped counting on those dogs a long time ago... they are put there for one thing, to keep the arab & muslim world divided and backwards while serving the interests of imperialists and zionists. But soon inshallah things will change....
Pakistan's Image? Its already down the gutter. It wouldn't hurt us to help a DYING race under a Genocidal regime.[/QUOTE]

very true, we should support them but secretly. we are expert in secret deal in our country example cash in a shoe box, mathi ka dubba. so why not if only there is much left after our locals gets their cut......
Thats absurd - its like arguign that because Muhammed (PBUH) was able to take on a much larger army in his day, we shoudl be able to do the same now.

Theoretically it is possible, but not unless you have some sort of technological parity with the opponent. Back in those days, every one fought with pretty basic weapons (Swords, spears, bows and arrows) so there was no great technological difference between any two sides.

Now, some fools (not you necessarily) think that Muslims should be able to repeat that fantastic victory anywhere we want, even if the Muslims are fighting smart bombs, Apaches and Strykers with Ak-47's and RPG's.

Pakistani pilots were successful against the Israelis because the equipment used was relatively comparable on both sides. That is obviously not the case now, were Pakistan to directly take on Israel.

to take on anyone pakistan needs the three things according to quaid azam we needed unity, faith, discipline in building Pakistan a great nation.

unfortunatly we have none.

There is no unity among people. there is always some issue going on if there is no political confrontation or fighting in the society then there is religious dramas happening. there is always unrest in the country. Ther is no harmony among people, as far as i see everyone is just ready to kill and fight with each other and take his belongings. No law and order what so ever.

Faith is like a word a myth in our country, there is a mosque on every corner of the road, and people are fighting on who is going to run or lead the mosque. If only the mulla could, there would be mosques in a line just like shops in shopping centre every where. we talk about islam but i guess real islam is just stuck in a limbo somewhere, There is only a fraction of real Allah fearing muslims in pakistan and iam not talking about the mulla as they are the worse kind. everything that we pakistani are doing is against islam. some think its ok to take bribes as everyone takes it. its common but they will only take bribes after they have said their prayers and that goes with drinking and adultary etc etc. then there is the upper class that does everything openly but ofcourse the others are pissed off as they are not usually invited.... so faith is deeply exercised by a very few out of the 180 million so called muslims excluding the minority.


Well if there was discipline, we could see pakistan level would have raisen from a third country to 1, 1/2 world. No discipline in any aspect or walk of life infact we are going much much lower then evolving. We are going back to cave man time. Govt , civil, any where you look, everyone is there to snatch that 1 rupee that is in your hand. Not because of recession, and no jobs, but lack of education,lack of proper law and order where no one is spared from an politican to army officer to wadaras to govt officals. Ther is no proper management of human resources, but there is mis management in every organisation except the multi nationals, armforces, excessive corruption from civil and semi govt and govt level wrong placements of individuals in all level of govt positions. One positon of an ASI goes for 5 lack rupees iam sure you can imagine what happens on the top levels and other govt positions.

Until all these things are not addressed iam sorry the majority will suffer and Pakistan will take along time to recover... so far i dont think it can recover until things are changed on the upper level.
Pakistan cannot be managed by a civilian govt. It can only run properly by a honest, patriot military govt.

To solve this problem i can only suggest that the military should start its own political party run by retired officers to counter attack the democratic aspect that always de stabilizes Pakistan by current and past political parties who have and are eating this country like a termite:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::sniper:.
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Yes this is all we need selling wepons to hamas will really make good name for us in the world . We are figting a war againt terrorist we just don't need anymore headaches plus it would trigger something else between Pakistan & israel which won't be pretty at all so overall no a very bad IDEA.
just a quick note we should sell some weapons to india, as their hardware is not up to standards since they are alway crying( we dont have enough or better equipments) i was thinking that PAF could help india with the 126 fighter deal it is looking for, may be few jf17 etc etc etc
If it was any other country i wud have said no, but what Israel is doing at the moment and the whole world is ignoring them, i think Pakistan shud go forward with that, and hamas sud teach them a lesson
Pakistan sell wepond lol....
1)pakistan dont have food
2)you will lose usa support that you need
3)israel will do the same to pakistan,they will sell wepond to pakistan enemys

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