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Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

Should Pakistan recognize and establish better ties with Israel?

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i think every one has own think on this issue.its good we have healthy debate on this.guys give me some benefits of not recognize Israel .not from emotional Islamic view but solid benefits.

One most compelling reason is the try bro jenab Musfasraf,And israelis gave him cold shoulder, what a bummer.

it looks u cannot talk to these guys by rational, they are too good for Muslim, they choose or loose their friends by their own standard and not by thre rule of this world.

An article worth reasding as it tells the truth, read and see for yourself.
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Dont know about their book; but our book says the jews cannot be our friends :bounce:
Respect for a human; yes; but respect for a land-grabbing murdering jew; never...

Palestinan Cause in 2 Mins[/url]

Wake up man dozens of muslim nations have relations with israel not everything has to be about religion monarchy is also against islam how about cutting relations with saudi arabia and morrocco then ? Well if u wanna talk islam then guess who helped to destory the last caliphate when they sided with the british and waged war against the ottoman empire .I'll give you a hint the same people pakistan is so worried about upsetting when we talk about establishing relations with israel :hitwall:.
Anyway don't need to be israel's best friends or even buy anything from them just recognize their right to exist .
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Well every1 naturally keeps talking about Pakistan. but lets talk about Israel... why do they care if we recognize them or not? what benefits they stand to gain from it, we are not Iran and we don't share a border with them either.

"We might be an arms customer"- well it is true that they have state of the art weapons but we will not be offered those, and how does downgraded Israeli weapons compare to downgraded European and Chinese i don't know. so how much potential sales/proffit they will be able to make?

Israel is worried about our nuclear weapons but recognizing them doesn't change the fact that we have nuclear weapons.

We do not support or supply Hezbollah or any such thing that will stop from our acceptance of Israel.

So my questions is why would Israel care what we think of them?

And on the "pakistan was also created argument", well once I said that to someone and they said pakistan was made for Muslims of India who had been there for centuries, where in the case of Israel local Muslims were kicked out and Jews from all over the world were brought there.
However if we think that way then USA was the land of Red Indians and Australia was the land of Aboriginal people and so on which was taken by the British. however we cant keep talking like that. Although its important not to forget the past its also important to think about future and build your own interests accordingly.

My opinion on the matter of recognizing Israel--- well if our government made a wise decision by evaluating what we stand to gain or lose using wisdom and intellect and having grand vision, then i would respect the current decision but if its just based on ignorance and hatred then that's not a clever way to make foreign policy. :coffee:
I'm sick of all this brotherly nonsense what muslim ummah has ever done for pakistan ? did they say same thing when it came to pak's enemies ? you are contradicting yourself you talk about hating israel on the basis of one muslim ummah yet how can there even be one ummah when there many muslim countries that have relations with israel ?

I am not contradicting anything when I talk about one musilm ummah. If its not existing, my desire is all on the basis of what my GOD & HOLY PROPHET (p.b.u.h) expects. You are sick not because of the 'brotherly nonsense' , its just an outcome of your own human weaknesses & fears
Does any one actually believe that by offering a friendship to Israel Today is going to change the Israeli Indian Nexus.

Israeli military supplies to india are worth over $10 billion they extend into everything you can think of.

Spy Satalites
Phalcon Awacs
Su30mki electronics Jammers
Elta Radars for Tejas
Ground based radars Green Pine. Aerostat..
Pope eye Turbo criuse missles
Python WVR missles
Barak SAM system for Navy

Their hundreds of projects on the drawing board.

Israeli Mossad & Raw work very closely and in 2001 in the Indo Pak stand off Israeli technicians stayed to operate the Green pine radar stations wen al other nations where evacuating their people.

In Kargil it was Israel that resupplied Indian Artillary regiments first not the Russians.
jEWISH LOBBY as helped create a very strong indian Lobby in Washington. in recent years promoting india as a powerful ally of the future for the western world.

This is a very deep relationship forged since the 1980s that became public in the last 10 years.
Wake up man dozens of muslim nations have relations with israel not everything has to be about religion monarchy is also against islam how about cutting relations with saudi arabia and morrocco then ?

The dozens of muslim nations have relations with israels because they want to undermine Iran's influence in the region.

You can see the rifts between them recently on the naming of the Persian Gulf; where the UAE is pressing hard to change its name to Arabian Gulf. Saudi Arabia doesnt want Iran to influence the region because it conflicts with their ideology (Shiism vs Wahhabism)

The relations these countries have with Israel is directly a result of american dictation and investment in the respective countries. Why do you think america is giving UAE civil nuclear technology? UAE has all the oil it needs to run the country for the next century; trust me its not because they want to suddenly go green for the sake of the environment; they've been disrupting the ecology by making so many parks which use endless amounts of water everyday. People living there have the largest carbon footprint in the world.
Does any one actually believe that by offering a friendship to Israel Today is going to change the Israeli Indian Nexus.

Israeli military supplies to india are worth over $10 billion they extend into everything you can think of.

Spy Satalites
Phalcon Awacs
Su30mki electronics Jammers
Elta Radars for Tejas
Ground based radars Green Pine. Aerostat..
Pope eye Turbo criuse missles
Python WVR missles
Barak SAM system for Navy

Their hundreds of projects on the drawing board.

Israeli Mossad & Raw work very closely and in 2001 in the Indo Pak stand off Israeli technicians stayed to operate the Green pine radar stations wen al other nations where evacuating their people.

In Kargil it was Israel that resupplied Indian Artillary regiments first not the Russians.
jEWISH LOBBY as helped create a very strong indian Lobby in Washington. in recent years promoting india as a powerful ally of the future for the western world.

This is a very deep relationship forged since the 1980s that became public in the last 10 years.

Its naive to think that israel will treat us as friends if we accept their state. Haven't we got enough of america's friendship "higher than himalayas" crap? Now we want to sleep with the devil itself!!! :cheesy:
Does Israel even care about recognition from pakistan.

Many muslim country and western world recognise them. They have enough close friend they want in every part of the world.

Israel actually cares about recognition from Pakistan.

Hanukkah would come early for Israel if they manage to build an embassy inside Pakistan.
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