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Should Pakistan Go for EMP burst Devices and Jamming technologies?

Again you are missing the whole point..EMP is not about direct transfer of energy..Its an induction of current via electromagnetic energy....why do you think your radio crackles in a lightening storm?
The thunderbolt didn't hit you,but still the radio makes funny noises?
I gave the example of crackle in radio,because you were on about jumping sparks in air..which is conduction and that needs far more energy than induction..Thats not what EMP is meant to do..The example of crackling in radio was an example of induced and not conducted energy.
Correct...Induction is how an EMP weapon intends to destroy or damage unshielded conductor and eventually electronic components. Lightning create interference in a freq which we later translate that interference into 'distortion' in a radio receiver. The radio's antenna is the inductor but if there are gaps in the radio container, unshielded components will become inductors as well.
Correct...Induction is how an EMP weapon intends to destroy or damage unshielded conductor and eventually electronic components. Lightning create interference in a freq which we later translate that interference into 'distortion' in a radio receiver. The radio's antenna is the inductor but if there are gaps in the radio container, unshielded components will become inductors as well.

Gambit !

Clouds and the resulting thunder are caused by millions of volts of charge,

That immense amount of power induces enough "noise" in the radio reception, where we have an actual ferrite responsible for it.
(Solid state).
Here are the question,

In more than a hundered year history of Radio,
have you ever seen a set which was ever toasted because it was used in a storm ?

When you will be reading this post, and suppose there was thunder outside, how much of an impact does that have on your PC's motherboard ?

I can tell you I have been pretty satisfied with my machine's performance in high storms.

Remember the satellite and solar radiation anology, no radiation on earth can match up to the toxic brew in space. If the satellites can survive, a lot of other stuff will too.
Gambit !

Clouds and the resulting thunder are caused by millions of volts of charge,

That immense amount of power induces enough "noise" in the radio reception, where we have an actual ferrite responsible for it.
(Solid state).
Here are the question,

In more than a hundered year history of Radio,
have you ever seen a set which was ever toasted because it was used in a storm ?

When you will be reading this post, and suppose there was thunder outside, how much of an impact does that have on your PC's motherboard ?

I can tell you I have been pretty satisfied with my machine's performance in high storms.

Remember the satellite and solar radiation anology, no radiation on earth can match up to the toxic brew in space. If the satellites can survive, a lot of other stuff will too.

Ok,agreed on most parts..How you explain the clickity clack noise from your PC or Hi-fi speakers when in close proximity of a mobile phone,when it's transmitting for any reason...such as when making a call or sending a text? Note that mobile phone is a very low power device. Same goes for your TFT or CRT screen..Place a mobile phone near it,and the screen will stutter.
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we should alwayz equip us with anything we can...for our enemies....I mean we should try our best in equipping us in anything useful for warfare and defending us against any kinda aggression...:pakistan:
Ok,agreed on most parts..How you explain the clickity clack noise from your PC or Hi-fi speakers when in close proximity of a mobile phone,when it's transmitting for any reason...such as when making a call or sending a text? Note that mobile phone is a very low power device. Same goes for your TFT or CRT screen..Place a mobile phone near it,and the screen will stutter.

The concept to be understood here,
once you have made the call with your cell phone, the screen will stop to stutter, and your hifi will return to normal.

Do not confuse distortion ( although caused by induction) with cooking electrical circuits.

Also, observe how close the cell phone has to be to the actual device for this to happen.

Remember I told you radiation intensity varies inversely to the square of the distance.

to make a weapon as you are suggesting to wipe out electronics in the radius of say 500m, you need immense amount of energy.

Present materials and technology does not allow all that power to be packaged into a weapon that can be delivered with means X and Y.

Point in case, thunder and lightening & cosmic radiation.

If all that has not cooked any electronics , I am pretty sure these "EMP" wont.

Think of it this way, Teleportation is possible, but is Teleportation reality ?, NO !
Ok go on people ...i like physics behind weapons being discussed...But I don't know a thing about electronic so I just shut up ...& just observe
Just know what emp can do........

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Gambit !

Clouds and the resulting thunder are caused by millions of volts of charge,

That immense amount of power induces enough "noise" in the radio reception, where we have an actual ferrite responsible for it.
(Solid state).
Here are the question,

In more than a hundered year history of Radio,
have you ever seen a set which was ever toasted because it was used in a storm ?

When you will be reading this post, and suppose there was thunder outside, how much of an impact does that have on your PC's motherboard ?

I can tell you I have been pretty satisfied with my machine's performance in high storms.

Remember the satellite and solar radiation anology, no radiation on earth can match up to the toxic brew in space. If the satellites can survive, a lot of other stuff will too.
Google is your friend...

On taking a lightning strike and the EMP(Electro Magnetic*Pulse) http://frrl.wordpress.com
Further investigation showed that the lightning strike took out:

1. The network card in my computer
2. A Comcast cable set-top box
3. One digital television set
4. An Astron 35 amp power supply that was tuned on
5. An iPod dock with an iPod Touch charging

Things that didn’t care

1. A cheap clock radio
2. Other digital television sets
3. Everything else
Nothing you posted dispute the basic premise that in order for an EMP to be effective, it has to work via induction, of which proximity, shielding, and grounding are important. A non-nuclear EMP weapon's effective radius is at best several hundreds square meters and if the equipment inside said radius is sufficiently shielded and grounded, distortions will be the most of the attack. The best use for an EMP weapon will be against highly calibration and/or synchronization dependent systems like radar or over-the-air (OTA) data links. Those systems will not be damaged, assuming their hardwares are sufficiently shielded and grounded, but that their performance will be degraded for X period of time.
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About satellites being exposed to solar radiation,dont forget that we are constantly being shielded by the earth's Magnetosphere,which extends far out into space beyond any satellite's orbit..

Also dont forget the van Allen belt which protects us from sun's harmful effects.
Perhaps the most distant satellites are the geo stationary,which maintain their position on the equator above one exact spot on the earth.These satellites have an orbital altitude of 36,000 KM,while the earth's magnetosphere extends to 70,000 Km in the space on day side,diverting most of the harmful solar wind away from the satellites and planet earth.
Those who have been involved in sky wave communications,know very well that solar weather effects their SSB transmitter's range and quality..At times of intense solar activity,such as during sun spots,the ionosphere does not reflect the LF efficiently back to earth,and all the sky wave communications are effected...

So there you go,satellites are not immune to sun's effects,they are naturally protected.

The electromagnetic bursts from sun,are rarely powerful enough to have efects on earth,but the day a massive solar flare erupts directly towards earth,that day will be catastrophic for everybody and everything on earth.
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I think this highly is relevant here

Russian scientists have created a super-weapons that bring down the electronics

Russian scientists have created a device the size of a small suitcase that can instantly put out of action all the electronic components of weapons systems the enemy, told RIA Novosti in an interview with a member of the Council under the President of Russian Federation for Science and High Technology academician Vladimir Fortov.

- What principles form the basis for super-weapons?

"Currently, all systems are equipped with weapons radioelectronic components. If you have a powerful and compact source of radio emission - a powerful, in our opinion, this is one gigawatt (GW), the entire electronics of the enemy at a time can be inferred from the order. But there is in the arsenal, and device, switch off the electronic equipment for a short time - 20 minutes, for example, during a special operations ", - said the academician.

- What are the dimensions of the device?

We have created a device the size of a small briefcase and has a capacity of one GW. For comparison: GW of energy - these are two queues "DneproGES" or a Chernobyl reactor. There are developments on the sources of radiation, covering one kilometer away, there is - in the 200 meters ", - said Vladimir Fortov.

- The device works only on the electronics of the enemy?

Unfortunately, to be locally derived from the damaged equipment is not only the enemy, but all electronic devices civilians. But when the war has already begun - more important than victory.

- How long can work this miracle-weapon?

"Approximately one second - more is not required to fully bring out all the electronic components of the enemy, including radar, night vision, electronic sights, mobile communications, as well as receivers of satellite navigation GPS. At a distance, you can stop the tanks, shoot down the course fighter aircraft, disrupt radio-personnel mines ", - concluded academician.

All those USB drives everyone keeps everything on these days will also be in trouble.:toast_sign:

What I understand is that---if it effects a small area, which in turn may create chaos in that community---and that in turn create a bigger problem.

Once the services get overloaded, the system will begin to collapse and as it fails---it may lead to unrest in the populace---looting, plundering, break ins, fires and all those nasty things that come with the packages---that in itself will create a bigger loss and divert major resources from where they are needed the most.

Confusion at a smaller scale will have a multiplier effect---which will spread like the jungle fire and go out of control very fast.
there you go brothers! here is a little paper on making emp weapons!
Then Spend it on Infrustructures, Health + hopspital etc, maintainance, education, Food and help the flood Victims of Pakistan
rather than on weapons at the moment, because without these you can't build a better Pakistan.

THis is not to put any Pakistani down, but there are some things are more needed than others.

It is true but not the call of the hour, the call of the hour is to build up defences that will discourage any and all misadventures be they be from India or any other country far away! There would be no hospitals and no infrastructure if there is no Pakistan. We can only focus on these things exclusively when external threats are neutralized.
US military uses encoded GPS. And if necessary, we can deny GPS access locally. Except for US, of course.

I guess helicopter downed during OBL operation was result of an EM attack.. it was not a "Technical Fault"
these two devices are really good for stratigical attacks.......................................
NEver let these get in my hands
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